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Those Damn Pa-kes

September 22, 2020
For the most part, mom was easy come, easy go, she never let anything bother her ... except when it came to CHINESE RESTAURANTS.  For one thing, mom hated Chinese food.  So, if she was ever in a Chinese restaurant she was already in a bad mood.  And all hope was lost if the waitresses were rude, and of course, they inevitably were.

When I was 12 years old, mom reluctantly agreed to bring noodles to a potluck.  We went to a Chinese restaurant, who will remain nameless, and placed an order for 2 (TWO) trays of noodles.  Although mom didn't speak the language, she understood it well enough to know that the waitress yelled in Chinese "One order, put in two tray".  Mom didn't say anything, waiting to see how much they would charge her.  Of course, being Pa-ke, they charged her for 2 (TWO) orders ... SHE HAD A FIT.  All I remember is mom grabbing my hand, yelling at the waitress in broken Chinese (peppered with F*cK) and yanking me out of the place!  When we got back to the car, Dad asked "Where are the noodles?"  All mom kept saying was "Those damn Pa-kes!"  We ended up bringing pizza to the potluck.

 And, to this day, we don't patronize that place.  The lasting impressions of Mom :) 

Aries rule

September 21, 2020
Mom and I are both Aries, the best zodiac sign, a fact we never let anyone forget, because Aries are cocky that way.  This is what I loved about mom.  As mellow as she was, she sure could geev 'em when she wanted to.  I was on the receiving end of her special aloha one day on Koko Head Avenue.  As you get off the freeway and cross Harding Ave, two lanes merge into one.  It's always a mad dash to get in front of the idiots who didn't signal a left turn.  Idiots like me.  As the light turned green and I floored it, this gold Accord blew past me and jammed me up.  Ah-we!  A minute later I pulled up the driveway.  Mom was standing by her gold Accord, smiling her gigantic smile.  "Ha ha I got you!" she laughed.  Sigh.  Mom and I enjoyed a friendly competitiveness that can only be shared between two Aries.  I miss that.  I miss her.  I know she's geevin 'em in heaven.  

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