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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Cymone Thompson, born on March 18, 2015, and passed away on July 3, 2015. We will remember her forever.
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
My Grandaughter would be 6 years old now , if 1 thing I could change , is her being here in this world

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March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
My Grandaughter would be 6 years old now , if 1 thing I could change , is her being here in this world
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Sugamoma memory

March 16, 2017

My sugarbabie baby and I often took pictures in the car and on the front porch we smiled in the mirror all the time she was a true diva. She and i shared lots of hugs and kisses during bottle time i loved to watch her sleep she would laugh and play with the angels. My baby created a baby and became a daddy when he saw her he knew he had to love honor and cherish his dunabug the rest of his life. 

Osha memories of baby Cymone

March 16, 2017

I remember the day she got here I felt like a new chapter had begun in my brothers life and I knew that this chapter would change his life forever. Her mom was still in the hospital bed eager to go home because she swore the hospital bed was hurting her back and her dad was over joyed and had a smile so spirted that a blind person could feel the love. At that time I think he realized that Omg I actually started a family. Then there she was being admired by all the people in the hospital room like a heaven beam came down and just shined purely on her. I now can understand why cause they saw some of what I saw which was hope....hope for a brighter day by her smile....hope to get laugher from her silliness....hope to love once more....hope to correct an attitude that had built it's way onto her dad. And I'll be a horse's shoe She did it. An infant who had not been there on earth for at least a day had changed so many lives right then and right there. She did when she came into this world and she did it flying oUT of this world on her angel wings. Although she will be missed she did what she had done when we first met her...she changed our lives...improved our lives..and blessed our lives with her presence.

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