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August 31, 2020
Where to begin, so many memories and stories run through my Uncle Eddie...My Uncle Eddie was a big man...but had an even bigger heart.  Some of my best childhood memories came from the holidays where Uncle Ed, Aunt Cheryl, and my cousins Danny, Tricia, and Caleb would come down from Ohio and we would all gather at my Mamaw and Papaws house.  All the cousins would be there playing outside waiting patiently (or impatiently) for them to arrive!  When they would get there,  there would be laughing and hellos and a giant, great, big bear hug from my Uncle Eddie...cause that's kinda what he was like, a big ole bear lol.  But he was also the kindest, soft spoken man I have ever known.  He would always do something for us nieces and nephews when he would come down and always made us feel special and loved so much.  One summer I was able to go and spend quite a bit of time with them in Ohio, it was a summer i would never forget.  Staying with them was something super special to me as we never got a lot of time together...especially as the years went on.  Nothing in this world compares to how much i loved and respected him and how much he made an impact on my life.  Heaven gained one of the best Angel's on this earth.  All my love Uncle Eddie, you will be dearly missed❤❤❤

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