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November 9, 2014
November 9, 2014
May you rest peacefully in Billiard Heaven. We will miss you, your smile and your incredible grace. There will never be another "Gentleman Dave." Your friend Mazin.
November 9, 2014
November 9, 2014
I'm so grateful to have gotten to spend even just a little time with David. Visits with him were a peaceful respite for me. He was gracious and generous with his time even though he knew he had little left. I will always remember his grace and kind soul.
November 9, 2014
November 9, 2014
David was always upbeat and optimistic. We enjoyed having him join us at lunch, and hope he had as good a time with us.
We're going to miss him, 
Ben Bada
November 8, 2014
November 8, 2014
As I have had the great opportunity this past week to rewind in my mind's eye all of my precious memories of my Uncle David, one stood out the most. My Mom and I were travelling to visit my Uncle Tom in San Francisco and had an overnight layover in New York City. Dear David met us after working all day in the city and showed us the town. I had never been to New York before and this was my first introduction to the Big Apple. I knew my Mom and David were on tight budgets but we did everything without a cost, except our dinner. He knew my Mom loved pasta so our first stop was to the Italian area were we had a wonderful dinner. We walked everywhere and he pointed everything out with excitement and enthusiasm as if he was seeing everything for the first time as well. The absolute highlight of the evening was going into St. Patrick's Cathedral. We stayed there for a long time and took it all in quietly and with awe. On our way out there was a homeless man sleeping in a pew. David did not hesitate to put a bill under the sleeping man's arm. I can't remember if it was a $10 or a $20 but it was sacrificial I knew that. What an honor to have had that special time with him.
November 7, 2014
November 7, 2014
Dear Aunt Ronnie and Family: I have some great memories of all the cousins getting together on Mt. Vernon and the numerous birthday parties when we all had the birthday hats on with all of our ages on them. I will keep all of my beloved Vanlokeren cousins in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you and let His face shine upon you and grant you peace. Love, Wendy, David and Elizabeth Ziskie, Warren, MI.
November 7, 2014
November 7, 2014
I have fond memories of Grandpa Locker. One thing that I will always remember is whenever we would play basketball together he would challenge me to a face off. This would work by we would each have ten tries at the foul line and whoever got the most shots won.It usually goes back and fourth for who would win. But when it came to Aunt Maryalice's (Grandpa Van Lokeren's sister) turn, well she stunk. Which is surprising since she is married to an NBA star. I will always remember Grandpa. 

                Love your grandson,
                       Charlie Ray
November 7, 2014
November 7, 2014
So very sorry to hear of Dave's passing. Many fond memories - including when he helped me to prepare for the first Orange Classic 10k (Middletown, NY) in 1980. Peace and prayers to Dave and his family -
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
I'm incredible saddened to hear about Dave, prayers are with Dave and his family. I always admired Dave - he was the one who primarily inspired me to start running 30-some odd years ago. A quick search of the internet for Dave turned up numerous billiard articles, all referring to him as 'Gentelman Dave' - I couldn't agree more! His pictures always show him with a broad grin on his face, the way I'll always remember him!
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
David, I was so happy to reconnect with you recently after all these years. I will cherish our conversations. God's grace and peace shined brightly through you. Remember I told you that just because I would not be able to see you or talk to you in the same way after your passing I was not letting you off the hook on your godfather duties. I know you will continue to watch over your family and friends. My deepest condolences to your family. Until we meet again.... Love, Lisa
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
So many memories rushed in when we heard of Dave’s passing…..all good, all joyful. Here's one that taught me so much:
He and I worked in the garment district in the mid 70’s where we got to meet a lot of old jewish guys, many survivors of Nazi concentration camps and, I reckon, who had an understandably strong reticence towards young Aryan looking men (like Dave and me in our younger days). Yet Dave could break through their protective shells and make these old guys laugh, make them open up and before you knew it, they’d be inviting us to have lunch with them…. That’s how he was with everyone. You felt happy and upbeat around him.

Cecilia and I, with all of our children: our hearts go out to the Van Lokerens today during this most sorrowful time. Dave was such a dear friend. We pray that his wonderful spirit remains and shines upon you.
…So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Cecilia and Lionel
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
Dave for me was a delight to be with -- a Godly, gracious, good to the core man who I loved to be around. It was hard not to be struck by his amazing movie star good looks, yet, as Celeste said in her tribute- his true magic was how good he made you feel when you spent time with him. My favorite times with Dave were jogging 7 or so miles with him, my wonderful husband Joe, and my sweet friend for life - Suzanne. The 4 of us ran from point A to point B together everyday at 5:00 in the afternoon when I was 25 years old. What an adventure that was. The thing that I am most grateful to him for, and amazed at - was when Dave was bartending. I took my mother who was visiting me from out of town to have a drink on the night Dave was the bartender. He charmed her and it was such a fun night for her because she felt that sweet warm loved feeling from Dave whom she'd never met before.
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
Dave drove a van full of my extended family from JFK to Upstate NY mid December when beloved husband Jim died decades ago. Family commented on his kind and caring demeanor. I loved Dave long before that gesture and send prayers to his children and grandchildren from Mikie Monahan and family
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
I remember Dave's big laugh and the crinkles around his eyes when he smiled. Big blue eyes. I remember helping him sweep the dining room floor while listening to James Taylor. "I seen fire and I seen rain." You saw both Dave, and endured both, and I love you more for it.
November 5, 2014
November 5, 2014
Rest peacefully Pop. You endured with incredible grace and dignity. I love you and miss you and your corny jokes. XO Amy
November 5, 2014
November 5, 2014
What I remember most about Dave(recently) was an uncanny ability to always make the conversation about you! He managed to make you talk about yourself or your family - deflecting sweetly in a way. Always about the O'Neils.. an unforgettable smile too that lit a room!
November 5, 2014
November 5, 2014
To all of David's family,
David's happy smile and the twinkle in his eyes will always be remembered. When I think of David I remember his loving, warm, and all accepting heart. What a great man, friend, Dad, brother, son, and uncle. Thank you God for sharing your precious David with us. Love, Becky
November 5, 2014
November 5, 2014
To my beloved brother who touched and changed everyone's life in the most positive and lasting way that one can imagine. He is my hero.
Love, Mary Alice
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