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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Crowell (murray) Wood, 64 years old, born on October 20, 1952, and passed away on June 29, 2017. We will remember him forever.
October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022
Happy birthday dad, it's been to long since we talked, life is crazy now a days so many things I know you'd be so disappointed in, people are crazy we actually had a pandemic shut down the world, that was some crazy years people going crazy over masks and shots then the government said we didn't need them anymore after condemning those who didn't want it. Anyway miss you so much love u lots.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Hey dad, it's been 5 years crazy! And it's been a crazy 5 years your other daughter's are doing ok Heidi is doing fantastic, charity has a bit going on, I don't know much we don't talk anymore. I'm doing ok moved back with my mom yha im surprised too who would have thought, life hasn't been the same without you I thought I'd be use to you not in my life but I guess before I always had the chance to see you or talk but now your gone and the last year we had together I felt we really got to know each other, I keep listening to your last voice mail and keep wishing I had of called you more and made an effort to see you more if only we would have known. I miss you so much some days and wish you were here to give me advice like you did. But life moves on and I'll just have to come here to talk to you when I can.
So happy Father's day miss you so much and I hope your looking down on us much love.
October 20, 2020
October 20, 2020
Happy Birthday Dad, how I wish I could say this to you in person, Celebrate with cake and Tim Hortons.
I miss you so much, there was so much left unsaid  until we meet again.
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
I've tried so many times to write you but I always end up crying so bad I can't type... you left a hole in me... you left us.....we never got to say good bye we never got to tell you just how much you ment to us... my whole life I fought to make you love me to except me I always wanted and craved i craved your love and exceptance and when I finally get it god takes you away he destroyed my life yet again... I'm so angry and hurt devastated and lost you were supposed to be there with me till we were old to watch your grandkids grow you were supposed to be at my house on weekends holidays and birthdays and now it's just an empty seat where you are supposed to be. 
I keep telling my self had I been a stronger person I would have done a better job protecting you making sure the doctors did right by you i hate myself for taking a back seat during everything where did my courage go where was my backbone ..... well I lost it the day I lost you ... i miss you so much ... i feel empty..... the hardest words I ever had to say and I'm so sick from them were "no keep him under so he feels no pain and stop the meds let him go peacefully as possible" my world ended after those words i died right with you.... I helped my father die and I have to carry that with me for the rest of my life....its taken me months to say those words.. I still can't say those words out loud it kills me inside... but I'm glad it was me I'm glad my sister's didn't have to say the words once I was a strong person but those words they killed who I was and Im glad they don't have bear this and I hope they know just how much I love them and i hope they can forgive me for stepping in and doing that.. I knew the weight it carried and I'd never want them to feel it...maybe I was just being selfish only they can decide but I hope they know just how much I love them and...
I hope your ok up there I hope you get to meet my rainbow babies I hope you and my gramps are getting along lol and I hope you see us and I hope you know just how much you are missed and how sorry I am...i love you dad and one day I will see you again and we can pick up where we left off forever your loving daughter. Xoxo
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
I cant beleive that your gone,you were such a good man,a strong man,a funny man,and a loving man. I am so glad that i got to know you, you welcomed me in your world and i got to know your amaizing family,what a great man you were and i am so glad i got the chance to know you. Rest in peace my dear friend!
July 15, 2017
July 15, 2017
It's been 15 days since you paralyzed's been a burning pain and I can barely sleep.....oh what I would give to hear your voice again or to even just hear you say "Hi honey"

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October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022
Happy birthday dad, it's been to long since we talked, life is crazy now a days so many things I know you'd be so disappointed in, people are crazy we actually had a pandemic shut down the world, that was some crazy years people going crazy over masks and shots then the government said we didn't need them anymore after condemning those who didn't want it. Anyway miss you so much love u lots.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Hey dad, it's been 5 years crazy! And it's been a crazy 5 years your other daughter's are doing ok Heidi is doing fantastic, charity has a bit going on, I don't know much we don't talk anymore. I'm doing ok moved back with my mom yha im surprised too who would have thought, life hasn't been the same without you I thought I'd be use to you not in my life but I guess before I always had the chance to see you or talk but now your gone and the last year we had together I felt we really got to know each other, I keep listening to your last voice mail and keep wishing I had of called you more and made an effort to see you more if only we would have known. I miss you so much some days and wish you were here to give me advice like you did. But life moves on and I'll just have to come here to talk to you when I can.
So happy Father's day miss you so much and I hope your looking down on us much love.
October 20, 2020
October 20, 2020
Happy Birthday Dad, how I wish I could say this to you in person, Celebrate with cake and Tim Hortons.
I miss you so much, there was so much left unsaid  until we meet again.
Recent stories
October 20, 2020
Happy 68th Birthday in Heaven Dad.
#forever64 #missyousomuch 
June 29, 2020
The most hardest day of my life 06•29•17... I miss you every damn day it's been 3 years without you Dad. The things I would do to have another conversation with you have no limit. I wish every day I could snap my fingers and for you to magically appear before my eyes. I’m mad at you. I’m mad because you left us way to early. You left without saying good-bye. You left and we’re all still here with a hole in our hearts if you could of said goodbye I know you would of. Today I want to pause to reflect upon my Dad he was the one that had shaped my character, molded my spirit and touched my heart. May the lighting of this candle be a reminder of the memories that we have shared, a representation of the everlasting impact you have made upon our lives. Forever and always Dad I love you xo #itsbeenthreeyearsalready #missyoueverydammday #nobodyknowsthepain #gonewithnowarning

Hard two years

June 29, 2019

its been two years.....two years of wanting to call you and tell you things, two years of amazing things that have happened and I can't tell you, no phone calls or visits no hugs or kisses.  We miss you dad we miss you every day, I know one day we will meet again and until then I'm glad your watching over us. Love you forever and always. Your loving daughter. 

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