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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, DON Dessart, 87 years old, born on April 2, 1928, and passed away on April 3, 2015. We will remember him forever.
April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
I still miss you to especially talk over family problems with you right now! You were always so reassuring especially when Mom and Dad disowned me for leaving the Episcopal Church. How ironic it was when they found the need to join the Lutheran Church too.
April 2, 2019
April 2, 2019
My big brother, Don, I have really missed you and our phone conversations! Our finale one you ended with"Love you" before I could say it to you which was unusual for us. I think of you often and all the good advice you gave me over the years has helped me even now.
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Don has left me with so many good memories from when he sent me a turtle, Daisy, one summer day from his Navy training.
  Than the day my mother was buried, he promised our three boys he would take them for ice cream the next day. However we had a big snowstorm and he drove his rented car to our Saratoga home. Schools were closed but he did find an ice cream store open and away the four went. However all the neighbor's boys had to get together with our three and managed to push his car up the street after he had gotten really stuck bringing the boys home.

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April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
I still miss you to especially talk over family problems with you right now! You were always so reassuring especially when Mom and Dad disowned me for leaving the Episcopal Church. How ironic it was when they found the need to join the Lutheran Church too.
April 2, 2019
April 2, 2019
My big brother, Don, I have really missed you and our phone conversations! Our finale one you ended with"Love you" before I could say it to you which was unusual for us. I think of you often and all the good advice you gave me over the years has helped me even now.
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Don has left me with so many good memories from when he sent me a turtle, Daisy, one summer day from his Navy training.
  Than the day my mother was buried, he promised our three boys he would take them for ice cream the next day. However we had a big snowstorm and he drove his rented car to our Saratoga home. Schools were closed but he did find an ice cream store open and away the four went. However all the neighbor's boys had to get together with our three and managed to push his car up the street after he had gotten really stuck bringing the boys home.
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