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Sad Today - 6th Anniversary

July 14, 2019

Travis, I am thinking of you today and praying for you my dear friend. It doesn't seem so long ago that we would go out, have fun and you would crash out on my couch. There are alot of memories I cherish. God bless you my friend. I miss you and love you...I am sure you are making people laugh up in Heaven and you are with your Mom. ❣

September 13, 2013
05 Baby Can I Hold You

I am still in shock Trav... everyday I think about you and my breath catches in my chest and I feel like I am suffocating then my heart drops into my stomach at what feels like 200 mph. And I am taken back by the overwhelming emotion I am feeling.
   A year ago about this time, you were helping me move (as you always had, the only person who was there through all my moves... including the one when my entire underwear drawer full of panties landed on I-25 North Bound right passed the 38th Ave/Park on ramp and I70 interchange. Panties just flying everywhere out the dresser drawers from the bed of my Ford Ranger... and you, in your Camero trying to dodge the UFOs that were soaring at you. We both couldnt help but laugh our ass' off at the situation. And 13 years later, we would still double over in laughter at the mention of it. We really learned which way you want a loaded dresser facing when moving it thanks to that event. :) 
  As with all my moves, you were also my only constant in my life since I was 17. I was only a kid when we met. Fresh outta my little, sheltered, gymnastics engulfed world and I decided you were the one for me. You were the one i wanted to be around ALL the time. Day n Night, Night n Day. I wanted to marry you Trav. I really did. I had many dreams where I saw our children... I had named them already... And life working out the way it did, that didn't end up happening. 
  BUT in all those years of me running away to do my exploring, our paths ALWAYS came back to each other. We always found our way back to one another with some pretty awesome stories to share. And even our time apart seemed like a sheer blink of an eye, we always picked up where we left off. The only true longest friendship I have ever had with the added benefit of having my best friend as my lover as well. You and I were connected Trav, on a level very few people will ever understand.
   I cried when I miscarried our baby Travis, I cried for you, because I knew how much you wanted to be a Dad and how good of a Dad you would have made. Im sorry I didn't tell you until years after it happened. I was so afraid it would hurt you too much but I also knew that it would hurt you more if I never told you. That is one gift I always wanted to share with you and it broke my heart when it slipped away so quickly. 
  A year ago, you had helped me move yet again and 2 weeks later it was my birthday. You came over and you and I spent my 30th Birthday together, just us two. Again, the only constant in my life. We played our guitars and sang songs in my garage and downed wine and Bud Lights until we passed out. It was a great birthday and Im so happy and thankful I got to spend it with you. I had imagined it happening that way... I had it in my head that on your 40th, I was gonna throw an AWESOME Over The Hill party in your honor. **Sigh**.
   Travis... thank you for always excepting me for who I was, who I am and who I am striving to be. Throughout my life you are one of the only people who was able to do that. Who didn't try to smash me into a mold of what they think I should be like, or act like or do with my life. You let me grow and figure out who I am and then let me be who I am with no judgement. I adored that about you. You just loved me. You are such a beautiful person and I miss you so. 
  I had a nightmare last week, I shot awake sweating and crying and hyper ventilating. I dreamt I had lost you, I got up and went to the bathroom and calmed myself down, thanking God it was just a dream and as I climbed back into bed, the realization that it wasn't a nightmare swallowed me whole and I just lost it. I had a friend staying the night and she came in and held me as I sobbed and felt so confused on what was reality at that moment. 
  As my birthday comes around again this year... I think about you and I and our life that we were able to spend together, the smiles, the laughter, the tears and the hurt. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. All of it. 
  I am not dealing well with your absences... I am not too sure how too. I am working through things as well as I can, This is the most I have uttered a word about my feelings or whats been going on in my head about this... And I know you are where you are supposed to be and you will always be in my heart. And everytime I hear Tracy Chapman's 'Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight' I will forever be taken back to Kenny and Kristens livingroom with you singing it to me as you learned the chords on the guitar. You were absolutely adorable that day ;) 
  Image forever burned in my memory.


So many memories.................

July 23, 2013

I have so many memories with Travis....I first met Travis in 2005 at a Dart Bar in Aurora.  He was playing on a team with my friend Esperanza.  She invited me to watch her team. That was the first time I met him.  We talked that night, exchanged numbers and made a "date" to go eat at P.F. Changs downtown Denver a couple weeks later.  I remember sitting at the bar, ordering some wine. Well the bartender accidentally spilled wine on my white shirt. I was like, "Oh no!" That was the start of a fun night.   We then sat at our table and ordered our food.  We had some funny conversations going and right in the middle of a bite, Travis looked up at me and said, " We are never going to blank, blank are we?" I looked up at him and said, "No, we aren't".  He shrugged his shoulders and said, "ok".  That was Travis!  We both laughed and became great friends from that moment on.  I will never forget the times we spent together! He was always so soft spoken, loved his music and always wanted to go to the movies! I remember he always had his Ipod, well Nano, for years. He carried that thing with him everywhere.  I first heard the expression, "Does a bear shit in the woods?" from Travis.  We would talk at times and when I asked a dumb question, he would say, "Does a bear shit in the woods, Dahling That was our friend word for eachother.  We were always laughing. He spent many nights, as he did with many of his friends and family, on my couch.  He said to me, Out of all the couches I have slept on, yours is the most comfortable" He always made me feel good inside.  He loved his family and his friends.  You could always count on Travis to make times with him "fun" :) My heart is so sad right now.  I miss his smile, laughter, knowledge, funny sayings and so many things. I will always keep him near.  I love you Travee, may God keep you laughing in Heaven...I'll see you again some day.............................One of your BFF's, Anita

July 21, 2013

Katie, Travis and I.  I will miss my brother forever. I love you bro!

July 21, 2013

Travis playing rock band in our basement. We had so much fun, the date is wrong on the camera, this is May 2010.

A never ending Letter to my Brother...

July 20, 2013

What can you say about my Big brother....Words can't even describe the feelings that over powered my body the day I heard of your passing...I dropped to my knees, got sick to my stomach only because I never got the chance to really let you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you.. I carried your heartache and pain brother.. Even as a young girl I could feel your sadness more than anyone.. I know you loved me but I also know how hard it was to get close to me. I just want you to know Travis if I could have given mama back to you so you would never had to feel that loss...Trust me brother I would.. That's how much I love you. I remember as a kid I wanted to always be around you to where I would say," come on brother I will be your slave, clean your room or whatever just because I wanted to be close to you." You always had us into something as kids. I remember the couple times you made me cry as big brothers do to the baby in the family. You would try to hush me before dad heard or you would say I could go for a ride with you in the buick ( your first car)if i stopped crying...LOL. So i learned to suck up those tears. Travis you played a big part in who I am today. Believe it or not but you helped make me a strong person. I fear no one and live my life as care free as you did and always have. I know why we never got close but now that you have peace and have returned home to mama I can feel us closer than ever.....I will never forget when you started dating you made me laugh when I would hear you call them "Butterface" I love you so much brother and you will never be foregotten. I think of you more and more and speak to you everyday. You,mama and aunt Aileen are MY gaurdian Angels...Take care of mama and embrace her for all of us. I hope now that you have seen the light you can now know and truly understand the love I carry for my family...You are and forever will be a beautiful soul travis. You have touched many people in your lifetime brother and I hope you know how many people Truly Loved YOU!!!! It was weird at your service it didn't feel real.. I kept looking through the crowds of people to see you...I wanted to get up and say a few words at your service but instead I am writing you this letter... and as i began to think of all my memories of you I can't bring myself to put this to a close.. I will Never close that chapter with you brother. I look in the mirror and see you... we do have more in common than you would have ever imagined... I see my son and I see you in him... Your spirit is alive in every corner I turn...You will never be forgotten brother and my memories and stories will live on forever in my heart... from our tears to our camping trips and the crazy things you could always get me to do I will forever cherish you and always be proud that mama gave you to me as MY BIG BROTHER....LEO'S FOREVER BROTHER.....LOVE YOU ALWAYS DANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearest Travis,

July 19, 2013

Dearest Travis,

If only I could tell you how you have added a sparkle to my life. I would tell you that I will live more spontaneously because you said, “I work to live and a check is a ticket to do what you want to do. A paycheck provides the opportunity to go to Mexico and test every tequila drink imaginable.”  I would also say that I will dedicate myself to spending more time with my family because each person has something that makes each of us grow in some way that may have never happened if not for the long conversations and the little perspectives that emerge when least expected.  You said, "There is nothing like having fun with your family because they feed you because they love you and they always let you come back." Sounded funny at the time, but I will always remember it as how we are a family that will always welcome each other back no matter what. You have a heart of gold and your thoughts were so straight forward.

I am still your biggest fan just because you were going to go to Rhyann’s  Zumba class with me on Saturday and be my dance partner on Friday. I like how you said, "You do not need a date if you want to dance, you always have me." There is not much you would not do and I will think more about saying yes to opportunities to learn and have fun.  You have taught me that life is short and it should be enjoyed as much and as often as possible.  You were the kind of man who could trigger love and happiness because you are so well spoken and calm.  You have a piece of my heart.  I will always remember you, Roxane and I singing all our favorite songs as though  we had microphones in our hands. It was so funny when you closed your eyes when you were singing that John Mayal song, "Her Body is a Wonderland! You are so passionate about all you do.

You attracted all the ladies. Your beautiful hair, thick and curly like your Grandpa and your Dad. Your brilliance shone like the sun, in a quiet manner. You garnered the best of the best of the genetic pool, as well as the best of the best of the angelic sincere kindness heart pool, if one exists.

My love and a piece of my heart goes with you. You will now see your Grandpa Pete, Grandma Ercie, Grandma Irene, Aunt Aileen and especially your first Mom who loved you dearly.

All my love as Always,

Aunt Marlene

July 19, 2013

Dear Travis,
     What a terrible thing to happen to such a young person.  I remember seeing you grow up and hanging out with my sons Adrian, Ryan and Evan.  When we moved from our Quitman house our sons, you and Leigh remained life long friends.  You and Adrian had a lot of adventures together from being roommates to camping to four wheeling, and to VEGAS!  You were at many of our family celebrations and we welcomed you with open arms :).  Travis you were your own person and lived life your own way.  I never saw you angry or being disrespectful.  You meant the world to our son Adrian, his family and ours.
     Rest in peace Travis, my friend and additional son.  You will be and are already being missed by all those whose life you touched.

Josie Garcia
(Adrian's mom) 

Memories and More Time

July 19, 2013

Since the moment we learned of Travis' passing, Adrian and I have been reminiscing about all the memories we have shared with Travis.  There’s a lot of laughing and a lot more tears.  He was just so ingrained in our lives! We always figured we would have the time to “catch up with him another weekend for a breakfast of fried tacos at Mexico City” or for Adrian and him to schedule a tee time.  We never knew, could not even fathom, that our time with Travis was coming to an end.  I’m so glad I had the privilege to have known Travis these last 13 years. He has shared with us all the big moments in our lives: engagement, marriage, the birth of our kids, etc.  We were all even roommates for a year – which was very fun and interesting to say the least.  Adrian last spent time with Travis in Moab for Easter Jeep Safari in March.  They spent 3 or so days together and Adrian had a great time with him.  I last saw Travis in April when he unexpectedly text and asked if we were going to Mexico City for breakfast.  Although Adrian wasn’t going, I was going to meet a friend.  I invited Travis and he met my friend and I.  I will forever treasure that memory of my last face to face conversation with him.  Words of comfort are still hard to come by – he loved life and lived it to the fullest.  Although he loved and cherished his family and friends, there was an underlying sadness in Travis.  He is now with the person he missed the most in his life, his mom.  It’s still incomprehensible to know that we won’t hear his laugh, his voice, his astonishing knowledge of all things music and movie based (I was amazed how he could recite almost any line from any movie verbatim and name the title and artist of just about  any song), and just knowing that he was only a phone call away.  God Bless you Travis – Adrian and I love you and will forever miss you.

Forever in our hearts,
Adrian, Stephanie, Ava, Eden, and AJ Quintana

July 18, 2013

It is with total shock that I'm writing this. Our Families were tied in a way that time nor space or zip codes would ever separate the times we shared growing up. There was a time in our lives that our Families were never apart. We spent so many long summer days & nights running the neighborhood, chasing Travis and Lee on their  bikes, eating icecream on the front porch. Between our Families we had 6 girls and 2 boys so, needles to say the boys always had us girls doing something that got us in trouble! Many times we all had to sit out of play on the back porch, pointing fingers at who's fault it was. The Boys laughing at us crying girls.....  

I will never forget the first time I ate Elk. At age 9 Travis reassured me that it was really good!!! After all he & his Dad killed it! We spent many camping trips together, hanging out by the campfire tossing sticks into the flames. Travis was also the one who gave me the courage to shoot a rifle for the first time. I must have been 12 or so and I remember him laughing (with encouragement) at me as I never hit one beer can on that rock! That sweet smile of his is what made me take that first bit of Elk and shoot that rifle without fear and sit on the back of his Dad's motorcycle, as he gave all the kids a rid down the street on Sunday afternoons. It was that sweet smile that as teenagers when he asked me to escort him to his senior prom I said "Sure. It'll be fun!"

Travis touched our lives in so many ways, My Father thought he was such a fearless soul. He always said "Hey, Dan, Did you see what that son of yours did!!" Laughing in amazement! Now looking back on things, had my Dad not been given three girls he would have been proud to have had a son like Travis. My Mother loved his sweet nature and the fact that he was such a good Big Brother.  His unconditional love for his sisters always set high marks with my Mother. My sisters & I have many stories of our own that will live in our hearts. Though the years have sent us all on separate paths, its the path we all started on that has the most impact in our lives.

We are saddened and yet grateful that Travis had such an impact in our lives.

With our deepest sympathy and Love,

The Andrade Family,

Jim, Eleanor, Nickie, Kelly, and Michelle    

July 15, 2013

Travis and his niece Irena on the day she was born.  Pure love and true happiness!  I will make sure she always remembers her Uncle Travis.

July 15, 2013

I am literally floored by this news.  I just came back to Colorado from a weekend trip.  I just talked to Travis not too long ago.  We had known each other since 5th grade.  Over the years we wandered in and out of each others lives but always seemed to pick up where we left off.  He was a good friend and great guy.

I will miss you 

July 14, 2013

This is my daddy shower in 2008 before the birth of our first child. It was a surrprise shower Mia had a hard time getting in touch with Travis without me knowing. She was able to get hold of the day before the party he told her "I will be there would not miss it, even with short notice." Thats the kind of friend that Travis was.


July 14, 2013

After gambling in Cripple Creek, we were out of luck for somewhere to sleep.  We ended up having to go to the nearest town, Victor Co. It was almost deserted.  Aside from the hotel we stayed in, this liquor store was the only other sign of life.  Creeped us all out. 3/4/2013

Renaissance Festival

July 14, 2013

Kenny was at renfest with his brother Donavan and his family.  Trav brought me to meet up with them.  Summer 2009

Grand Lake

July 14, 2013

Travis wanted to go to Grand Lake- I think he just wanted to drive Sam on the mountain roads- So we brought Vicki and my daughter with us and went up.  We rented a motorboat and took to the lake.  My daughter Kaeli ended up driving for awhile.  Summer 2011

Renaissance Festival

July 14, 2013

Travis and Kenny were trying for the same handholds... 7/2009

Renaissance Festival

July 14, 2013

He lost his flip flops and sunglasses this trip.  8/2010

Casa Grande

July 14, 2013

We were on our way to Cripple Creek when we got hungry and had to stop in Woodland Park for lunch.  We found this mezican joint in Woodland Park and after razzing the wait staff for awhile, Travis put his margarita on his head.  I have a video of when it came down.. almost unscathed.  We laughed so hard...

Guanella Pass

July 14, 2013

This is the first time we pitched camp on this trip.  Shortly after this was taken, our neighbors left and we walked the tent down the hill still completely put together.  That night the air got saturated with mist and froze to everything.  It was so beautiful.  This was 6/22/13.

Guanella Pass

July 14, 2013

We were camping off Geneva Creek Road and found a place to camp after looking for a few hours.  After we got unpacked, we started a fire and roasted some marshmallows.  I had forgotten the graham crackers.  Trav roasted one after another and devoured them.  They had to be black though. He was wearing this one for a few minutes before snapping this.  6/22/13

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