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The Lefty

June 4, 2015
Take Me out to the Ball Game - Take Me out to the Ball Game

     I think of all the memories we have shared and I have to say one of my favorites is when you played baseball for Pacoima Little League. You were the “Left- Handed Pitcher” and boy, did the crowd love you!! You stirred up a commotion in them with all your skills and antics, plus I’m sure all the girls were going crazy over you, too! That’s another story. You sure did look mighty spiffy in your baseball get up digs.

     Baseball days were always exciting at Grandma Graces’ house. She would always make sure you had a hearty breakfast with a nice stack of hotcakes, an egg on top, and bacon on the side. All while guzzling down milk as if it were your last glass.  You loved your milk.  You were a perfectionist when it came to getting your uniform ready it had to be “sparkling clean and pressed” as you would say. Seriously OCD! Let’s not forget the “Shredded Big Chew,” the gum that every little leaguer had to have or there was not going to be a game, Bazooka would not suffice for this task. You left me the task of walking to the corner store to pick up your Big Chew and a Mad Magazine. I loved to say no to you only to hear you beg me J hehehe, “Mija…chica, I beg you, do this for your nice big brother who loves you so much mija, chica?” How could I say no to that! I was always rewarded with whatever candy I chose. I would bring your goods back and you would praise me with kisses and hugs and then show me off like a pesky little sister.

     Mom would do her part in volunteering to work the snack bar and we ate snacks and treats like royalty!  I’m not entirely sure if we ever even paid for it J hehehehe. Leave it to mom.  She loaded us up with snacks and drinks till we could carry no more. We headed to the bleachers, but they were so full that we were relegated to sitting on the ground close by the fence, which was actually a better spot anyway. Here we could feel the echoes of the bat hitting those balls and hear the crowd go insane with cheers and jeers. The game would open with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The audience would stand with their hands over their hearts and the teams would line up and do the same all for the game and of course our beloved country. It was a momentous time…

     The sun was shining and all was right with the world as we sat there in bliss, watching you saunter over to your position as if you owned the ground you walked on. That was Garcia self-confidence through the roof!! I relished each moment. My big brother, his cheeks packed with “Big Chew.” He was a super star in my eyes.  

Man, Danny you were the bomb, the left handed pitcher and the crowd would go crazy!! You struck them out over and over, with all your low, fast, curveballs, knuckleballs, and sidewinder pitches.

     You would approach the batters position like a bull ready to take on his adversary, digging your cleats into the ground kicking up the dirt behind you like an angry bull ready to charge. Slowly raising your left hand, swinging your bat as if putting on a show, giving it a few swings getting faster and faster with each rotation. When you went up to bat, I sat by the fence with cousin Connie, and Tinker hollering "Aye batter batter swing! Aye batter batter swing! Aye batter batter swing!” Then you hit the ball clear out of sight past the outfield. The throngs of people sitting on the bleachers would go bonkers yelling and hollering to hustle it up! Move it! You hit the ball with all your might and took off running never looking back! Homerun, baby! You were a consistent winner and your team loved you for it! Cousin Bobby played with you too, and he never stopped praising how awesome you played. He was another great!

I was so proud of you, especially to be your sister!  You played like a champ!

     We celebrated that night sitting around the 55 gallon drum fire pit that Uncle Pelleyejo would oversee as he drank his Coors beer and enjoyed all the kids company reliving the plays. Cousin Eddie Rey played his guitar and conducted all the kids as if he had his own personal chorus, we sang along to his every strum; One Tin Soldier Rides Away and the Carpenters, he liked to choose the tear jerkers, I guess to help us feel the plight of others, nonetheless I cherished every moment we had together.  

These moments are etched in my mind as if it were yesterday, the smells of the fire, our faces red from being in the sun too long, the voices of all our family and friends, these are the moments worth living for. I love you brother.


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