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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Daddy George Asanga, 89 years old, born on December 27, 1927, and passed away on February 5, 2017. We will remember him forever.
February 5
February 5
My dearest daddy, continue to rest in perfect peace in the Lord
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Daddy, I will always love you and remember the love we shade. continue to rest in peace resting from your labors in the bosom of our Lord.
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Daddy, continue to rest in peace in the bosom of our.  You are forever in our minds. We love you
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Daddy, still missing you like crazy and all family just keep home coming more and more. That must be surely a much more better place. Continue to rest in peace with the Lord and all the sweet loves ones that you met and that keep coming. Love you all till we meet someday.
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
Daddy George Asanga as you were popularly called you were an outstanding pillar in the Asanga's family. you death is a big lost i wonder how this gab could ever be filled. your contribution to the development of the Asanga's family and the baba II community can't be over emphasized. You were also with your brother Nei Asanga. We all will missed you and those jokes you occasional use to spies situations. However your Virtues will surely inspired us. Rest in Peace Daddy
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
Daddy George, I was so touched when I heard of your passing on to glory. I will never forget the pieces of advice and encouragement you always gave me since I was a child. You were an example of a good father. You were always joyful no matter the circumstance. May your soul RIP
Gob Evans MOKOM
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Gordon cho Asanga for Daddy George.

Daddy George (Massa George,Pa George,Massa,Daddy,The golden boy,Brother,Husband,Lawyer,Protector,Console and an Establish.
     That a child knows the father only through the mother and only the mother of a child know who the real father is ,an indisputable fact,thus I bow down to this man George Mokom one and only father on earth.
      As a golden boy, he was surrounded by his lovely sisters"my Aunties"Big mami-Azire (new Church),Mami Aggie,Ma Neh and my mother Rengohnwe Rengah,all of blessed memories,who will take no non-sense from any body when it comes to the interest of their brother."Massa George"
      To proof his golden attribute as a brother to his lovely sisters,my aunties and mother,Daddy will never waver when it comes to defending their interests,whether marriage or single.He was not only a loving brother to the sisters but also a formidable uncle to their offsprings.Daddy George became a husband to the sisters who were unfortunate to married untamed men in the name of a husband.
     To a personal point now,as a Lawyer to a sisters"Rengohnwe Rengeh"my mother of blessed memories.Massa George as she will always referred to him with the assistant from other family members stood their ground after her fail marriage expedition.Daddy and the sisters said not under his watch that an untamed man will molest his sister and stood his ground to victory.After this little fought victory it did not end there,Daddy went out to be an outright protector of her offsprings and never missed any court appointment despite his own personal and private agenda.
   Without missing words my mother ,the sister will have probably die long ago of a broken heart as any young lady would have after her fail marriage with an untamed man.But thanks to the Almighty for using Massa George as a console to comfort her at every instant, with the assurance of my Aunties,her sisters.They vow never to make her and her offsprings bear the anguished or sigmate of a catastrophe marriage.
   Remember dear readers,brothers and sisters,this is an eulogy for Daddy George Asanga,so forgive me for the choice of some words here,which Daddy himself will never approve of them,but this is just to bring out the golden nature of Daddy George because the juxtaposition here will bring us to the reality of life of a real person thus Massa George was real,he was never a fake person.
    At his final years on earth as an establish,he make sured that at least everyone of us or family is establish,not to be toasted,thus a place for shelter was located,talk less of his assistance even at his rapper age.A case in point five years ago in BaBa II,the help that he gave my in-laws from Manyu Division on the occasion of his sister ,my mother "Cry Die" was unspeakable.
  Well, brothers and sisters,dear readers actually for me to write or talk about Daddy George or Massa George can never and will never end because it a life issue until the Lord almighty shall one day call me as He has called him.So Daddy George Mokom Asanga"mass,pa.Daddy, the Golden boy, brother ,husband,Father,Lawyer,Console and an establish"
 FARE THEE WELL,father as you journey to meet your beloveth brothers,sisters and children who will be anxiously waiting for you,above all our creator.
          Thank you.
                   Cho Gordon wan Asanga.
April 6, 2017
April 6, 2017
Hilda Asong

Growing up as a little girl I knew only Daddy George as my maternal uncle, as most of my other uncles like late Daddy Alfred, late Dr Asanga, Nei Atanga and some others were working far away from home and some abroad.

I thought then that Daddy George was the World's richest man at the time, Daddy George was the only one I knew with a private car. As a child about three years old then, I had my crush on a boy by name Che. When he left Bamenda with his parents as they retired to Bafut, I was dying to go with him. When my parents asked how this was going to happen, I never hesitated to remind them with confidence that Daddy George will give me a ride. (Funny)
My belief about Daddy George being the World's richest man became more real when we got enrolled as the first batch of the present GS Baba II. With no classrooms yet to begin our foundation then, the good news came that Daddy George had offered his premises for the school. I was so privileged to enjoy his living room as my first ever classroom and one of his bed rooms as the pioneer Headmaster's office, in the first ever cement block house that existed in Baba II at the time. The line of cypress trees at the entrance to his residence was a perfect grandstand to our parents and our guests at the end of year activities and the Launching of the famous Tamtam dance which became a topic in every household in the Santa region every time we had a performance. Thanks to late Headmaster Linus Ndikum.

It became even more real to me that Daddy George was the richest man in the world when I learned about his ranch and his special cattle with a very distinct color from the Bororo men cattle. Daddy George cows were light brown in color with white patches around their neck. I can hear my grandmother Aburegonwe Koku in her sweet voice saying from a distance " Nyam re Massa" she held her boys in a very highly esteem and only called them by Massa . To make a little distinction Abungho called Daddy George " Massa George "
Daddy George kept my belief about being the World's richest man even stronger as he later on transformed his ranch into a farm land where his sisters including my mom and a host of other Baba II women cultivated mostly huckleberries which is a major source of income in most households. Daddy George made sure the fence was always intact to prevent neighbors cows from destroying the women's crops.

Daddy George was one person with talents more than a lot of people could imagine. Not only knowing him as the World's richest man, but also known my uncle as the best runners. Once on a vacation in the village, the primary school kids which he was the first landlord were out rehearsing for the 11th February competitions. Daddy George came out just like other parents to cheer up the kids. Before we could imagine Daddy George joined a group of big boys runners and ran as many times as they were to go round the field. He stayed closely behind the best runners to make sure he maintained a good speed to the finish line.

Daddy George was fun to be by, as he was quick to speNgk up his mind and in no time will through a joke that will make one laugh so hard. Though we mourn for his departure, yet we thank God for keeping him very strong until the hash hands of dead snatched him away on that day. Accept love from your sister and son in law Mami Christy and pa John Azong Daddy. They regret they will not be there to say goodbye but they will be present in spirit .They say, they can be proud to say you finished your assignment on earth.
Continue to Rest In Peace till we meet to pat no more. Make yourself at home.
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

It is a Great pleasure to write a tribute to a man that I see as “my second dad, and a second father-in-law; and just a plain nice, simple, warm, inviting, generous, interesting and very intelligent guy; in the name of Daddy George Asanga. I see Daddy George, fitting very clearly in Jesus’ parable of “The good Samaritan”. Daddy George was a neighbor like no other. In fact it seems Jesus was alluding but to Daddy George when he narrated His Samaritan story in the Bible; the difference being that Daddy George was not yet born, then.

My name is Lizzy kwende-AchiriMofor, married to Richard AchiriMofor, who is also known as a son to Daddy George Asanga. Just as I know I have two father-in-laws, so do Richard, my husband, also have two fathers; His biological father, Neih Mofor, and Pa George Asanga, his second dad, who is therefore, my second Father-in-law.

I have known Daddy George Asanga for as long as I have been married in Baba; for about 35 years, now, but it was within the last 8 years that I actually came to known Daddy George closely, since I was in Cameroon, from the USA, very often during these 8 years; and it is a shame that, just as I started getting very fun of him, and vice versa, this horrible news comes in that he is no more. How can he be “no more” when I had some unfinished conversation with him? Lately Daddy George became my best adviser and my best mentor. 

I am very glade I had the opportunity to be close to Daddy George, for I realized the kind of loving, caring, and generous man that he was. Daddy George was never really formally introduced to me from the angle of his involvement in my husband’s life; and I started getting this amazing story about him only within the past ten years, and on my own inquisitiveness; and that is when I learnt how he became very instrumental in my husband’s life; and earned the position of a second dad to him.

This tribute is not about Richard AchiriMoforMofor, but for anyone to understand how good and generous a HEART, Daddy George Asanga had, I have to introduce Richard in this, very fully. As I got this story; to the best of my understanding, my husband, Richard AchiriMoforMofor; at the end of his elementary school education, was noticed by his teachers, class mates, and in fact, the whole Baba ii village, to be an academic-shinning-star–in–the-making; who passed all his exams at the top of his class; and especially, his Common Entrance exams into college. He was admitted into CPC Bali, and one would expect that a “top student” like him was going to get all the scholarship for college, but as we all know Cameroon; one had to have someone in some very high and influential places, in order to have a scholarship that they actually deserved.

Richard would suffer even more in life later when he became the first Cameroonian to have “Five Advanced level Paper” all at “A” grades, and from London GCE, and did not get a scholarship that he rightly deserved then, to go for further university studies, and ended up sponsoring himself again through Amadou Bello University in Nigeria, with the help of a few loving people in Baba, along with Daddy George Asanga; and again; Richard excelled in Amadou Bello in Mechanical Engineering, topping his class with a cumulative 'GPA' for the whole degree course of about 99% average grades in all his courses, while the second highest in his class was with about a 60% average grade; a record that has never be beaten in Amadou bello University, until this day.

And because of his extremely high performance, Richard was asked to skip the master's degree and go straight into a PHD program, but he turned down that offer, in order to return home and work to help his poor parents, and that is the time I knew him, working as an Engineer in Guinness Cameroon. Thanks to Daddy George Asanga, Richard realized this much success in life, for, we never want to know how this story with a very good ending, could have turned out without this financial PUSH from Daddy George Asanga in Richard's life. But we now know that Richard ended up in the USA where he kept being at the top of any school he attended in the USA, coming up with a 4.0 GPA in an MBA degree that he took; besides his other higher Mechanical Engineering degrees, also earned. The AchiriMofor's will be forever grateful to you, Daddy George, for Richard became the ‘Poster-Child’ of your philanthropic engagement on this earth.

To make a long story short, as we know, Richard’s, father, Neih Mofor was just a small coffee farmer, who had very little annual income from his very tiny coffee farm and a few kolanut trees in his compound; and his mom, late Mammy Christie Fri-Atsoh, too (may her soul rest in perfect peace) who was a very hard working woman and also did petty trading, could gathered only little, and insufficient amount of money for their son to go to college. No matter what Neih Mofor and Mammy Christie did to come up with more college money for Richard, they still felt short.

Now, this is where “Our Kind and Generous ANGEL, Daddy George”, a true son of the soil, decided to give his friend, Neih Mofor, an “UPWARD PUSH” , by providing some financial support for Richard in school. Neih Mofor and Daddy George Asanga are age mates in the village, and have been friends, but nothing compelled Daddy George to help him and his son. And the most interesting thing is that, Daddy George was never even asked for help either; but as we all know how loving and generous he was, he decided to step up to the plate and stretch a helping hand. And even though I know Neih Mofor and Pa George are age mates and friends, I do not think Daddy George helped him because of that.

I feel that, even if Richard had been any other child in the village whose parents were not as close to Daddy George as Neih Mofor was, Daddy George should have still stepped forward and given a helping hand. I can say this with my head high for, I can say I truly understood who Daddy George was.  Daddy George was a true philanthropist. Daddy Georg helped even the children who were not from Baba II, as most of the good stories about him goes; for I have heard stories of how he helped others from faraway lands; and in different ways, and I mean, from places really far away from Baba II, or Bamenda.

I hear Daddy George was one of the first persons to have a car in Baba II, and it is said that, usually when he visited the village with his car from Bamenda, he would listen to nearly everyone who would come to him for different forms of assistance; and he would help them with small financial support here and there. Some will need rides to Bamenda, and he will readily give them rides, after buying drinks for nearly everyone who was sitting in a drinking bar with him. He was actually what Americans will call, “The life of a party”. Any room that Daddy George stepped into would literally lite-up.

Besides being generous, daddy George was very jovial, and his attitude was one that transcended age boundaries, in that, he was able to have an entertaining conversation with a 2 year old child, just as he would with a teenager, or a middle age man or with his own age mates. The long and short is that, everyone who interacted with Daddy George, found him very entertaining and inviting; and loved his presence.

 I am a typical example of someone who loved his company very much; so much so that I could not visit Cameroon and come back to the USA without going to see him, even though, believe me, he was very hard to find sometimes, for he was either in the village or in Bamenda town or in Garoua where I hear he has some family stationed at; as I was told one of the times when I went from the village to all his compounds in Bamenda, looking for him with no avail. He was also very supportive of his many nieces and nephews, and was sometimes in Limbe with Ni Donna Ngundam, (at Ni Donna’s daughter’s wedding), one of his nephew, when I came to Bamenda looking for him. But in most occasions, I always did everything to fine him, except when he was out of town; for I knew he was equally as excited to see me, as I was, to see him. Daddy George was a man of many homes, and so one would usually count themselves lucky to find him in the village, which was his main home during his retirement years.

I would usually start by looking for him in Bamenda, from his compound behind commercial avenue. I was lucky to meet him there, only once, and that was the day, just a year ago, that I took some pictures with him, that are now on his memorial web site. I had been there about three times, before finally meeting him. But my trip to Cameroon before that, I had been to Bamneda and could not find him, and was told he was in the village by some of his Bamenda Neighbors, and it was June, raining season, when Village roads are un-passable, and I had to take a taxi to Mile 8 in Akum, and then paid two “OKADAS” , one carrying me, and the other carrying some supplies; bags of rice, bread, etc, that I had bought for him and my first father-in-law, Neih Mofor. 

Have you ever seen any woman who comes from the UNITED STATES and rides OKADA in Cameroon? Yes, you are looking at one here. I have being riding Okadas from Mile 8, Akum to baba II, now for the past 10 years, when the roads became very bad, for my routine is to go visit my in-laws and deliver them a few things, which actually makes my day.

Daddy George was very happy to see me, and was very grateful that I thought about him and had to ride an OKADA to come see him. Of course I will ride an Okada over and over again for Daddy George, who was very selfless and took care of everyone first, before thinking of himself.

Then I cannot forget when Richard and I were in Cameroon when My dearest mother died and daddy George had to come see us in our house on Foncha street, with a big and juicy locally- grown-roaming-chicken, under his armpit for us, and some three very nice avocados. He brought the avocados as if he knew that I do not eat any flesh. So, while I was enjoying my sumptuous avocados, Richard was eating his juicy Chicken and Richard later on testified that, that was the best chicken he had eaten in the past ten years, and he was looking forward to go eat some more home-grown-roaming-chicken with Daddy George; but unfortunately, God had spoken in a different way. I had also planted the seeds of the avocados that Daddy George brought to me, for it was very delicious.

Daddy George was very supportive when my mom passed on in January 2016 on an Airplane. My last time of being with Daddy Goerge was at Achidi Achu’s sister’s death celebration, Ma Pricilla Achu’s funeral, in August 2017 in Bamenda Station, as can be seen in one of the pictures I took with him on his memorial web site. Ma Priscilla Achu is Ni Donna Ngundam’s mother-in-law, and being the loving uncle that he was, Daddy George was there at this funeral to support his nephew.

As usual, when Daddy George sees me anywhere, he will, in a very loving way grab me and will not let go of me. On this day at this funeral, I was taking pictures and Daddy George was all over me, and he was so happy to see me that he would not let go of me. I was indeed very happy with the attention he gave me; for believe me, I saw how people standing by were admiring the scene. In fact Daddy George made me very proud whenever I was in his presence, for I felt he acknowledged me as his daughter.

I was also very lucky to have met Daddy George just before Mammy Priscilla Achu’s funeral, in front of his compound on Commercial Ave., the day before, and I had the same reaction from him. He was hugging me and introducing me to all his neighbors and telling them where I am from, to the admiration of everyone. I had something for him, but he immediately asked all his neighbors to sit down and have a drink with him, for as he put it, “his daughter has given him something, but he is not going to eat it alone”. Before I knew it, there was a feast there with a huge crowd of more than 10 people.

Again, in Daddy George’s spirit of giving, he had to share what I had given him with others. What I suggest all of us at daddy’s George’s Funeral should take back home with us, is, a lesson in generosity. I think if we take just this one thing away from his funeral, we will be able to do a lot of good to mankind and even change the world, one day at a time. And I believe we always get paid back, when we do good to someone. daddy George’s reward is his great family that he has left behind, and I know God shall reward him more in heaven, by having a place by His right side.

I know that reward always comes back to all the good we do, right on this earth. I will tell you a small story. I grew up with Pa. George’s son, Achiri Asanga, in Government school Santa, where my dad was the Head Master. As we know, Achiri is a very loving man, but unfortunately, was born with some mental challenges; and in Santa, other students in school used to border him a lot and teased and bullied him around. I was a few classes ahead of Achiri, and I used to take very good care of him, for naturally, I hate to see someone treated badly. I was a kid of about 10years then too, and did not know Achiri then, but just knew him as a kid who was a little different, and was being bullied, and needed some love and protection from his bullies. So every day that I went to school, I always kept out an eye for Achiri; up to the point that Achiri knew he could come to me for protection and safety, at any time.

My mom used to sell food to students during lunch time in Government School Santa, and she and I would make sure that Achiri ate lunch on most days that I see him at school. Being a Head Master’s daughter, Achiri would use my name to scare off would-be bullies, when I was not around to personally protect him; and they would be scared off, just by the mention of my name. Back then the story was that Achiri’s dad was a D.O.; but after Knowing Daddy George, I realized that he may not have been the D.O that we heard he was, but he was “more than a D.O”, with his mighty spirit of generous giving. 

D.O.s in those days were the highest ranking Civil Servants; and authorities in all Provinces (for they were no Governors yet), and therefore were projected as the richest authorities; who lived the most pleasurable and luxurious lives; and were greatly admired by the masses. The difference between Daddy George and those “so called rich D.O.s”, was that, Daddy George was not just equally, as rich as them, but also very GENEROUS AND READY TO SHARE HIS WEALTH WITH THE NEEDY, unlike the “PROUD, self-centered” D.Os.

Recently, I saw Achiri at my mother’s wake-keeping on February 12th 2017 in Santa after decades of us not meeting with one another; and I thought Achiri has forgotten about me, but he could recognize me, and ran and gave me a very big huge, and I then introduced him to my kids and we took some pictures with him. I have some of the pictures with Achiri, on Daddy George’s website, and I am very happy that Achiri is well and doing fine, and I will try to take care of him as much as I can in this life, for he is such a good man now, just as he had always being. Always laughting and making jokes and always happy. That’s my Achiri.

The conclusion of this Achiri’s story. When I was there in Santa, helping Achiri, Daddy George’s son, by chasing away his bullies so that he could have a happy childhood, I did not know that at the same time, Daddy George was in Baba II, helping out my would-be husband, Richard AchiriMofor. Did I even know whom Achiri’s dad was when I was protecting him in Santa?? No. I was just helping Achiri, from the goodness of my heart; just as Daddy George was helping my husband from the goodness of his own heart too.  Did I know that I was going to be one Of Daddy George benefactors, in an indirect way? Again, No!!!

So, we see how round the world is, and how we get our rewards for our good deeds, right here on earth. And as it is often said, “we shall reap just what we sow”. God had paid me a million fold for what I did with Achiri in Santa, by sending Daddy George and his good heart, to provide the much needed support to my husband, way in advanced, getting ready for things to line up, just right to finally solve the big puzzle, “our union”. So, please, mourners, we should do as much good as we can to mankind, and if we look around our lives very deeply, we will realize our rewards, right here on earth. Truly, the opposite is the outcome, if we are mean to our neighbors; we can always look around us and also figure out ‘our Hell’, as a result of our meanness.

So, I challenge everyone to start small, just by buying peanuts from the road side from that “OLD AND WEARY LOOKING GRAND-MOTHER WHO HAS BEEN SITTING UNDER THE HOT SUN TO SELL HER PEANUTS, IN ORDER TO BUY HERSELF SOME MUCH NEEDED SOAP”. Then when you buy this peanuts for, let’s say, 100 francs, and give this grandmother 500frs or 1000frs cfa; in the kindest manner, return to her, the few hundred frs. “CHANGE” that she gives you back. Your 400frs 0r 900frs “change” that you may leave with this grandmother will certainly make her day; and also make a difference in her life; believe me. I say so because I used to sell peanuts with my mother on the road side when I was young in elementary school, and we could toil for one whole month to finish selling one big bag of peanuts, but would be lucky to make a profit of 1000frs for that whole month. I figure out that, this may be the same thing with all these women selling on the road side. “OH, PEOPLE, START GIVING, “SMALL”, WITH PEANUT SELLERS ALONG THE ROAD SIDE, AND GOD WILL REPLENISH FOR YOU TO GIVE BIGGER, NEXT TIME. Thank you. Let’s all emulate Pa George’s spirit of “GIVING”.

So, Daddy George, was not just a physical neighbor to most people in his life, but was mostly, the “BIBLICAL neighbor, as the Bible tells us in the story of the Good Samaritan”. When we leave from Daddy George’s funeral, can we say that we are a ‘Good Samaritan’, like Daddy George? It is not too late to be one; so long as we are still breathing. So, I, again, challenge all in the name of Daddy George, to go out of our way, one time or the other in our lives to lend a helping hand to rescue a desperate situation that we know of, whether that person is family or not, for in the end all that matters is not how rich we were but how human we were, like Daddy George, was.

Unfortunately for me, since I came into Baba ii, where I have some very good people, whenever I started getting to know one of these good persons more closely, the next thing I hear is that they are gone; starting with Ni John Chiawah, my Uncle-in-law, Dr. Azefor, Ni Elias Acham, Dr. Asanga, Ni Peter Abanda, Neih Tembei Acha, Ma Rose Fru-Ndi, Baba Chief, Mr. Ndi-the Teacher, Ni Adolf; who all left us at a very tender age, and now you, Daddy George Asanga.

Daddy George, please, say hello to all these brothers of yours who went ahead of you, and all your family, like your sister, Mammy Agie Ngundam; etc, and also to my dearest mom, Mammy Mary Angeh kwende, who died on board a plane, over Brussel, travelling with me from Cameroon to The USA on New year’s day 2016. Also say hello to my mother-in-law, Mammy Christie Fri-atsoh and then to my dad, Late Pa Samuel Cheg kwende.

I know the whole world will be mourning and lamenting for you, for they will not have that “one more chance” to benefit from your good deeds and generosity anymore. You have unfortunately become history. What a shame???? I know your funeral will be a great one, being an ASANGA, one of the biggest and most famous family in Baba II; with all the most pretty women and handsome men; “with beautiful gaps in their teeth- an African symbol of GREAT BEAUTY, – GAP-IN-THE-FRONT-TEETH”; and who all happened to get married to all the renounced families in Baba ii and Baforchu, like, the Ngundams, the Njie-Ngeis, the Asongas, the Morchos, and the Bomas of Santa; etc. You shall have all friends joining these great families where your sisters got married into, to wish you a befitting and eternal Good bye.

Daddy George, thank you very much for your generosity to my family; and Richard and I have created a memorial website for you so that through this website, the world will come to know about you, “the un-sung Hero” and the “Un-crown-king”. Pictures of a wake-keeping that your loving nieces, Ma Sarah and Lydia Ngundam spear-headed and organized; (along with all of the Asanga’s family, the AchiriMofor’s family, the Asonga’s family, the Fomara’s family, the Tamufor’s family, the Ngundams family, the Gwangwa-a’s family, the Sama's family, the Fru-Ndi's family, Minister Ndeh and his family, the Mokom's family, PCC Maryland’s-CWF group, and in fact; the entire Baba II community the USA, and all our friends/families and well wishers around USA); for you in Laurel, Maryland USA, are all loaded on your website, to show the world that you were a very GREAT MAN.!!!!!

Your website is titled, We expect all to visit this web site and see what a great man you were. Even though the world did not crown you, I am very happy that your family and close friends, had crown you in their hearts

Also, Richard and I will honor you in our own small way, by joining your immediate family in getting you the best CASKET that can be made; and befitting for a King like you, for that is going to be your everlasting bed, where you will come back to, to rest after your daily work with our lord, up in heaven; and since it is an everlasting bed, it has to be comfortable, and beautiful, at the same time. We wish we had honored you more; when you were alive, but we thought we had more time with you, but now we know not to postpones things, for tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone.

MY HERO, Daddy George Asanga, REST IN PERFECT PEACE, IN GOD’S BOSSOM. You will be greatly missed !!!!!!!!!!

Your daughter/Daughter-in-law, Lizzy kwende-AchiriMofor - U.S.A --03-29-2017.
March 29, 2017
March 29, 2017
My Grandpa aka Daddy George you were such a humble man; you never liked to be the center of attention,yet you were a man of the people. In life and now in death, i know you wouldn't want us to focus on you. Daddy wouldn't want us to focus on the sadness of his death, but instead focus on the happiness in our lives. You would want us to appreciate each other and our future.

A man as humble and loving as Daddy George will always be remembered by those of us who knew him and loved him. Although we will miss him, his smile, his pranks, his love, we take consolation in the good feelings of our memories. He was a great teacher to have, not only for my dad and us, but also for everybody. He was selfless and kind. He loved being a parent and grandparent. It was his calling in life.

Around you Daddy, I never once questioned my worth, my talent, my beauty or my purpose. You always had something to say to brighten my spirits and always something to say when I wanted nothing more to give up.A man of great intellect,witty and full of great humor.
I feel so blessed knowing that he gave me his full support handing me over to the love of life. Daddy, i am forever grateful and humbled.

I love and miss you Daddy and it still hurts whenever I think about you being gone, but I'm glad I knew you and I'm more proud to say I am a part of your family tree.

Much love always

Nehawa Ngundam epse Abam
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Daddy, that is how we all called you. Had I known is always Mr. last. Uh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we missed all the opportunities and now we can never have them again, all the wisdom you imparted to us each time we were in your presence, we took them for granted or just laughed as if we have all the time. When I look back, I can only celebrate your home coming except that it came just when we were beginning to enjoy the best of you. The love you gave just as our Lord Jesus wants us to give. Thank you daddy to have been such a wonderful and great uncle, father, mother, friend and everything to me and others. I thank God for giving me you, may you rest in perfect peace from your labors for the word of God tells us that blessed are those who die in the Lord for they rest from their labors.  The pictures we see tell the stories of your labors which were many. It is only the Holy spirit that passe all human understanding that is guiding us through this and I pray God that it remains and abide with us family and friends through out to move on in love and a better understanding. I will love you daddy forever.
March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017
Pa George, you are one of the people in Baba II that helped as many people as cannot be listed, for they are too many.. Your Generosity will be greatly missed. I am sure you will continue your good works in Heaven. Thanks a million for your GENEROSITY TO MY HUSBAND, Richard MOFOR. Our whole family are beneficiaries of what your GENEROUSLY and KINDLY contributions to Richard's life.
  YOU ARE A TRUE SON OF THE SOIL. When I look at the pictures I posted here, I cannot believe that we took them just less than a year ago, and you were as strong as a stone, and now i am shocked to know you are gone. I will miss your jokes and humor and love. You were a true dad to me.
  It is from your love that I realized the proverb that says, a father does not necessarily equals to blood. I always felt very comfortable in your presence, as if I got another father besides my late dad, Pa kwende. REST IN PERFECT PEACE, "ANGEL' GEORGE ASANGA of Baba II.
  Say hello to Pa Kwende Cheg, my dad who had gone years before you; and also my my Dearest "Angel mommy",, Mammy Mary Angeh Kwende, who passed on, on a fateful flight, Brussels Airlines, on January 1st, New Years day, 2016, which was also her birthday, as she was travelling with me from Cameroon back to the USA, where she had been living with me for about 10 years.
  I hope you all have a happy reunion in Heaven with our Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN. Again, REST IN PERFECT PEACE, DADDY GEORGE ASANGA !!!!
March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017
Daddy it's still like a movie to me that just few weeks to your demise we were together in Limbe and talking with you on the 3rd and 4th Feb as if you knew that I won't be able to talk with you for a very long time and receiving a call from ur own phone number that early morning and getting another person's voice saying "daddy is lying here lifeless" it's still like a trance to me because u were really a daddy to me, u gave me a place in your heart and in your family. You gave me that feeling of belonging and I shed tears cos I've not enjoyed you enough and your wishes for me haven't been all realised and if I had my way to make a request to God I'd ask him to send you back home to us for a little while again but I know you are still with us in spirit each and every day that passes. I celebrate u daddy George and am happy to have come in contact with a great father like you filled with wisdom. All your children are proud of you and we will carry your slogan as we journey this life "one hand cannot tie a bundle of broom and only a bundle of broomsticks can sweep a house clean" in which you will always say too "family is precious and can not be bought or sold" Daddy please greet Ma Chika Gladys for me I miss you both so much and until we meet to part no more may your souls rest in perfect peace. Adieu Daddy George. NAGZI SYLVIE   Yaounde

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My dearest daddy, continue to rest in perfect peace in the Lord
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Daddy, I will always love you and remember the love we shade. continue to rest in peace resting from your labors in the bosom of our Lord.
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Gone but certainly not forgotten: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

April 6, 2017


Dr.Sarah Tabang Ngundam(Gwangwaa)     Daddy, daddy, daddy, yes I known I loved you because just the thought of you, sound of your name not to think of you coming and actually being in your presence was heartwarming, uplifting, moving, encouraging, pleasing, affecting that it immediately reunites the family and calls for some kind of feasting, thanksgiving or just sitting and you pass on some tradition in all areas of life from family to sharing in particular because you will remind us of those of us your children, nieces and nephews, sisters, brothers, cousins and you name that are not giving.  You encourage us to give, share and feed people.  Recently , I just admired you in your wisdom that I am very sure those of us who had the opportunity to be around you will missed.  We took it for granted and never bother to document them and pay very close attention to how you ran and conducted things and the family.  I sure hope some among us it what I did not do.  Pay close attention and document It the tradition you pass on every time you have to opportunity to be with us your siblings children because in these recent years before you just passed you were our father and mothers.  You showed it with your love.  You braved all odds to be present at any occasion if you were informed.  You make sure you bring to our Ascension if things were not going right to correct them.  Your were on top of things in all our lives if we let you.  Oh my God, you were good.  But you know, no body can ever be good to all, so for those who never tasted the side of you that we know, forgive my uncle and let him rest in perfect peace.  This was you in recent years, my only regret is I did not have the opportunistic to be around you more especially in your environment to have been of great help in some way to you.  I was always far and only met when there was a happy or sad occasion and that was not enough because I always went away wiser and wishing only to remain close to you.  I even tried hard to bring you out to the USA but each time you give an excuse.  I even talked it out on several occasion and asked those who were around you to document the tradition and wisdom you were passing down.  I hope someone among us come up with it.  You went away so fast, no suffering, God loves you more. The you of our mothers days when we were kids, how we were scared of you.  Soon as you see us you say “Cocoon “ and of course for me I just cry and run away to my mum , and shout at her for forcing me to come to your house.  Woo ohooo! How your sisters bun Asanga loved you and each other.  Some kind of sweet love existed then, the kind the Lord wants us to experience.  You do not seem to see that around much these days unless it looks like some benefit  be attached to it.  Then, among you the Asangas, it was just pure love and you all showed it.  Proof, your brothers  and sisters showed same love with no discrimination, I had the opportunity to live with daddy Alfred, in fact he and his wife loved me like their first child and later you, even though with the childhood.  At this time I was I at college Saker Baptist in Victoria,  Daddy Alfred in Victoria and you in Buea.  Proof in the picture shown here my graduation from saker you all ( my father papa Thomas Moforebeh Ngundam, his friend Pa Dan Ndimasa, daddy Alfred and you were present).  Thank you all for such love then all of you of blessed memory.  Before I went to Saker in Victoria from Bamenda it was your elder sister “big mamie” as we all called stood haer grounds and piad the deposite when my father was reluctant.  I was so proud to be an Asanga linage.  I just remember that you musth have been very special to your sisters and all the Asangas.  I never knew that the Asangas came from different mothers because my mother just told me this is her sister or brother all with “open teeth’’ as we say it and they would love me just as my mum or dad.  Amazing, you and daddy Alfred would give me money when I had to go back to boarding school at Saker after holidays.  Daddy Siga Asanga would send me money even from Canada.  Not until I was quite grown up and started experiencing some family issues that I started questioning my mum for different explanations of things the way they really are.  Then I found out some facts about the family tree.  But, the Asanga family tree is just like the church a body with many parts and each part just uses its talent well as part of the body as Jesus talked about in the Bible.  That was love and I pray we carry that on and play our part well and pass it on like you all taught us.  Evidently we all did learn well, just look at the various global wake keeping of love shown in the celbration of your passing,  everyone in their corner using their resources which ever and whatever way they can to express their love, the inner circles, the in circles and outer circles accordingly.  The pictures on your wesite: attest to this.  I remember my mum and sisters calling “Massa”, everything Massa, Massa, even my father did not like that but the Asangas, oh !! you have to deal with them if you mingle with one.  All of them so loved you that they continue throughout your life to pick wives for you.  Wife after wife evidently to please you or I do not know why?  You ended up with so many and see what happened we do not know and cannot tell unless someone tells me.  Seems to me you were so loved but so alone.  Sorry daddy we loved you and we miss you so, so much already.   That how our Lord wanted you to come quick with no suffering and headaches to anyone.  Good with the love of God which you shared in your time. Much earlier on in life I know you had a beautiful Volkswagon car then, when I was in primary school many decades ago, then I grew up went away, when I returned , shortly after, I had the occasion to come to the village when your beloved pretty daughter Hedwig came from America and passed, I could not help admire and comment you on your beautiful classic stone house on the hill in Baba village built from local natural resources, the kind I notice here in America kept for posterity, I thought, oh, mine!!!!!!! this man is great and has foresight and modern taste at the same time to put up that stone house which today for home improvement sake would have been a simple reconstruction of the interior or a side addition, for sure it looked timeless.  It would had remain to be history because it was built to stand the test of time.  I was proud to have you as my uncle, my mum’s immediate follower as we say it.  Sad , I heard one of your sons blew down that stone house to put up I hope something better with materials, who knows how far they have traveled, but in my eyes, nothing else would beat that one.  Your sisters again loved you so much I wondered why, that is all I know, like they even controlled you, what did you do to them?  They passed it on to us and in their absence we became like them, love that is selfless.  That was what was and what and how I know it.  You will go to any length for any of your nephews and nieces, I speak for us because I experienced it.  The others will speak for themselves. I remember this so vividly because it just happened a month before you left us for ever so suddenly, we were all this evening celebrating Nehwah Ngundam’s traditional marriage to John Endeley Abam.  You were sitting with honorable Achidi Achu and his brothers and sisters under the palm flower in his Limbe home court yard, they being the maternal grand parents to Neh and you called me and said, that I should create a corner for the Asangas the paternal family to Neh so each group can talk, perform and demand their traditional rights freely and avoid confusion.  That was so wise.  Then you brought your Asangas around you and it was such fun, full of laughter and merriment on both sides.  I hope someone can find pictures of these fun times.  How for your age, you could travel up and down the country where your services in family matters was needed and of concern, how awesome.  God bless you and give you eternal rest.   Right at this moment I stopped to look up something and my eyes fell on a eulogy from your son Paddy in Germany, he was just reiterating the fact that the love that existed among you and your  siblings confused all of as children in those days.  Asanga love confused a lots of us, please read Paddy’s eulogy. Now after reading Paddy’s eulogy my question above is answered why his sisters looked for wives for him.  When I read Paddy’s eulogy I cried because it is so vivid.  I never had that time with daddy , Massa George, now that I was grown but I know and I felt it every time recently when I come around him.  He will just be beaming with such joy, love and happiness that resonates with satisfaction and pride.  H e will come closer and fill me up with words of wisdom , he will ask for eating and drinking and rejoicing, it will be an awesome time, celebration, laughter and having a good time no matter the circumstance.  I remember the fun time as teenagers in secondary school that my sister Mrs,Pauline Nkwenti and I would spend at Daddy’s house in Buea.  We use to run to hide when daddy comes in and for me he would tease me and say as for this fear, fear Ngundam Cocoon.  I will cry but this time our mothers were miles away in Bamenda and Baba villge for us to run to them and shout on them, so they would wald to him and scold him to leave us alone.  It was his lovely way of showing his love for us and would give each pock money when we return to school.  How wonderful was that?  But recently, it was all friendship, happiness and satisfaction.  We are going to and are already missing you big time.  You shared God’s love to all of us selflessly and Christ is coming to get you at the gate with your pay in Jesus name.  He will bless you and love you for a job well done.  You ran a good race, rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord and savior till we meet again.  It is a celebration of live well spent    

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