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November 27, 2014

My dad was a very a private and stern hard working man. He served several years in the Navy and recieved many acknowledgments certificates and awards.He was loving but didnt always show it but its ok i knew how much he loved me and my sister and brothers. Always there for me when i needed something never said no. When i had my children he practically help me raise them and loved them so much as im sure he loved all his grandchildren. But of course my kids and i are the closest to him. Never forgetting his birthdays our outings going shopping for groceries. The holidays oh my he lived Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter he loved cooking out making bbqs fixing cars mechanics was his job his life his bread and butter. Fishing oh my there were so many nights we spent the night at SPI or at the Arroyo park. My dad didnt care where he took me and my kids as long as he was with us that made him happy. Every year it never failed he always took my grandma and grandpa flowers to my tia bea tio nole tio daniel and my tia adela. His sisters and brothers were everything to him family was everything to him. My dad was something very special and in his old age yelled alot i miss that so much. I miss taking care of him cooking for him he never liked going anywhere without me so right now it hurts so much writing this because i know hes missing me so much and i have this hurt that i really feel in my throat in my heart wishing i was with him. Not a day went by that he didnt ask for someone like have you talked to rosa my cousin rosie have you talked to edna my other cousin have you been on fb with diane my sister in law have you gone to the ranch to visit your tio rodolfo i mean hed ask for everyone. So everyone lets not forget my daddy. I love you dad!!

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