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This memorial website was created in Loving Memory of my father Donald F Kohler Sr who was Born on July 7, 1907 and passed away on November 16, 1973. He will live on in our hearts Forever
November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
48 years ago today daddy you went home and it hasn't been the same without you. While many things have changed since you left and I am almost at your age when you left, I have a few things to say.
Thank you Daddy for everything that you taught me and for being tough on me for discipline although I didn't like it and most Children don't will most certainly acknowledge their parents when they are older and say how well they understand why their parents said and did the things they did. To help them learn and grow.
Yes daddy my wings have spread far and wide. And I have made plenty of mistakes along the way as all of us do. Not afraid to acknowledge them and learn from them as you and mom taught me well.
I truly wish Daddy I could go back and do some things over again but I know I can't. I understand I must move on and do better.
My faith will never be shaken Daddy I want you to know. I will always thank you and mom for helping me when you understood music and singing would be something on my future. 
I miss those Butterfly Kisses daddy but I know when you're around along with the rest of the family ❤
I know all of you can see what's happening here and now with me and Chris. We need a permanent home as soon as possible. I know how good ourLord is and I trust in his plan for me ❤
I promise Daddy no matter how bD the storm I will never give up....I am not a and mom didn't teach me to surrender mid battle...
My Heavenly Family is my guardian angel ❤
And the memories I have of being daddy's little girl are precious and will last....Forever...❤

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November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
48 years ago today daddy you went home and it hasn't been the same without you. While many things have changed since you left and I am almost at your age when you left, I have a few things to say.
Thank you Daddy for everything that you taught me and for being tough on me for discipline although I didn't like it and most Children don't will most certainly acknowledge their parents when they are older and say how well they understand why their parents said and did the things they did. To help them learn and grow.
Yes daddy my wings have spread far and wide. And I have made plenty of mistakes along the way as all of us do. Not afraid to acknowledge them and learn from them as you and mom taught me well.
I truly wish Daddy I could go back and do some things over again but I know I can't. I understand I must move on and do better.
My faith will never be shaken Daddy I want you to know. I will always thank you and mom for helping me when you understood music and singing would be something on my future. 
I miss those Butterfly Kisses daddy but I know when you're around along with the rest of the family ❤
I know all of you can see what's happening here and now with me and Chris. We need a permanent home as soon as possible. I know how good ourLord is and I trust in his plan for me ❤
I promise Daddy no matter how bD the storm I will never give up....I am not a and mom didn't teach me to surrender mid battle...
My Heavenly Family is my guardian angel ❤
And the memories I have of being daddy's little girl are precious and will last....Forever...❤
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daddy's little Girl

July 8, 2021
When I was a little  girl we would  go to uncle George's cabin along the Delaware.  Aunt Gerry his wife would water ski and we would put on life jackets and go in the boat. It was so much fun.
I would fish with daddy and my brothers by the river..and that was funny...caught an eel one time and ran away  like a bat out of hell up the hill straight to my Aunt  Gerry  and she had a laugh too as she consoled daddy and brothers well was fun. Such memories.  
Every night I would  give Daddy kisses before a little  girl...he and mom knew I had something in me....they bought me a key board...I went to the Salvation Army and came home and played  the Music by ear....
I listened to the one voice  specifically that I sat next to. Geline Mininger. Beautiful voice.  And from that time on I wanted to sing. Praying  for a voice.  
Thank You Daddy and Mom for Everything you said and did for me and I was growing  up. I may not have liked some of bv the discipline....but I can now truly  understand why. You said I would when I got older.  

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