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Daniel Mellers' memorial service will take place at Christ Community Church in Greeley, Colorado on Thursday, May 4, at 11:00 AM.
The address is 1301 15th St, Greeley, CO, 80631.

A memorial fund will be established in Daniel's name. Donations can be sent to 1320 Cherry Ct., Eaton, CO, 80615.

This memorial website was created to honor and remember Daniel. Please feel free to view the images and stories on this site, and share your own memories and thoughts.

The "His Life" and "Gallery" tabs contain pictures and a brief biography.

You can leave a small tribute below, or go to the "Stories" tab to share a longer memory for others to enjoy. Please share freely; it brings joy and comfort to his family and friends.

September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
I pray for you guys often. ❤️
April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
Thinking of Daniel today and praying for all who love him. Still have the sign up, "You Matter. Don't Give up." Many people at our Riding Center have read this sign and love its encouraging words.
Your friend and sister in Christ,
Deb Michael
April 23, 2018
April 23, 2018
Remembering Daniel today and praying for his family as they experience the first anniversary of their loss. His smile and humor still live on my mind and heart.
December 27, 2017
December 27, 2017
Today I'm asking my girlfriend's dad for permission to marry her and next week I will propose. If they both say yes, Daniel would have been my best man hands down.
September 5, 2017
September 5, 2017
Daniel and I worked Event Services together during the summer of 2016. At that job we had a tiny 2-seat vehicle that can be best described as a go-cart disguised as a truck called a Z-Go. Daniel rode shotgun about 90% of the time I drove the Z-Go, so I got to know him fairly well through that. I got to hear about his wandering thoughts, his recent 'League' struggles, and most of all his unlimited, uncontrollable dry sarcasm. I loved every second I spent with him, but my fondest memory was singing 'I Saw The Sign' by Ace of Base as loudly and badly as possible while cruising around campus, getting sideways glances from those unfortunate enough to be within earshot.
May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
My kids and I knew the Mellers through the home school community. We remember Daniel as a polite, kind young man with a smile on his face and a warm heart. I remember that he liked music and sang in choir with my daughter Rachael. I never had Daniel in one of the CHESS classes I taught, but I would have loved to have had him as I'm sure he was a delightful student. Peter, Jane and family - I can't imagine how difficult this is, but know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. With love and prayers, Jeff and Sue Figgs and family
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
I will always have great memories of spending time at Daniel's house when we were younger. Even though we sort of lost touch after high school, he will be missed dearly.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
We will always remember Daniel's humble and gentle spirit. John 11:23, " Jesus said.."I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies." That is our hope as believers. Love and prayers for Daniel, Peter, Jane, Megan, Devon, Sarah and all your families, sincerely.
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Therefore comfort one another with these words."

Dear Mellers Family, As a CHESS family, we feel as though Daniel is a part of our family, though we did not know him very well. We love you and grieve with you, and tears come to our eyes.
In loving thoughts and prayers. Love, the Brown Family
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
From John Moulden (cousin from England):
All I can say is Daniel is a total credit to you - he was such lovely young man. Gentle, smiley, kind, intelligent, thoughtful, interesting, funny, adventurous - just totally lovely!
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
From Susan McGuire:
I can't be there to sit with you, hug you, or hold your hands. But I will be in prayer with you and for you throughout the days ahead. You raised a wonderful young man who gave the best of himself to others. A good, good person. Much love to you, Peter, Megan and Devon.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
From Jan and Ted George, Daniel's aunt and uncle:
Daniel George Mellers' spirit will always be present at our family gatherings - so very loved as we long for him to join us here with yet another witty remark or insightful observation. Rest in peace, abiding love and joyfulness until we join you someday... there. We miss you, so much...
Ted & Jan
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
From Larry Baker, Sarah's grandpa:
Although i did not know daniel as good as i hoped to. we loved him for his comittment to sarah.we will be thinking of you and him on thursday.and will always have him on our mind and in our prayers.he was a fine young man.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
Daniel always had such a great sense of humor. He would say the wittiest things in the most deadpan way. I always appreciated his British sense of humor and his acting skills. My fondest memories of him were on stage performing plays and having wacky conversations sometimes during free periods during high school. It hits hard to think that he is gone. Though I haven't seen him in over two years since he moved, he will be very much missed.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
I have no words, only tears. When I think of Daniel, I think of 1 Corinthians 13. Daniel was patient and kind. He did not envy or boast. He acted for the good of others out of respect and honor for them, no matter their station in life, and no matter the cost to himself. Daniel was not easily angered and kept no record of wrongs. He never delighted in evil, but found strength and joy in the truth.

Daniel loved as he was so deeply loved by his family and those who knew him. As with all of us in this journey of life, Daniel could only see in part, as a dim reflection in a mirror. Sometimes that mirror gets foggy and cloudy and we can't see well at all. But now there is no doubt that he can fully see and know, even as he was...and is.... fully known by his Creator, in this life and for all of eternity. He may be absent from us, but I know beyond all shadow of a doubt that he is present with the LORD and we will see him again.

This world and all we know in it will end. But love never ends. It is the one thing that leads us and follows us into eternity. Daniel was loved so deeply. He is loved greatly. Nothing or no one can ever take that love away.

Psalm 58 says God is even now collecting all the tears of those who love Daniel in a bottle... a really big bottle. So no more words. Only tears.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
Daniel was my best friend, most trusted friend, and my brother. I think back over the 10 years I've known him and how much of those 10 years were spent with him. We did everything together. We would go running at night, drive to school together, did karate together, played video games to the wee hours of the night, and would make spontaneous trips to Burger King to get custom order quadruple Whoppers. I've never known more of an upstanding gentleman than him. We always had a competition to see which of us was a better paragon of manliness. As it stands now he was firmly in the lead, and as much as I hate to lose, I'll consent that one to Daniel forever. He helped me through so many difficult times of girl trouble, wanting to drop out of school and move to Canada, quite karate, and grow up in general. The impact he has had on my life is not measurable.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
My first memory of Daniel ("Nannal", as my daughter Sarah called him) and Sarah in the church nursery, and the picture in the church directory. I remember years later in our house in Iowa he commented on our phone ringer playing Vivaldi. Such a Godly, humble young man, part of a wonderful family. It seems surreal that he's no longer with us Our prayers are with you all. Love, Karin for the Corr family.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
My first memory of Daniel was the spring semester 2004 when he was taking my art class. It was a first hour class and we were in the poorly lit library. He always arrived with a grin and settled in to his spot and quietly worked away at his project each week. Over the years Daniel was at CHESS that pleasant grin and calm demeanor were always there. He was a student every teacher enjoyed.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
A very long time ago, must have been elementary or middle school, Daniel mentioned in a class that one of his parents was from England. I had never known someone who's parents weren't from America and for some reason that blew my child-mind. Ever since then, whenever I saw him, that's what I thought of. I haven't seen Daniel for at least three years, but I wish I would have gotten the chance to tell him what an impact he had on me just from that small tidbit I knew about him.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
Dear Jane,
I am praying for you as you grieve. May our God of Comfort be your ever-present Help during this very difficult time. Although I did not know Daniel as much as I knew you, I have always been touched by YOU and your love for the Lord and the sweet ministry times we shared. You have a gentle and quiet spirit, and my heart hurts for how much you must be hurting. I am sorry. I am praying for you and your family.
With love,
Tammy Busse
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
I have fond memories of Chemistry class with the "Brain Trust" - Daniel, Austin Gill, and Spencer Powell. The rest of the class was in awe of those three boys!
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
I remember when I ushered at CCC how he would help us in 2nd service doing the offering or passing out bulletins.. Peter, Jane.. I am so sorry for the loss.. My heart aches because I got to meet this young man and talk to him and all.. rest in peace young man..

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September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
I pray for you guys often. ❤️
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Star Chef

April 29, 2017

About a month ago I was hanging out with Daniel, Sarah and our friend Cece talking about life and silly little topics. Our friend Cece and I have been really in to playing this game called Star Chef which is an app about cooking. I got a notification on my phone and said something close to: “Oh yay! My onion soup is ready!” and opened up star chef to start playing. Cece did the same and we continued to talk about how great the game was. Daniel then commented: “Wait, is that a restaurant in space?!” Sarah, Cece, and I busted out in laughter and it ended with me rolling around, roaring with laughter, and crying! Daniel was so great at getting the people around him to laugh, and in the “rolling around, stomach aching, and crying” kind of way! He was so hilarious and fun to talk with! Daniel had such a wonderful heart and mind! Daniel, you make my soul shine!

Swinging Home

April 28, 2017

Daniel was about two years old. It may have been the first time I met him, replete with his blonde hair, and infectious grin.  On that day, Jane, Peter, Daniel and I were walking in Horseshoe Park (maybe it was Beaver Meadows) in Rocky Mtn. Nat'l Park.  Danny Boy did something that caused Jane to bend down and whisper a parental correction. That's how his parents rolled--quiet, but effective. He obeyed. 

I was in a goofy mood.  "Let's cheer up this little tyke."  So, I picked up a log.  Daniel and I were gonna pretend to play baseball.  I swung away. I, in my exuberance, almost whacked poor-but-willing-to-go-along-with-the-game Daniel in the head with said log.

I recall Jane and Peter freezing just a bit. 

I was aghast at the close call.  

Daniel laughed.

In that moment--in his laughter, Daniel made a home run out of my heart.

Here's to you, Daniel Mellers.  

-Lynn Froude    


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