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The last time I saw him.

March 9, 2023
I have so many hilarious and crazy stories of times I spent with Chase. But, the last time I saw him was one of the most life-changing days of my life. Chase helped me kick an item off my bucket list, and helped me safely explore a place unknown to me. He was there when I found a way to see through the looking glass, peak behind the veil. And in that moment I looked at him, my truest friend, and told him I wasn't afraid to die anymore.. thank you, dear brother. Without you, I might have never seen what I was capable of. You might not be here to hang out with, anymore, but every time I hear Maynard's voice I feel like you're right here next to me.. over-explaining the song while it's playing so I can't actually listen to it. Then, giving me the full backstory on the albums production, set and tonality, song meanings and interpretations, which I didn't ask for. You never told me what disposition was about.. but you did show me what it meant.
March 8, 2023
One of the wildest nights of my life was when Chase & Danielle came to visit in North Carolina. We went to a fancy underground craft bar where someone caught her hair on fire from a candle. Chase reaches over and puts the fire out with his hand like nothing happened. He probably saved her from some wicked burns, because the only loss was a good chunk of her hair. Chase was great at maintaining composure in stressful scenarios. I was in a mild panic and he laughed it off. Looking back on it I can laugh though. 
I miss you, friend. You were a really wonderful person to know. I hope the music is good in heaven.

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