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Learning Piano

October 25, 2020
As my Aunt Doris’s young niece (I’m her brother Milton’s oldest daughter), I loved my extended summer stays with my Yoder cousins at the farm in Eureka. I was the guest of my dear cousin Sue, of course, but Aunt Doris was the quiet presence that kept the house running, kept me fed, and made sure I felt at home. One of my favorite attractions in the Yoder household was the piano. Every year I visited, I resolved to learn to play the piano. I was sure I could learn because I was staying for such a long time—a whole week. When I told Aunt Doris I wanted to learn, she  opened the piano bench and got out the beginner’s book. Then I worked diligently on the first 3 songs. Each summer when I came for a return visit, I would start again at the first song of the begonner’s book. I’m sure that one summer I made extraordinary progress and got as far as the fourth song. I am forever grateful to Aunt Doris for having the patience to listen to my playing and for allowing me my enthusiasm for learning

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