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April 9, 2023
Dan and Vicki were our family's neighbors for many years on Greendale Drive. I babysat all the kids, starting when there was only Danny, and I often went places with Vicki and the kids in her emerald green Thunderbird. She was like a big sister to me, and she and my mom were good friends. Dan was a wonderful husband and father, always gentle and sweet to everyone, and his love for his family was evident and enviable. As a kid, I always hoped to meet someone as devoted as Dan was to his wife. He was so talented, and he was always fixing cars!  I remember how important his shop was to him. He even sent me birthday greetings on messenger up to my last one. I was stunned and so very sad to hear of his untimely passing. I know he has left a HUGE void in so many people's hearts. He was a true man of faith, and I know he will be waiting patiently until he and his loved ones are reunited, and I hope this offers them comfort and peace. God be with you all, and Dan, you are missed!

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