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April 13, 2018
"Generations" My life cycles ever around My memories grow Entwining the memories of generations My mind holds the echoes of my past. The visions of my childhood, The dreams of my parents and my grandparents, The tears of my frustrations, and the glow of my joys. My life ticks out my destiny. Vitalizing the lives of my children and my children's children Enriching the streams of my life. All the genes and tracings of my ancestors echo And imprint a mold for the living cycle of my life and theirs As it makes its way toward the sea. The rivers of the generations fuse The contributions of all my ancestral voices in my memory. My loves, my faith, my causes. In the cocoon of my heart, I do not stand alone. Watching the circling of the wheels of my life, For the generations of my ancestors support me.
April 13, 2018

Delbert tells about one time on way to school. He did not want to go. Stopped and fell asleep in some barn. Upon hearing a bell. He thought school was over. Went on home. It was only the bell for recess.

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