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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Donna Weathersby, 56 years old, born on February 20, 1961, and passed away on May 20, 2017. We will remember her forever.
February 20, 2021
February 20, 2021
Happy Birthday, Cousin Donna. Rest in Heaven. Love You.
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
hello Donna you are truly missed I remember you smiling all the time you work very very hard and I love you and I miss you I hope you are happy in heaven love you and miss you God love you more
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
My cousin Donna had an awesome spirit. She always had a smile on her face. I use to call her Ms. Chancellor because she would walk around the house dressed like a million bucks with heels on and all! She was always so proper and poised. Her positive energy made her a joy to be around. She will surely be missed.
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Aunt Donna I will always remember your "larger than life" laugh and that enormous smile. No more illness and pain. Rest peacefully in heaven. Love You, your niece Chanel.
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
My sister-in-law Donna is truly God spirit person. She is loving caring person. Always have scripture in bible to quoted. She will be missed by family. Now she can rest in heaven. Love you Faye and brother Wilbert
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
Donna was my cousin, whom I loved. She is going to be truly missed. I loved her spirit and her smile. No matter when I saw Donna she was always the same--pretty, happy with smile, and witnessing about Jesus love for man kind.

Sleep on Donna, I'll see you soon. Love you, your cousin.
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
Donna I have never saw you angry. You have always been a woman of God. See you in heaven one day. Rest my hunny no more pain. You cuz Gwen will forever love you.
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
Donna was truly a loving spirit; she will be missed by many, surely she is in a better place where there is no more suffering or pain. Rest in peace my dear cousin. We the Taylor family love you very much.
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
As a little cousin Donna was a cousin to look up to, her spirit was genuine, kind and gentle. I can't ever mark a time when she was not smiling or didn't have a pleasant word to speak. I know you are in Heaven witnessing the word of God. She was truly and angel while on earth and I am sure she has earned her wings. Rest in Heaven my sweet.
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
Oh how my heart is hurting as I just read of the passing of my time friend. I have been trying to locate Donna for months and could not locate her. A beautiful woman of God always smiling and was always here for me. Oh Donna I will miss you so much. Love- your friend Cabrini
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
God has brought another angel home. You will be missed on earth but you're finally home. I know you're happy to be with the king so there's no need to be sad. But rejoice to the lord because he has you safe in his arms. We will miss you and we love you. From your Emma, Laila, Lana, Liah and Ty.

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February 20, 2021
February 20, 2021
Happy Birthday, Cousin Donna. Rest in Heaven. Love You.
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
hello Donna you are truly missed I remember you smiling all the time you work very very hard and I love you and I miss you I hope you are happy in heaven love you and miss you God love you more
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Missing Donna; Rest in Heaven.

May 20, 2020
I can say my cousin Donna through the love of God made me want to quit smoking years ago when she told me that the Holy Sprit did not want to live in a smoke infested body. She kept urging me until I did quit, she Nevergave up. She was a strong personality filled with love. 

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