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June 25, 2023
Dawson was the sweetest boy you would ever meet.  Every time I saw him he was very respectful, sweet, and kind. I remember reading a chapter book to his class when they came to the library at CES, and I stopped reading so the students could have some free time to checkout library books.  As soon as I said I would continue with the storythe next library visit..Dawson said read some more...I was so glad he was enjoying the story. It made my heart happy. I love you Dawson. I will see you again in Heaven❤️❤️

My First Time Seeing Dawson by Charlene Evans

June 21, 2023
by Jd Ev
Tristan had some friends staying over; I never sit and ate with my children’s company so they could visit. Dawson was at the head of the table and I can’t remember who was at the end. The next thing I knew I was sitting at the table too and talking 90 mph with this young man, Bingham, because I couldn’t remember all if the first names.  I asked who he was related to on the Bingham side and that I was related to some Bingham's.too.    I said, to Dawson, “you know that somehow I’ve  got to drum us up as being related because you’re just so much fun and  we’ve got to keep you”. I said, “here you came to have a good time with the young guys and you got stuck with an old lady”; he did one of his Dawson laughs. I promise you, that when Dawson started laughing, you didn’t have a choice but to be laughing just as hard if not more. He said, that he had enjoyed talking to me, thanked me for having him, also for the food, just so polite.  I said, you’re welcome back anytime and I promise the next time I’ll not be a nuisance, he did another Dawson laugh, as you know there’s not another like it. Dawson was real and  the cutest facial expressions ever. Well since we both were big talkers, lol!  I said oh do you play a guitar and when Tristan said “Dawson if you say yes, mom will  have you playing for hours” he just laughed so I  think he took that advice lol. . We talked about his Uncle Ricky and how he was a good musician, how his group came to my church ,at Hopewell in Corbin,  back in the day when Amy was still a kid.  Even my hubby made a comment about Dawson, he said that he’d never seen me have so much fun  with the boy’s friends.; I told David that I could hang out with this kids all of the time,  just so sweetest,  and had the cutest actions ever, so much fun. Then Dawson got stuck with David, joking,  but they had a nice chat too, I heard  them talking about ballgames,since David was watching one,  David mentioned how that he knew most of his mother’s family (might of mentioned a store, not sure) and that he knew his grandpa Bingham too, I enjoyed listening to them  while I was doing a little kitchen cleaning up.  Finally, lol, the boys got to be boys, while David and I watched some old folks TV and went to bed much earlier. 
 If you saw Dawson once, it’s like that he knew you all of his life. He had a friend Austin that stayed here too, such a good guy. I couldn’t remember all of their names.  So when i would mention them to Tristan, I would use names that I could relate to, I calked Dawson, Bingham for awhile,  and Austin the pretty lblond haired boy, because that’s all I saw going  down the stairs that morning was blond hair lol since he had to work that day. I fixed breakfast for Dawson and some of the others and that was so pleasant morning too.  I feel so blessed to have known Dawson because to know him is to love him. I love you Dawson and thank you for the wonderful visits and for making us so happy.

The Sweetest Boy

June 20, 2023
Dawson, I know you have become a man - and a great one at that- but in my mind you will always be that cute little blonde haired boy playing in the pool with Delaney, dressing up in hats and costumes, loving old music and a pro at giving hugs. The world does not seem right without you. We all miss you so much. We love you and rejoice for the day we will all be reunited in Heaven. Keep sending your precious mama signs from Heaven. She misses you so much and so does your dad.
June 20, 2023
Dawson is my best friend. He has had a massive place in my heart for years now. Through hardships, good times, and confusing times, I always had him. Not only was Dawson there for me, but his parents was too. Mike and Teresa was like second parents to me, I feel so welcomed everytime I walk through there door. It’s impossible sitting here to pick one specific story to remember Dawson, so I’ll say this. Dawson was my best friend in the whole world, and I truly don’t believe I will ever have a true “best” friend again. I may be sad and be filled with grief in times to come but that’s what I choose. My grief is how I honor Dawson’s memory. And I will carry it until I lay down to rest. I love you Dawson and I can’t wait to see you again. 

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