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February 16, 2023
We think of him often! He was kind, light hearted and loving. His family truly misses him. We are so proud he was a part of our lives. We were proud to call him family. 
Mother and father in law of Angela Olson. Parents of Kurt Olson!

Loving Friend ,Father in Law of Kurt, Family

February 22, 2021
Don was our son Kurt’s father-in-law. Don was a joy to be around, and his smile, sense of humor, and sense of family were amazing. He always brought his wonderful stories to life. We video chatted to keep up with our families and grandchildren. He even video chatted with Kurt’s Grandpa Olson. 
The first time we met was for Kurt and Angie's surprise engagement.  Kris and I were sitting in the lobby at the hotel in Crystal River, FL. This very handsome and distinguished couple walked past—the gentleman in a suit with his elegant wife on his arm. They had smiles from ear to ear. Kurt met them, and he brought them back to make introductions. Angie's mother, Susan, went to meet Angie, and they joined us after a bit. We waited with Kurt and Don so Kurt could propose. 
We sat at the table talking and getting to know each other when Kurt presented a stuffed goat to Don for Angie’s hand in marriage. It was a fun joke between Don and Kurt. Kurt had called Don ahead of time and asked for Angie’s hand in marriage with a plan to get us all together as a surprise. Don told Kurt he must give him ten goats to marry Angie. They instantly became family, and both families had an amazing time getting to know each other at the wedding. 
You could see the pride Don had for his daughter. He gave a heartfelt toast, and it was a joy to see the father-daughter dance and him dancing with his granddaughter.
Each holiday and joyous occasion we spent together seemed to keep Don going through his health challenges. The love of family stood out most; the pride in his wife and children and the love he had for his four granddaughters. We loved to listen to his stories coming to the US from Trinidad, the jobs and his travels through the US, and how he met Susan. He had an amazing life and fought a tough fight. Now he is at peace. We are thankful to have had him in our lives.


February 21, 2021
I met my wife Angela 8 years ago.  She was unlike any girl I had ever met. She was strong mentally and physically and had principles based in faith.  She had a mischievous sense of humor, was easy to talk to about anything, and was fearless to explore all the world had to offer.  She was inspiring to the people in her life.  Ang had such a confidence and belief in herself.  She valued her family and all the same things I valued.  It didn't even take a full year of dating before I proposed.  She is my best friend and the love of my life.  As our relationship progressed I got to spend more time with my future Father-n-law and got a clear understanding of how Ang became the person she is.  Ang always spoke so highly of her dad.  As I got to know Don I recognized he was strong mentally and physically.   He had principles rooted in faith, a mischievous sense of humor; he was easy to talk to and told stories of being fearless in his youth.  He had a clear confidence and belief in self.  So many of the qualities I love and admire in my wife she clearly got from Don.  So I can say with certainty I loved and respected my Father-n-law.  

I really enjoyed talking to Don.  He would entertain any conversation or philosophical debate.  He loved to talk sports.  We would talk about Lebron vs MJ, the Bears, or whatever storyline was big in the NFL or NBA.  I also can't recall a time I talked to Don that I didn't end up laughing at some point.  Don's jokes were all as unique as he was.  Some of my favorites were about molasses, Bahamian flu, or a retort about why he didn't have any hair.  I swear you could have made a movie about Don's life story.  I enjoyed hearing about him growing up as a boy in Trinidad and his experiences as a policeman.  Add to that, his tales from when he was a prison guard in the Bahamas. He was a character, when I asked him why he made the decision to come to America, his answer was quote, "because they had food". 

I can honestly say I feel very blessed I got to know the man who helped raise my wife.  Love you and miss you Papa Don.

My First Memory of Don

February 21, 2021
My earliest memory of Don was when I was just a child. It was summertime in Illinois and while at the local playground I got into a scuffle with another boy my age. After the scuffle, the boy left the playground and I continued to play at the top of the hot metal slide.

Soon I saw the boy return, this time with his father, Don. I remember being so nervous when both father and son stood at the bottom of the slide. Don only said one thing, "Come down and shake hands." I'll never forget that moment. (Don was wearing blue jeans and a white teeshirt if you want to know!)

Reluctantly, I skidded down the slide and approached his son, Derek.

We shook hands.

What I didn't realize at the time is that Don gave me a gift of a lifetime. Not only did I have the pleasure of spending time with and learning from Don over the years, but he also gave me the two best friends I could ever ask for. He changed my life profoundly and enriched it for the better.

I could never repay him. But he will live on in my memory and I will miss him dearly. My sincere condolences and heart go out to his wife Susan and children, Derek and Angie.

Sharing his words

February 20, 2021
Summertime 3 years ago in a park at a family get together, I asked Donald for some words of wisdom in how to deal with a hard challenge I had at the time. He smiled and said in the calmest and wisest words: "Pray. Continue believing in God and know he will guide you where you need to go."  At the time, his words really resonating with me and helped me to remember to stay focused on what really matters. Angie and Derrick: you guys were truly blessed to have such a wise, kind and strong pillar of a Father. Blessed to have known him. 

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