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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Daniel Garcia, 27, born on June 25, 1989 and passed away on May 5, 2017. We will remember him forever.
October 18, 2019
October 18, 2019
Always in my heart always in my prayer buzzn i love you brother your neices miss you so much too.
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019
Are time was short. You will always be part of me threw sprite and soul.
My Hart beats as yours once did, now they beat together, as one.
Me familia. Danny boy I miss that smile the most.
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
I get why u put this up but I don't appreciate u screen shooting pics when they have my son it them and posting them. I know u were close to him but have respect for my son especially regarding the situation of his death. So please take it down
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
I don't really know what to say I thought it would be nice for your friends rt o be able to pay their respects not every ones going to be at the funeral I can't believe I'm having to write this who's is going to ride by and talk shit I'll miss you and all the shit you talk I would take it over silence from u everyday and second of my life you and Nikko will always be my little brother's I love you Daniel R.I.P little brother

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October 18, 2019
October 18, 2019
Always in my heart always in my prayer buzzn i love you brother your neices miss you so much too.
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019
Are time was short. You will always be part of me threw sprite and soul.
My Hart beats as yours once did, now they beat together, as one.
Me familia. Danny boy I miss that smile the most.
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
I get why u put this up but I don't appreciate u screen shooting pics when they have my son it them and posting them. I know u were close to him but have respect for my son especially regarding the situation of his death. So please take it down
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I miss you folks so much

May 6, 2020
Damn lil d I miss you so much folks. I miss you buggin for a ride or just checking in every two days. I wish my son would have known you, you are such an amazing person. But I do let him know that you got him his first car seat and I let him know you are uncle D folks. Miss and love you folks.

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