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September 21, 2020
It is with a heavy heart i accept the demise of Gachira. A really great man.. slow to anger... funny guy... and had such quiet confidence, one of a kind. He came to vacation in US about a year and a half ago with his family and stayed at my house for a week. It was surely a blessing to have them around. I enjoyed all of them tremendously. I remember laughing a lot! I will miss you my dear friend and uncle... you were a special guy. I loved you dearly but God loved you more. Till we meet again, rest well with the Angels. 

Gone too soon

September 20, 2020
It's still hard to accept that you have left us. You pulled a fast one on us(yaani ulitupiga chenga). That morning I woke up knowing we would have a chat on how you were faring but seems God had other plans. I don't know where to start but you have been more like a brother than uncle to me. I remember growing up, we had the privilege of having you come over for your school and college holidays and it was endless dance competitions. Fast forward to my older years, you were there to guide and counsel. You took your time to listen out, solve and follow up on progress. You never judged and you took the time to understand what one was going through. You were also that guy who appreciated you could learn from both the young and old. You cultivated in me a spirit of self love and self believe, which have gone a long way in moulding me into whom I am today.  It's never easy to accept this as you are gone too soon. Our prayer is  that God may comfort us all and mostly auntie Nyams Thairu, Wambui and Mugo. Until we meet again. May your soul rest in eternal peace.

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