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January 25, 2017

David you will never know how much you were loved. If you had only known. You were a smart, funny little boy who grew into an intelligent great hearted man. Sure you made mistakes, we all do but you were a very special person, like a son to me. You will be so missed and still always loved. Never forgotten but in mine and many other hearts we will carry your memory and love.  Always, Aunt Doris


January 24, 2017

You was a long time friend. We all kinda went our separate ways over these last few  yrs but that's just part or growing up I guess. All of what used to be just the good ole times are now priceless memories. It saddens me and so many others that you was taken so soon. David you are gonna be missed my friend

January 21, 2017

Just wanted to say.. Fatboy gonna miss ya dayday! Too soon for a good Ol'boy.. Until we meet again. 

January 20, 2017

I've known David for over 20 years. He was a wonderful person with a great heart. I will miss you and I will always remember why settle for being a princess when I can be a queen! ❤

January 20, 2017

David was a wonderful person with a huge heart. I have lots of memories with him. I will miss him and love him forever.

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