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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dianna Juctice- McCown, 57 years old, born on April 8, 1959, and passed away on October 5, 2016. We will remember her forever.

Tributes are short messages commemorating Dianna, or an expression of support to her closest family and friends. Leave your first tribute here, and others will follow.

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March 6, 2017

Hi, nut.  I sure do wish you was here with us.  It broke my heart to lose you and I will always remember and think about you.  I know your life was hard and sad but you always knew you had me, and then you had your brother Sonny.  I love you and miss you terribly.  Rest In Peace my BFF,  you sure didn't get it while you were here in this ol' world.  Love you forever. <3

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