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my late obituary for my uncle

October 9, 2023
 i miss you kipp i'll never forget the day we found out about your death my grandpa james kipper broke down in tears i ran upstairs cried my eyes out in my room he had always knew how to brighten the mood and i miss him very much i pray for you to come back every day even though i know you wont come back i thank god for all the time he gave your friends and family to spend with you. he fought the good fight and is now drinking the wine with the lord 
                                                         this life
                                                         this night.
                                                         your story.                       
                                                         your pain.
                                                         it matters.
                                                         all of it matters.
                                                       jamie tworkowski.
September 30, 2023
I'll never forget when I would play war with David he would Lways say I was cheating goodbye Kipp 
December 10, 2021
I’ll miss Kipper so much.  100% had the best jokes and sense of humor.  

I remember we would tell everyone at work that we were so passionate about Ft. Pickett’s history we would be starting a group to meet on weekends and discuss military history.  Kipper would tell people to bring pipe tobacco and a good story.  We would tell each other random buildings were steeped in history and inspiring.  

Miss you Kip - Rest In Peace 
December 6, 2021
Rest easy brother. This is hard to believe. Thanks for all the memories and fun talks. It's hard to believe that I'll never run into you ever again, but you will never be forgotten. 

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