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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Daniel C. Pocknell, 51 years old, born on March 9, 1959, and passed away on June 19, 2010. We will remember him forever.
June 20
June 20
I still think of Danny often. So many childhood memories of spending time with him!
March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
I can't believe you have been gone nearly 13 years! Love you always dear nephew! We made lots of great memories that I still cherish!
              Aunt Kolleen OXO
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Loved you like a son Danny! We still miss you so much!  Love Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick.
June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016
Still love and miss you very much nephew. We seem to see a lot of men that remind us of you. Never forgotten. Love Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick.
June 24, 2015
June 24, 2015
My dear Danny. I miss you so much every day but even more when things are happening. I know how much yu would want to be at  Jonnathan's wedding. Your 2 beautiful Granddaughters are going to be Flower Girls. Oh I wish I could go with you. I love yu and miss you Danny Boy.
June 19, 2015
June 19, 2015
Still missing you lots Danny Boy. We think of you often.Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick.
March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015
If my brother were here today, I would tease him that he was "getting old", but in reality he left us at what seemed way too young. Remembering my wonderful brother on his 56th Birthday.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
We love you lots Danny and still miss you and think of you often. Love Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick.
June 19, 2014
June 19, 2014
We still miss you a lot Danny.You left us with a great many wonderful memories and these we hang on to and remember you often. We love you lots. Uncle Dick & Aunt Kolleen.
June 19, 2014
June 19, 2014
It's so hard to believe that 4 years have passed, but Dan's memory lives on. As I read over the tributes and stories submitted over the years, I reminded of what a wonderful guy my brother was and continues to be, in our hearts. Time changes so many things, but it will never change the reality that Dan was truly loved and cherished by those who knew him best and his death reminds us that we need to be ready, for we never know when life on earth will be done. May God find us faithful. We miss you Danny! Love Cindy
March 11, 2014
March 11, 2014
I miss you so much right now, I don't know what to say. I sure did think of you on Sunday, a lot.
Love your little sister,
March 10, 2014
Dad, I have so much I would like to talk to you about! What I would do for just one visit. I miss you everyday!
Happy Birthday xoxoxox love Crystal
March 9, 2014
March 9, 2014
Danny Boy I love you & miss. March 9 will always be a Red Letter day to me. I love you no more or no less than 55 years ago.
March 9, 2014
March 9, 2014
Danny- it would be so nice to celebrate your birthday with you but God had your life mapped out for you and we miss you very much. Love Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick. OXO
June 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
We miss you Danny and your phone calls. Your Uncle Dick and I have a lot of fond memories of times we spent together. Love you forever.
June 19, 2013
June 19, 2013
Oh my Boy I miss him so much. Last evening was the hardest fpr me/. Memories are so precious now and pictures I can look at over and over.
Danny was so full of love for his family. He was good to everyone.
June 19, 2013
June 19, 2013
I still think of the fun times with Danny when I was young. Funny what came to mind this am was him asking me to pop the pimples on his back when he was staying with us one summer and visiting him in the trailer he stayed in in our backyard.
March 9, 2013
March 9, 2013
Happy Birthday Danny !! 
Oh how I remember when I would call to wish you Happy Birthday you would say "oh Mom I cannot believe I al this old and I would say Danny remember I am 20 years older". 
These are the memories I hold on to. March 9th will always be a special day for me.
March 9, 2013
March 9, 2013
Although this was a busy day because we were travelling, our thoughts of Dan were active as we remember that this is his birthday and always will be. And what a happy day it must have been when he was born!! Always remembered in our hearts!
March 9, 2013
March 9, 2013
Had to take a minute to wish you a Happy Birthday- happy 54th.
I thought of you a lot when I was recently in hospital for 3 weeks for my back surgery, I know you're a good hospital visit guy.
June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
"Blessed is he ...whose hope is in the Lord his God,the Maker of heaven and earth,the sea, and everything in them-the Lord,who remains faithful forever." ( Psalm 146:5,6) Thinking of you all as you go through life's greatest sorrow--- the loss of someone you love. May your faith in God sustain you,bringing you comfort and courage and hope .
June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
You will forever be missed, but always remembered in our hearts. Your positive attitude, despite some very challenging issues in your lifetime, showed the type of character you had, deep within. Thank-you for the memories over the years. Mom had a slideshow recently and I was reminded of our childhood. Thankful for my brother!
June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
My thoughts are with all of you today.But I know that all the wonderful memories you built with Dan, will constantly carry you through.
June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
I can't believe you have been gone for 2 years, today. There are so many happy memories I have of you, and some of the crazy things you would do in the wink of an eye. You were (and always will be) the the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. You are always in my heart, and very alive there. I take you with me everywhere I go - I sure wish you had built that roll cage for my chair.
June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
I remember when we called Danny to wish him Happy Birthday on his
50th Birthday. I said Happy 1/2 Century Birthday Dan. He said= say that again Aunt Kolleen. So I repeated it and he said oh that sounds
bad. Once he digested the comment we had a good laugh. We miss you Danny.You are in our hearts and we love you.
March 9, 2012
One of the many things you taught me was to enjoy life. Relax and have fun! I am not always very good at it, so to celebrate your birthday, I am going to try harder. You would tell me to enjoy every second with my babies. I have been thinking about some of our camping trips and going to the stock car races :) I miss you everyday! Love u Dad!
March 9, 2012
March 9, 2012
The memories of your birth are running wild in my head to-day. You brought so much joy and fun to our lifes as we watch you grow. My little Danny Boy. Someone ask me last month if you were the little boy in the Sailor Suit. I proudly said YES that was my boy. You were all of 2 yrs old then. I thanks God for the 51 yrs I had you and miss you so much
March 9, 2012
March 9, 2012
Even though you're gone, March 9th, will always be remembered as your BIRTHDAY. What a happy day that must have been, on the day you were born! If you were still here, I would tease you that you're getting old, and you would tell me that I'm not too far behind. Although it is hard to believe my brother is gone, I am thankful for good memories and for the peace that comes from God.
June 17, 2011
June 17, 2011
My Danny Boy - I need to light another candle to-day. I miss you so much right now.
June 14, 2011
June 14, 2011
You did an amazing job raising a beautiful girl. May you rest assured knowing that she has grown into a wonderful mom herself. You will forever be in our hearts!
June 12, 2011
June 12, 2011
"The Lord makes so many good things happen in our lives that we might think He's abandoned us when sorrow comes along. But the Lord knows when we're hurting and it's then that He draws closer to us."
Dan... may your memory live on forever! 
June 12, 2011
June 12, 2011
My heart hurts so bad as I think of not seeing or hearing from My Boy this year on my birthday June 20. Our birthdays were special for Danny and I. He would tell me how old he was getting just to get me to say I was 20 years older.
June 11, 2011
June 11, 2011
Dan there are so many things I could use your help with right now, but I have been able to do things. It takes me alot longer. I miss you so much, I wish God could give you back for a little while, if nothing else than to give you a proper goodbye

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Recent Tributes
June 20
June 20
I still think of Danny often. So many childhood memories of spending time with him!
March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
I can't believe you have been gone nearly 13 years! Love you always dear nephew! We made lots of great memories that I still cherish!
              Aunt Kolleen OXO
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Loved you like a son Danny! We still miss you so much!  Love Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick.
Recent stories

My Son - I miss you so.

June 18, 2011

I have so many memories.  I will try to share a couple. 

Someone came to me here at Maple Grove last summer and ask if Danny was the little guy who ran around here at Family Camp in the Sailor Suit.  I proudly said YES he was.  No, he was not in the Navy, he was 4 years old  walking up to church in his sailor suit.  He had the suit, the hat and even the overcoat. Oh, that memory is so real to me, my little boy dressed up like a man walking up these dirt roads from our cottage to the tabernacle.

Then a current memory two years ago this weekend my kids through a huge Birthday Party for me.  Orginized by Cindy, carried out by all the kids, family and friends.  It was the biggest surprise I ever had.  As we drove in the driveway there was a van with a very large sign, as big as the van.  Hand painted by Danny and there he stood punch.  I still have that huge paper sign and I think I will put it up this year for my Birthday.

Kolleen - thank you so much for finding this site for us to share our memories on.

Love From Aunt Kolleen and Uncle Dick

June 15, 2011

Danny you are missed so much

We wish we could reach out and touch

The man that you grew up to be

You are loved by all the family.


We didn't have time to say good-bye

And oh how time just seems to fly

You touched our hearts in many ways

We'll remember you the rest of our days.

Remember when.....

June 14, 2011

I have really enjoyed reading everyones stories about my dad, I have laughed and cried, but I think both emotions are needed. My dad would love all these memories, probably even about his pimples on his back being picked lol. He loved to see people he loved happy, and even more having fun.

There are so many memories I have of my dad. We always had fun camping, fishing ( I think fishing with anyone but my dad is really boring), going to monster trucks, eating carmel ripple ice cream, playing the game ( grandpa's game), I went on one long truck ride with him, but I don't think I was as good of a passanger as Aunt Kolleen or Brian. I could just go on and on.

Alana says her favorite memory of Special Grandpa is him taking her to the store to buy Dora popsicle's, He really took her just to show her off.

I wish more then anything there was more time to make more memories with my children. But I will never forget the look on his face when both girls where born, it was a look only a proud grandpa could give.

I have been thinking alot about our dog Chase. We had Chase for 15 years, and he was definetly a mans best friend. We had other dogs but my dad never bonding or loved them as much as Chase. I like to think Chase is with my dad now :)

After my dad died I got a little frusterated, sometimes I would think, how do people just carry on with life. But I know we have to carry on, and he would want us all to be happy, and enjoy life to the fulliest. So that is what I plan to do. I know he will always be remembered, He touched so many lives, in so many ways.

Thank you for always being there for me, and giving me your unconditional love.


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