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Share a special moment from Cyrus's life.

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Here I am send me, with style.

April 30
     First memory: And HE says " SO, we've met some of you, but, WE'RE NEW HERE, in south city, so, YOU-ARE-ALL, invited for some GOOD FOOD, and Hos-pi-ta-li-ty! AND that means ALL-OF-YA'LL, Ok? SO DON'T BE SHY, just come on over, and YES, SHE CAN COOK! And-we're-ready-for-all-of-you. Let's hang, let's eat, let's get to know you, and you us, SO AS A CONGREGATION, we can get tite with all you south city folks.
Cause-this-is-HOW- we-do-it. Ok, alright see you all there! "

And his loving wife and family had the food prepared and
it was all hot and really good food made with love and um-um!
I think everybody came.

    Second memory:  sitting front row center. Late 80s Cyrus giving a talk for hillside or skyline " His eyes got so big and widely oppened, and I was attentive but my eyes were probably drooping as they did as they do,so as he was reading a judgment message from maybe Isaiah? He swings h8s eyes and looking right me, in the eyes, it was like they had garage door openers built in they popped wide it felt so close like his hungry eyes could take chomp, mine quickly opened very wide only then did his gaze turn away.  I've never felt such an intimate and powerful connection to a speaker, before or have one sense, but it was all part of the training.
Wow, Did he grab my attention!! And after he said, " Did I disturb you brother?" ??. "So,are you tired working late shift? Or are youjust a night owl watching tv perhaps? I had no excuse I just had lazy eye lids I suppose, no I said. " Well did you enjoy my talk? " Yes I replied, except when you looked me in the eyes and your eyes got so big.
 " well you opened your eyes, but it took a while. I just wanted to make sure you didn't nod off during my talk! And it's rude to snore during a meeting. Was I really asleep?  I THOUGHT I WAS AWAKE?
 " I think I was the only one who noticed, but you perked right up."
Since you like the dark ,wanna try some street work, do you do street work, and I'm not like the kind you might have tried here where you pick a nice spot and stand like a statue close your parked car in the sun smile at folks walking by!  A great opportunity has just opened up, so you can take it or someone else will. Would you like to join me and try some REAL-STREET-WORK!" I said I don't know, I've never tried it before. " Perfect! All the easier to teach you to do it right! Okay first, You need to strike while the Iron is hot! and the early bird gets the worm! So you go to sleep early as you can and set your alarm so you can be dressed in meeting clothes waiting outside for me at 4:30 am, can you do this? And it will be dark, and maybe cold so bring a warm coat picking you up be parked in the city and start at 5:00 sharp! Oh there is a catch, because what your going to learn is the best way known to anyone on doing real street work the right way, so this is a rare privilege for someone like you. young,strong new brother in the truth ! Okay, now the catch please don't be late, because I just can't be waiting around just to find if you even woke up! 
 You're not going to let me down are you now are you What do you like Rober5 or Bob? " Bob's fine or Robert my friends always called Bob. "Bob it is then cause I hope we'll be friends a good long time,"

    Thank you Jehovah,wow, what a privilege it was knowing this excellent man.
looking back on it knowing you trained a missionary and a missionary trained me, at least for a memorable short while praise you. And thanks for this excellent familly!

I really did enjoy it thanks to him, and he always made the training so fun I never noticed all he had done!

Jehovah's Gifts in Men

I love CandY
I thank Jehovah every night for our Elders, Overseers, Ministerial Servants around the world as well as their Wives that support them in the work that they do shepherding the congregations.  These gifts in men and their loving wives have definitely had a positive upbuilding lasting impact in my Spiritual journey along the road to Everlasting Life.  CandY were a great example of such a loving Sheparding team.  
I remember when I first became acquainted with the Peters family in Hayes Valley Congregation.  At the time I was working in the San Francisco downtown financial district.  I was not yet aware of his trucking business, but there was a lot of construction projects going on.  One morning, I was crossing the street on my way to work when this massive Peterbuilt-like blue truck pulled up to the intersection and blew the trucker's horn at me.  I was startled and puzzled by this blaring loud horn, the driver wearing this tall Western hat, looking like the guy in that "Super Fly" movie, yes, I panicked.  But when he smiled, I was so relieved to finally recognize that it was Brother Peters from our congregation. He probably got a good laugh at me that day.  I saw him a few times during his hauling runs in the area, so eventually he invited me to climb up and check out the "Flea Flicker" namely his blue truck.  I was so awed by its colossal size and what seemed 15 shifting gears.  My office building had a great cafeteria, so I was so delighted that a couple of times, Sister Yvonne came to join me for refreshments.  Wow, how encouraging.
It seemed as if Brother Cyrus and Yvonne's Dad, Brother Ted Johnson, were Twins.  Not in appearances, as Brother Cyrus was a tall thin man and Brother Ted was medium built and much shorter, but they both were identical in their "No Nonsense" approach when it came to spiritual matters and council.  At times, they could be very blunt "Ouch," did not bite their tongs, did not honey coat responses, they were very direct, straight up, without any chasers, however, you knew that their expressions came from a place of heartfelt, sincere love for Jehovah, love for the congregation, and loving concern for each of us as individual sheep. 
Hayes Valley had a large attendance.  At times, there was standing room only, yet Brother Peters noticed everyone, even commending and encouraging our children.  Occasionally, during the Ministry school, he would include commendations for our children when he noticed their efforts in the ministry.  At congregation outings, I recall him playing ball sports with the children, or funning around with them in the swimming pool. 
Brother Peters also was a great Watchtower conductor, but he made clear his expectations of the congregation, "This is NOT a Watchtower study!  This is a Bible study USING the Watchtower as an aid."  Sometimes, he would even announce how many scriptures was in the lesson, letting us know that he was looking for plenty of scriptures in our comments.  To this day, I practice examining all my scriptures in my lessons, plus I read 5 pages of the Bible daily.  His public discourses included memorable illustrations, such as, "Do you want your Shield of Faith the size of a Pot top, or large enough to protect the Entire Person from Satan's arrows?"  
I thank Jehovah for our Gifts in men.  I thank Jehovah for Brother Cyrus and Wife Yvonne for their lasting impact and guidance they've had in my life. I'm still on the road to Everlasting Life.
Sister REED, Debra Scales-Reed


Cyrus was such an ardent student of the Bible. That famous study Bible!!!!
When Rap first came out, Cyrus composed a Rap for the kingdom. He shared it with the young ones.  The young ones could see he was cool!!! And that was a blessing for those young ones!!!! We were sorry when you moved away from South San Francisco. I love your family. Love Lonnie Ob

Sending love and good thoughts!

April 27
Dear Peter’s and Briggs family, 

We are deeply sorry for your loss. Brother Peter’s will be greatly missed. We will always remember his kindness and love for young ones. The snow trips, movie days and jazz concerts, but most importantly, his encouragement for the young ones to advance spiritually. 
We also remember the way he conducted the watchtower studies. It was evident that he loved to study Jehovah’s words. 
He was a great asset to our congregation. It’s a big loss! 
But we hope you find comfort in the hope of seeing him soon in the new system. We will continue to pray that Jehovah gives you the strength to endure this loss. 


Fisseha family

Cyrus, The Director

April 27
Were you aware thatCyrus was a fine director too among the many roles he had serving Jehovah? This is when we had the “Kingdom Loyalty” District Convention in 1981 at the Cow Palace. The Convention Drama's title was: Jehovah  Rewards  His Loyal  Ones..
Cyrus was appointed by the branch to direct and assemble 'actors' to play King Saul (Eddie Ambler), David,(Wayne Charles), and I was privileged to play Abiathar, the future chief priests under David's reign. Of course, there were more friends from Hayes Valley and other congregations that Cyrus gathered to put on a good example of what true loyalty is. I appreciated how he strictly followed directions from the branch on when to rehearse which would be on Saturdays and after the weekend meeting on Sundays. With Cyrus' directorial debut, the Bible drama went very well and he wound up directed us not only for our convention but for two others. The brothers and sisters who attended loved it and we, all the 'actors',  had a ball. We owe much  thanks to Jehovah for using a fine brother like Cyrus who got the work done in theocratic fashion.


Brother Cyrus Peters began his missionary assignment in Liberia when I was 14 years old.  He worked hard on various projects, including Kingdom Hall construction work and later served as Circuit Overseer.  

The neighborhood  kids were instantly drawn to him and could not help but notice this towering figure with cowboy hat and boots, whom they affectionately  called "Jehovah Cowboy."  They followed him around as he went from door to door.   

Brother Peters officiated at my mother's wedding, and in later years, at my wedding.

Both Brother and Sister Peters never forgot old friends. An example was when we visited Sanfrancisco in 2018.  All we had to do was call.  The next day, both of them were at our hotel.  Brother Peters did not disappoint - .still wearing his iconic cowboy hat. How could we ever forget such display of loving kindness!  

May Jehovah remember Brother Cyrus Peters for good, and, may He continue to watch over Sister Yvonne Peters doing these difficult times.

April 26

When you awake you’ll find yourself

Never feeling alone.

Millions of miles of mountains and streams

in a place that you call home.

No need to sit in wheelchairs,

or stare at timeless clocks.

No need to save the strength you have,

Now that you can walk.

No signing here to make a point,

in a condition once so bleak.

Now your singing melodies

every time you speak ,

No hearing aids to help you recall,

The sounds of trickling streams.

Just listen and you’ll clearly hear,

the things that you’ve once dreamed.

Bear cubs playing with the children,

Birds that fly above.

Your child on a lions back,

True memories of love.

No more canes to find your way,

No braille will there be.

Experience each longed for moment,

With eyes that now can see.

Joyful laughs with those who’ve past,

No more trials or strife.

Holding loved ones in our arms,

On earth with endless life.

Yes, can you see it now my friend

This promised hope,

this treasure?

A place we know as “Paradise”

Alive again forever

Dear Peters' Family

April 25
I offer my sincerest condolences. I had the pleasure of meeting Bro. & Sis. Peters' through my Aunt Virgie Berry (Portola Cong . S.F.) at the Fremont Assembly Hall in the late 70's. Due to their missionary work in Africa we met a few more times over the years when they would come home for Assemblies/Conventions. Sister Peters' warm smile was always unmistakable and Brother Peters' snakeskin cowboy boots.  The last time I saw them was at a slide presentation at Richmond Central Cong. , Richmond, CA around 2015, where our African friends (some whom had traveled from Nevada and the Central Valley) were showing slide presentations of all the spiritual growth in Africa, and expressing their deepest gratitude for our (U.S.) donations to help further their progress with needed facilities to hold meetings.  The Peters' arrived shortly after the program had begun.  To the excitement of the African friends and my surprise. The African friends praised Jehovah for sending the Peters' to teach them the Truth.  Brother Peters' sat in the rear of the congregation wanting no attention on himself, being the spiritual man I've always known him to be. Just pleased to see the efforts Jehovah had sent him to provide continue.  Death does leave a temporary void, but through prayer Jehovah will not replace it, but fill it. Praise Jah for our hope! Hosea 13:14

My Spiritual Dad Taught Me How To Fish

April 23
Just Around the Corner by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of PA
30 years ago, I had the privilege of being introduced to Cyrus and The Peters Family.  In 1993, I moved to Hayward from Sunnyvale and was studying with a close friend of Yvonne’s, who asked her to take over my study. Yvonne and I didn’t only study the bible together, she and Cyrus adopted me as their spiritual daughter and Monique and CP adopted me as their big sister. As a single mom, my daughter Lexi and I spent many days and nights in their happy home, so much so it eventually felt like ours.  

Back in those days, spiritual life was much different. In the good ol’ spiritual days, we had Book Studies and Goodie Nights in The Peters Home.  With Cyrus’ teaching and Yvonne’s goodies,  who could ask for more?  Back then, we didn’t have and all our spiritual libraries in the palm of our hands.  We had bound volumes, libraries at the Kindgom Halls and spiritual men that would carry big briefcases.  

The more serious you were about divine education, the bigger your briefcase was.  And Cyrus Peters had ONE BIG BRIEFCASE (lol).  As I was learning to love Jehovah, I would look forward to him sitting in his big chair with his big briefcase leading our weekly book studies.  I especially remember the way he related history to us in The Bible God’s Word or Man’s book and how he artfully simplified the complex prophecies of The Revelation book.  And when I became an unbaptized publisher, I remember him leading our group out in the ministry each Saturday.  

Since I knew how BIG his bag was, I would take all my BIG spiritual questions to him.  While he was eager to share his spiritual gems with me, he knew better.  Rather than give me the answer, he would open his bible and show me how to do my own research.  It’s been said,  “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.  If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”  That’s what my Spiritual Dad did for me.  When he opened his bible and I saw all the notes in the margins and how the pages didn’t stick together because they had been opened and turned so much, that made a lifelong impression on me and how I would go on to view the art and science of diligently studying God’s Word.  

Out of love, he knew all along that when you go digging in God’s work for yourself, the precious gems and treasures you find are yours forever. He taught me how to fish or how to dig for spiritual gems!  And that was his goal!  He didn’t want to use his knowledge for his own glory.  He wanted to help everyone he met discover the powerful truths of studying God’s word for themselves.  It wasn’t only me, he did this to everyone he met. I’ll never forget how he took my husband Frank for a ride in his truck and spent quality time with him having bible discussions when we visited.  

In Cyrus, I saw firsthand how Jehovah’s headship principle truly benefits the family arrangement.   Seeing it in action in the Peter’s household, I came to appreciate that it’s undoubtedly a loving provision and true gift from Jehovah.   In my personal life, I often saw men dominate, hurt and mistreat women and even abandon their children. In contrast, I saw the complete opposite with Cyrus.  Cyrus led his family with love and was a sterling example of a loving father and husband. 

I saw how his love for Jehovah, his wife and his family contributed to a stable, happy peaceful home. I felt at peace when I entered the door.  I saw how he provided and protected them materially, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  He had a calm confident demeanor and spoke with authority yet I never heard him raise his voice.  With his loving headship, I saw how a family harmoniously works together.  

In Yvonne, I saw how a woman truly gains the respect and admiration of her husband by being a good helper who took care of the home, the children, and a business.  How she loyally took care of Cyrus every day was remarkable.  To Yvonne, I say…In both his life and in his falling asleep, Mommy, you personified this passage Prov 31:10-12.  You were a “capable wife”, Cyrus “lacked nothing of value”, all the days of his life you rewarded him with good not bad.  May Jehovah bless you and comfort your heart during the days, weeks, months and years ahead.  In harmony with Pro 31:25, may you surely “look to the future with confidence” or as the footnote says, may you “laugh at a future day” when you will be reunited with your husband. 

To CP and Monie, I say…I know without a shadow of a doubt, your dad was so incredibly proud of you.  He was indeed a blessed man to look at you both and say: “No greater joy do I have than this:  that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth.”  (3 John 4) May Jehovah comfort you too in the days ahead.

Finally, I’ll say this…Although my last name isn’t Peters,  Cyrus made such a good impression and had such a lasting impact on my spiritual life, I named my son Cyrus.  I will forever remember him.  I thank Jehovah that as He drew me to Him, he blessed me by having Cyrus and The Peters be apart of my spiritual journey.  Praise Jah, that we have all of eternity to look forward to. I can only imagine how excited Cyrus will be as all those new scrolls are opened and we get to once again learn, worship and praise Jehovah together.  It's just around the corner...

A Nice Visit

April 22
I remember coming home from work, one evening, and I sat down and started  praying out loud, saying, "if there is a God,  please help me to see that there is  more to life then what I am experiencing now."   That Saturday morning, there was a knock on my door.  I answered, and there was this tall man in a suit, Brother Peters.  After a friendly greeting and sharing his presentation, Cyrus offered me "The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life" study aid and of course a free home bible study.  I accepted the book and the free bible study.  After he left, I realized, God, Jehovah had answered my prayer.  That next  Saturday, guess who was knocking on my door?  Yes, it was Yvonne and Cyrus.  I invited them in and  I remember him saying that his wife will be conducting the bible study with me. And I said "that is fine, I just want to learn about God and his promises." We had some good times studying the bible together, as well as eventually attending the meetings. I was so happy to have met such nice, friendly, trustworthy people who loves Jehovah God, as well as all the other  dear brothers and sisters I have met through the years.
 Cyrus and Yvonne will always have a special place in my heart. It will be so wonderful seeing them together again, sitting at my table, laughing and talking while sharing a meal together.
Acts 24:15  And I have hope toward God, ...., that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous

Cy - A Life Well Lived

April 22
Nearly six decades ago, I first crossed paths with Cy in the vibrant city of San Francisco. I can still recall how he towered over me, a gentle giant whose stature never overshadowed his warmth and kindness.

I was in Brooklyn when he and Yvonne attended The Bible School of Gilead. I did not see both of them until they returned from their assignment in Liberia.

We started our friendship in the 1970's. I attended the Hayes Valley Congregation of San Francisco, California, USA, in the late 70's. We became closer friends in the mid-80s. The basis of our friendship was mutual respect. Did we see eye to eye on everything? No. However, we were always free to express our points of view to each other without hesitation. I remember Cy saying, "I’ll have to ruminate on that and get back to you later.”

Memories of the Cadillac Seville and the charming pink house in South San Francisco still bring a smile to my face. Cy and Yvonne were not just hosts, they were beacons of hospitality, always ready to open their doors and hearts to those in need. Their care extended far beyond their home, reaching out to fatherless boys and girls, single parents, the elderly, and the infirm. Cy's defense of his actions in the congregation was a testament to his unwavering commitment to others.

I recall when Cy and I took a trip to Atlanta to visit his family. But that was not all! Before leaving for ATL, Cy collected suit and shirt sizes for young brothers. He had a place in ATL where he liked to shop.

Cy’s boot collection has a story of its own – need I say more?

MAXI Transportation, Inc. and PRIMETCO, Inc. had a working relationship for many years. I had contracts with Pacific Bell and AT&T. MAXI provided all the trucking and logistics services. We service every PacBell and AT&T central office from Bakersfield to the Oregon border. Cy was so skilled at backing up his trailers that the office people would come outside to watch him perform. That was especially true in downtown San Francisco in the hills.

Cy's love for trucking and the Blues was infectious. His passion for these pursuits was not just a hobby, but a way of life. I can still picture him, surrounded by friends, lost in the soulful melodies of the Blues at Yoshi’s.

Yet, it was our discussions about the Truth that I’ll miss most. Cy’s Watchtower library, a treasure trove of knowledge, fueled our exchanges. We delved into older publications, sharing insights and challenging each other. Cy’s gentle reminder echoes: “Don’t forget where you got this publication.”

I celebrate Cy’s legacy—a life marked by kindness, resilience, and unwavering faith. May his memory continue to inspire us, reminding us to look up, look down, and find a connection in every gaze.

We will pick up our friendship when he wakes up.

Note from Family

April 18
Hi Everyone - Please use this page to add pictures and stories you would like to share.  We will continue to read and treasure these memories.  Also, please feel free to call Cyrus IV at 209-622-5443.  He would love to talk and hear your encouraging words.

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