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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dollie Bolin Davis, 66 years old, born on May 5, 1931, and passed away on January 14, 1998. We will remember her forever.
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
In my heart always i miss you as much today as i did when you went home to be with the lord and all the family that went before you. It's so hard to believe it's been 21 years today i love you mom i will see you soon
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
My wonderful Mom, I miss you everyday how I wish you was here to see your grandkids all grown with babies of their own we all miss you and love you always

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January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
In my heart always i miss you as much today as i did when you went home to be with the lord and all the family that went before you. It's so hard to believe it's been 21 years today i love you mom i will see you soon
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
My wonderful Mom, I miss you everyday how I wish you was here to see your grandkids all grown with babies of their own we all miss you and love you always
Her Life

My Momma

November 3, 2019
Dollie was born to Emma Myrtle(Keith)Bolin & Harrison(Harry)Bolin at home on May,5,1931 at Parkers Lake,Ky her twin Mollie was stillborn the umbilical cord came out before she was born when the Dr got there it was to late the Dr guessed her to weigh 8lbs Dollie was so small the Dr. didn't think she would survive they guessed her to weigh 2 to 3,lbs they would carry her on a pillow because she was so small this caused her to be very sickly she had asthma so bad she would be in bed deathly sick for weeks at a time this would cause her to miss school so much she fell way behind the other children she dropped out of school. She would tell about her fixing her dad his lunch and taking it to him daily he worked on the railroad not far from their home he passed away in 1954 from severe emphysema. She married Winfred Davis July,1963 they had one child a daughter Linda Sue March,30,1964 she was born early also due to a fall from atop a porch. she weighed a little over 6lbs and 18in long she never seen a doctor for her pregnancy, when she went in labor she didn't realize what was happening her sister-in-law came to check on her and realized what was happening and took her to the hospital Follow actually told her she had a bad stomach ache from eating snow the day before that's how naive she was about her pregnancy. She had a very tough labor and delivery the Dr told her to never get pregnant again it would kill her if she did. The spinal block they gave her messed up some how she couldn't walk for about 3 month's after giving birth. She spoiled Linda she loved her more than anything else in the world. she lost her husband Winifred in October 1966 from a massive heart attack that was a life changing event in their lives but she survived and devoted her whole life to raising her baby girl she never remarried Dollie always said she had all she needed being a mom is what she always wanted to be and she was the BEST
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My momma

December 24, 2018

Its been twenty Christmas Eve's without me seeing your beautiful face you always loved Christmas Eve it's just not the same without you being here.

I remember the last one, the boys were up at I think around 4 a.m I'm sure you wasn't feeling well and just wanted them to sleep in instead of saying granny look at what Santa brought us. I still have the note you wrote and stuck in your Bible thanking God for the wonderful Christmas you had with us and the snow we got a couple days later. If I had known that was the last one we was going to have I would have took so many more pictures. 

I miss you Mom everyday & I love you forever

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