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From TIb

August 31, 2023
Dang f6lks it hurt to see you not here no more but you gone always be in my heart ima forever wear you around my neck. It’s just not the same man I remember when you would come down the street to my grandma you and the twins we would sit in da back yard just talking and having fun eating takis bro y’all was always around bro y’all real family gone forever be my day 1’s y’all would always be at the party that was thrown at my grandma house an all I really miss you bro and pretty soon ima get you tatted on me. GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN BROTHER 6LIFE

My day 1 from Lil bro

February 23, 2023
Bro I go through everyday thinking about you DP man I swear this shit hurt me to my soul and I feel like leaving a story would help. Bro we started off as yungins staying across the street from each other we used to just have fun all of us did you used to stay with us at my grandma house and played football with us bro you was really part of the family and it just hurt me everyday to wake up and know you gone you gone forever be missed and never forgotten I still ain’t found a way to heal off you man it just hurt seeing somebody you grew up wit leave so fast. You was always a good soul and stayed smiling it was always love with you gang I just wanted to write on here and I miss you broo and as I’m writing this i balling tears cause still thinking of the fact that you gone haunts me forever my day 1

Lil cousin

April 28, 2021
We only had a short time together but just know that I loved you dearly. I will make sure your dad and Ti Ti be alright. It’s a struggle for us both with our babies gone. You are resting next to your big cousin. I miss her so much! LLMesha Forever 27 and LLLilD Forever15

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