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Happy mothers day

May 8, 2022
This is my first mothers day without you and I won't lie its killing me. I love you so much mommy and I miss you even more. I know you're in heaven spending mothers day with Nana and I know she's loving that, I just hope you're having a good day in heaven because here on earth it feels so empty and meaningless without you. Me and the babies love you so much mama happy mothers day to the most amazing mother anyone could ever ask for. Brayden still talks about you and sissy can point t you out any photo I show her so I think its safe to say they will always love granny. Watch over us down here we miss you so much.
                    All my love,
                            Mama' little fat girl always ❤

I miss you mommy!

April 29, 2022
The day you left me I felt like you took a part of me with you. Loosing you was the hardest lesson on time I think I could have ever learned. You taught me so much in life and without you I would not be the person I am today, but one thing you failed to teach me was how to live and move on with my life when you were gone. I miss you so much mommy and I love you even more. Rest in peace beautiful and fly high watch over your grandbabies I'll make sure they never forget you, and don't worry about Richie he's become a big special part of my life and I'll watch out for him for you. We'll stick together and make sure all these babies remember they're granny forever.

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