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June 29, 2021
I don't think I ever met anyone who loved life as much as Dan. Despite his well-known fun-loving nature, he also had the emotional depth to know when a friend was struggling and give them great life wisdom to help them thru it. Over the years he became my spiritual "Yoda" and he taught me the two most important life lessons - 1) Don't sweat the small stuff. 2) It's all small stuff. I will always remember his witty, wise & generous soul and I will forever miss my "once in a lifetime" friend.

My sincere condolences to Cathy, Laura & Chris. We were all blessed for the time we got to share with Dan!


June 26, 2021
    Dan you were the most genuine man I ever met. The love you gave your wife and kids and pets was so visable.. I don't think there can be anyone that's ever met you that wouldn't like you, and in time love you.     I myself loved you for so many reasons. Your sense of humor , your love of old cars, and your helpful talks we had. I could go on and on but I'm just glad you made my sister have so many adventures and loved her to the end. I love you Dan .... I hope you know how many hearts you've touched. You will be miss!!! 

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