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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dewey Baugus, 9 years old, born on July 5, 1969, and passed away on April 19, 1979. We will remember him forever.
April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
Well Dale, you are 54 years old today. I look back on my memories of you and I smile and cry at the same time. I smile because you are in a better place and I cry because I miss you so very much. I have been very sick lately and I’m tired of all the pain and suffering that I am experiencing. I will be with you very soon. I can’t wait to be with my family that are already in our father’s house, I can’t wait to get there so I can see everyone. Dale, I love and miss you so very much. You will always be with me. Love your sister Glenda Fay.
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
R.I.P Dewey. You will always be remembered.
April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021
I haven't talked to you in a while, but I have never forgotten you. Dewey Dale, I'm in college now and I'm doing good. I really miss you so very much and I know mama and Debbie miss you too. Well, you're 50 now and I know that GOD is taking very good care of all his Angels. I love you now and for always. Your big sister Fay.

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April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
Well Dale, you are 54 years old today. I look back on my memories of you and I smile and cry at the same time. I smile because you are in a better place and I cry because I miss you so very much. I have been very sick lately and I’m tired of all the pain and suffering that I am experiencing. I will be with you very soon. I can’t wait to be with my family that are already in our father’s house, I can’t wait to get there so I can see everyone. Dale, I love and miss you so very much. You will always be with me. Love your sister Glenda Fay.
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April 19, 2020
Hey Dale, well, Mama, Debbie and myself have moved to Wilmington, NC. It's really beautiful here. Only one thing can make it better, that's you being here with us to share the moment in our lives. But you know what, you are here, in my heart I will always have you no matter where I am.  Just missing you so much.

My brother.

August 5, 2019
You are gone but not forgotten. I always think of you, and I really do miss you. May you rest in peace with Jesus and his angles for always.
     With love your sister Fay.

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