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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Cynthia Duvaul, 63 years old, born on April 15, 1948, and passed away on September 13, 2011. We will remember her forever.
December 12, 2019
December 12, 2019
Hi Mom,I know its been a while since I last wrote to you,
And no I still haven't got my life in order yet,I'm so sorry I was such a fuck up over the years,
And I'm still fucking up, I can fix dam near anything but,I just can't seem to find the way to fix myself? I've truly have tried,but it's going to take a lot more than I' ve got to get me normal again,and to tell you the truth mom,I don't know if there's any thing left in me that's worth saving,don't get me wrong Im still trying to do right down here,but it's getting harder every day,
Ive disowned Allen for lying to me,when Dad died he told me there wasn't any ins, not a will,nothing,which turned out to be a big fat lie,then he said that there was ins,but that dad told him to give aunt betty share,which is another lie, he robed me plane and simple,and I've been fucked up every since and I don't know-how to stop?well I know how,but it don't seem to work for me?
I just keep hoping that this cancer will hurry up and kill me but just like everything else in my life,I have to wait? I sit here day after fucked up day thinking of all the shit I've done over the years,and wonder why I can't just end my own life?I really should,I wouldn't be missed by anyone really,right now I'm only a burden on society and friends and James,but after today I doubt we will ever talk again? so I'm truly alone,
I'm in a place where God hates me,and he is making me suffer for all the things I've done is the only thing I can figure out?man I'm glad I'm the only one that comes here,
Anyway Mom miss you and love you so much,
I'll write again soon,
Love your son
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
I'll up grade your memorial mom as soon as I get the money, I Love &miss you so much.

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December 12, 2019
December 12, 2019
Hi Mom,I know its been a while since I last wrote to you,
And no I still haven't got my life in order yet,I'm so sorry I was such a fuck up over the years,
And I'm still fucking up, I can fix dam near anything but,I just can't seem to find the way to fix myself? I've truly have tried,but it's going to take a lot more than I' ve got to get me normal again,and to tell you the truth mom,I don't know if there's any thing left in me that's worth saving,don't get me wrong Im still trying to do right down here,but it's getting harder every day,
Ive disowned Allen for lying to me,when Dad died he told me there wasn't any ins, not a will,nothing,which turned out to be a big fat lie,then he said that there was ins,but that dad told him to give aunt betty share,which is another lie, he robed me plane and simple,and I've been fucked up every since and I don't know-how to stop?well I know how,but it don't seem to work for me?
I just keep hoping that this cancer will hurry up and kill me but just like everything else in my life,I have to wait? I sit here day after fucked up day thinking of all the shit I've done over the years,and wonder why I can't just end my own life?I really should,I wouldn't be missed by anyone really,right now I'm only a burden on society and friends and James,but after today I doubt we will ever talk again? so I'm truly alone,
I'm in a place where God hates me,and he is making me suffer for all the things I've done is the only thing I can figure out?man I'm glad I'm the only one that comes here,
Anyway Mom miss you and love you so much,
I'll write again soon,
Love your son
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
I'll up grade your memorial mom as soon as I get the money, I Love &miss you so much.
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April 25, 2017

Mom you were the greatest you were always there for us and showed us unconditional love,I've missed so much over the years.

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