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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dorothy Arend, 91 years old, born on December 31, 1923, and passed away on May 8, 2015. We will remember her forever.
May 8
May 8
Years seem to fly by now that I am almost 80. 9 years ago you passed into the arms of Jesus. Retirement years have been good to Evie and me, as was yours and Dad's also. We cherish each morning of life, but we wait to join you soon. Enjoy your heavenly rest. You are the best mom ever.  I love you. Your son, Bob
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Robert Arend
May 8, 2023
8 years now in heaven. Soon I will be sharing a quote from the covers of your old Bible in a sermon I will be preaching. You wrote: "Jesus loves me, this I know. Jesus knows me, this I love." Jesus knows you face to face now, Enjoy your heavenly bless. I miss you and love you. Your son, Bob
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Mom, it's now 7 years since you left us for your home in heaven. Yesterday, I pulled out your old recipe on meat loaf and cooked it for Evie. It wasn't as good as yours, but it gave me wonderful memories of you in the kitchen, feeding Dad and me. Again, I celebrate Mother's Day without you, but in my heart, you still remain. Thank you for being the best mom in the world. I was truly blessed to call you "Mom." I love you. Your son, Bob
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021
It's your birthday today, Mom. Today the best mom in all the world was sent down from heaven. You finished well, and God greeted you back into heaven with "Well Done." The whole world celebrates your birthday tonight with fireworks and the dropping of the ball in Times Square. I love you and miss you. See you soon. Your son, Bob
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Mom, tomorrow it will be six years since you passed away. You are in safe hands now, enjoying the home that God has prepared for you in heaven. I still find moments when I miss you terribly, and tears fill my eyes. Someday when I join our family, I will no longer need to shed tears, except tears of joy. Enjoy your rest in the arms of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Forever loving you, your son, Bob
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
It's your birthday--97 years old-- as we compute years here on earth. But you don't need to count years because you are now living forever with Dad and your Savior. We are all getting older, and each day is one step closer to joining our heavenly family. I'm thankful that you didn't have to endure the world pandemic during 2020. We are all safe and well, and the older I get, the more I realize how blessed I am to have you and Dad as my parents. I miss both of you very much. I love you, your son Bob
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020
Mom, I can hardly believe you have been with the Lord for five years now. I planted some tulips last fall because they were your favorite flower. You should see them in the Montana sunshine today. Pinks and Yellows pop out to celebrate your homeward journey. I really miss you, especially on Mother's Day again. I know I shall see you soon. Give Dad a big hug for me. Thanks for being the greatest mom on earth. I love you, Bob
December 31, 2019
December 31, 2019
Mom, it's your 96th birthday today. The world celebrates again your birthday today with fireworks and kisses at midnight. I know you and Dad are rejoicing in God's love and waiting for the time when we are together again as a complete family. I still miss both of you so much, but I know I shall see you again. Thank you for being the best mom and dad I could ever have. Your wisdom and love for me has made my life truly blessed. I love you, your son Bob
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
Today is your earthly birthday, Mom. You would have been 95 years old today. Sending you my love, but keeping all of the precious moments I spent with you. May God give you a special blessing today. Our Lord created your soul before time began, and now you are back with Him. Your goodness and affection--I still feel and treasure. As Billy Graham used to say, "May the Lord bless you richly"--today. Your son Bob
May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018
I will always remember the day you went to be with the Lord, My birthday. Now you have a new birthday May 8th, miss you so much. All the fun we had.
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Mom, Pizza was your favorite food, so we will be celebrating your birthday today with the food you loved. Some day soon I'll sit down with you at the heavenly feast, and I can't imagine what that will be like. Enjoy your heavenly bliss today, and know that your influence on my life made me what I am today. I love you, your son Bob
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
Mom, I don't want to interrupt your heavenly celebration with Jesus and Dad and all whom you loved. But I want you to know that every day brings me closer to my heavenly home with all those I love too. You were the best mom ever! And hardly a day goes by without a thought, a memory, a laugh, a cry when I recall the times we were together. Enjoy your heavenly reward, and know that I love you with all of my heart. Your son, Bob
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Two years it has been since you graduated to heaven. Two years of missing you down; lifetime to go. So much I wanted to share personally with you over this time. So much has happened in my life that I needed a Grammy for. It is hardest for us left here without your physical presence. I lost you and my dear Golden Retriever, Dolphin, in the same year. It was almost unbearable as I love you both so much. I miss you every day. I miss you as I write this. I remember so much about you. Everything from the lines of time etched in your skin to your amazing meals you prepared to the sweet scent of you when we hugged. I miss it all. I catch glimpses of you now, you know. I see them in my heart and catch them in my mind's eye. May God hold you and Grampy and Nanny and all my beloveds who have gone before me (as Grampy would poetically pray) in the hollow of His hand. And may He also give us here, on Earth without you, strength for the journey. Love you with all my heart. Your forever granddaughter, Julie
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Happy Rebirthday, I know you are rejoicing in heaven with Del, Miss you both, we shared some really great times together. Some day soon we will see you both again.Love ya both
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
Grammy, can you hear me? Can you see and feel me? There's so much you know now I imagine, as you are completely in the presence of God. Sometimes I sense your presence. Your caring knew no bounds here on earth. I still feel it now. You left an indelible mark here, Grammy. One that will never be erased, for through you poured the Love of God. I miss you so much. Tears that were stemmed by a wall of grief and fear of you being gone when you died now flow freely in my life. I miss you with these years. And, at the same time, I celebrate you with them too. You have earned every drop that falls in your honor, Dear Grammy. I love you. Happy Birthday Beloved Grandmother.
January 3, 2017
January 3, 2017
Mom, you are 93 now--91 in earthly years and 2 years in heaven. I miss you and Dad so much, but the memories I have of my beloved parents make me laugh, sing, and sometimes even cry. Happy Birthday, Mom. I will see you and Dad someday soon. Your son Bob
May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
We sure miss her, but I know she is better off with the Lord and Delbert. But we do miss them both.
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
Hello Grammy, I miss you so much. I miss talking with you and seeing your smiling face. I remember the last thing you said to me. John and I had come to visit and you said "Hi honey." You pretty much drifted off after that and I remember holding your hand and kissing you goodbye on your journey to heaven. I carry your DNA and so much of the morals and principles I live my life by have come from you and Grampy. The caring and love of your marriage has stood as a model and pillar of strength to me in my relationship. I hope I am making you proud by carrying on your legacy of love. Blessings dear Grammy. And thank you, for everything.
Love, Julie Bug
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
Mom, this will be my second Mother's Day without you here on earth. God took you home exactly one year ago tomorrow There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and Dad. Every good and perfect gift comes down from God, and I continually thank Him for the wonderful parents He gave me. Each day brings me closer to seeing you again in heaven. Much of what I am today is because of you. I love you and miss you so much. Enjoy your heavenly reward. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom God ever created. Your son, Bob
January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Mom, the whole world celebrated your 92nd birthday with fireworks and lots of crowds on New Year's Eve. Hardly a day goes by without precious thoughts of you among us. You have already heard the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," from our Lord. I love you more than words can ever tell you, and thank you again for being the greatest Mom in the world! Give Dad a hug for me until I can see you both face to face again. Happy Birthday!  Bob
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Oh Grammy, yesterday, Dec. 31, you would have been 92. We celebrated the day of your birth by having a big cheesy pizza in your honor. That was your fave food and I remember how we had it together last year to celebrate your 91st birthday. We didn't know it would be the last time we'd have a birthday party with you. But we know you are partying in Heaven and the angels are rejoicing over you not just on your earthly birthday, but every day! We love you, we miss you, we bless you and we are so thankful for our time on earth we got to spend with you. Please kiss Grampy for us and pet our big Golden Retriever, Dolphin, who we also lost this year. We know you are all sitting on Jesus' big lap, enjoying eternity in the palm of the Creator.
October 19, 2015
October 19, 2015
What can I say that has not already been said, you were a very special Lady that loved the LORD in every aspect of your life, we had so much fun playing phase 10 and just visiting you and Del in Ca. We will miss you two, but soon we will see you both in heaven when the LORD calls us home. Love and miss you
May 23, 2015
May 23, 2015
This tribute is from Christine Bennett via a text message:

Dorothy was the best cook ever! She taught me to make applesauce, custard, state-to-finish of canning, sauerkraut, peaches, oh the fun we had with the tomatoes! The 'recipe teacher' by phone. The best maker of ground bologna sandwiches ever :) --my favorite! Her beautiful garden. She taught me to mend, to sew, to crochet, knit. The kitchen towels :-) She taught me how to teach Sunday school and junior church. Her love for children...young and old. The visitor. She disciplined when necessary. Her example to me of her love for Christ is most dear. The love of playing games. Her hands always busy. A hard worker. She loved, was loved and was lovely. I will miss her scent, her hugs and smile and her laugh. But so grateful that God allowed me to know her.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
It was such a privilege to have known you and Delbert in my earlier life, when I needed a loving family environment and you both provided it to me. That love never failed over all the years and all the changes of our family.  To see you again after all those years and know that same love still was present was something I will forever cherish. Goodbye, dear and wonderful lady. Heaven is brighter because of you, and earth...a bit dimmer without you.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
It has been many years since I visited Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Delbert at their home in Baroda. My mother, Marie and 'Lee' brought my sister Karen and me several times--on the trains into Chicago or driving when we were young. I will never forget Grandpa and Grandma Martin, their farm, or walking the short, mowed path across the field to that beautiful home, and huge manicured backyard. Aunt Dorothy was always so gracious, and it seemed that the family always gathered there. I also remember playing croquet in that backyard. As I have gone through life, Marie and 'Lee' have filled me in on their move to California, and other family happenings. I will always remember that time in my young life, and that part of family. Aunt Dorothy (and Uncle Delbert also) are forever a part of my good memories.
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
Dearest Dorothy (also known to me as simply "Grammy"). I know that my best friend in the world, Julie, misses you so incredibly much. I had the honor and delight of meeting you just once, last October, when I had the opportunity to visit Julie and John. We shared dinner together, some lovely guitar music, and love. You remind me a lot of my own Mommy, who went to be with God on Valentines Day 2009, and her name was Dorothy, too. When I was in your presence, I actually felt the presence of my own mom. Now there are two beautiful Dorothys in heaven, and I hope you have met my mom and become friends with her. May God bless you and keep you. May God make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. I love you, Grammy, and I miss you, too. Thank you for your most beautiful life on this earth. God is very lucky to have you now. Love & Hugs, Dianne
May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015
Park View Villa
We are honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know and take care of Dorothy during the past eight months.  Dorothy has spent a lifetime taking care of her family, and it was her time to be on the receiving of good care .  A big thank you to the family for being so loving and to our wonderful staff Eric, Melody and Albert . Thank you for bringing your love and compassion to each day! God bless!!

Chris Wittpenn and Mike Moran
May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015
Dear Aunt Dorthy,  You walked the talk.   You put your faith in action by giving unselfishly of your time and love to take care of your parents, Lyle and Geneva Martin.  I will always remember and admire you!  love, Eloise
May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
I'll miss seeing your beautiful smile and hearing you call me "Boo Boo" or "Pastor Boo Boo," but I know that you are in a better place and with the people you deeply love and have longed to see, especially sweet Jesus and your hubby. And one day, I'll come to the same home, and if someone in heaven calls me "Pastor Boo Boo," I know that it will be you, one of the dearest, sweetest souls there. Don't worry, I'll help to take care of your only son and help him to keep his eyes focused on the Lord Jesus. He'll continue to make you and the good Lord so proud. Blessings to you and the entire Arend family--always!
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
Grammy you will forever be missed, for you were truly an amazing woman and the best Grammy a grandson could ever ask for. You were always true to yourself and others around you. A great mother, a great wife and grandmother and overall person to your family and everyone alike. A beautiful soul inside and out and to the heavens above. Rest in peace my wonderful Grammy and know that one day our family will be reunited together again in the Kingdom of god with peace and happiness for eternity we'll share. I will truly miss your cooking, for no one can ever beat your famous mac and cheese !:-)
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
Mom, God reached down today to take you home. He wanted some special moms in heaven for Mom's Day, and He chose only the best.
We will miss you so much, but "we sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." God hand-picked you for my mother, and that was one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive. I love you, Mom, and I will see you soon when God takes me home to be with you and Dad. Enjoy your celebration with Dad and those loved ones who went before. Your life was a tribute to God and an example of love beyond all measure. You are God's "faithful servant," and my beautiful mother.
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
Grammy. What an amazing Grammy she has been. They say that our life flashes before our eyes before we pass away. While Grammy was making her beautiful transition to the heavenly realm, my life with her was laid out before me. So many incredible times, incredible memories. Grammy loved in a way that knew no bounds.

When I was a young child, she told me, "I love you so much, I would go out to the pasture and eat grass for you if I had to." I wasn't sure what that meant at 5 years old, but I know now. I know it is a love that transcends, that holds and heals and never lets go. It is the love of Christ shining through in everything Grammy did. And it is the love I feel even now from her, especially now. At 2:45 pm on Friday, May 8, heaven touched earth. Grammy ascended. It was an honor to be there, surrounding her with love as she took her last breath here, surrendering her to her first eternal breath with our loving Father.

I miss her. I always will. She loved me my entire life. She taught me so much I could write volumes. Instead I will sum it up with this: love never fails, never gives up, never tires out. The love of a Grammy. The love of our God. Now eternally joined as one great outpouring of open heavens above us. Always. I love you Grammy.

Your granddaughter, Julie
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
I am very thankful to be a part of the Arend family. Mom and Dad accepted me as their daughter and I always felt their love. In Mom's last days, I was able to tell her how much I appreciated the wonderful son that she had raised that became my husband. Mom always was very proud of her son, my husband, Bob. Unconditional love was the only kind of love that Mom knew how to give. The care and love she gave her husband is something every wife could strive to duplicate. Mom also loved her three grandchildren, Julie, Josh, and Jeff. She would love to cook something special for each one of them. Their visits were the highlight of her week. Mom also loved the three great-grandchildren Jeff gave her. Dad and Mom lived daily for Christ and walked the path that He led them down with trust and faith. I have been so blessed to have Dorothy as my mother-in-love. Mom, this is good-bye until we meet again in heaven. I love you, Evie

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Recent Tributes
May 8
May 8
Years seem to fly by now that I am almost 80. 9 years ago you passed into the arms of Jesus. Retirement years have been good to Evie and me, as was yours and Dad's also. We cherish each morning of life, but we wait to join you soon. Enjoy your heavenly rest. You are the best mom ever.  I love you. Your son, Bob
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Robert Arend
May 8, 2023
8 years now in heaven. Soon I will be sharing a quote from the covers of your old Bible in a sermon I will be preaching. You wrote: "Jesus loves me, this I know. Jesus knows me, this I love." Jesus knows you face to face now, Enjoy your heavenly bless. I miss you and love you. Your son, Bob
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Mom, it's now 7 years since you left us for your home in heaven. Yesterday, I pulled out your old recipe on meat loaf and cooked it for Evie. It wasn't as good as yours, but it gave me wonderful memories of you in the kitchen, feeding Dad and me. Again, I celebrate Mother's Day without you, but in my heart, you still remain. Thank you for being the best mom in the world. I was truly blessed to call you "Mom." I love you. Your son, Bob
Recent stories

Mom's Spiritual Advice

May 9, 2015

"Success is measured not by money, but by friends and acquaintances--and what you leave in this world as a testimony of your life.  Success is showing love.  Trust in the Lord above all things.  Take your troubles to Him.  I have proven this over and over in my own life!

I don't understand a lot of verses in the Bible, and I often wonder how God could love us so much to send Jesus to die for us--but He did!  John 3:16 is a wonderful verse.  It is my assurance of a home in heaven. 

Family means everything to me.  I love them all very dearly and I would do  anything for them.  I would even give my life for them.  God has so richly blessed me with a good husband, a good son and daughter-in-law Evie and grandchildren. 

Paul is my favorite Bible character.  He went through so many tribulations but came out victorious and God really used him.  He was very strong willed before his conversion and God showed him differently.  I think we all are much like him until God causes us to surrender to Him.  

I enjoyed Christmas programs later in life.  We often trained boys and girls to say their lines in Christmas plays at church.  I think of the little girl that was to come out and say her lines--"it is I,be not afraid." When she came out and saw the audience she said, "it is me and I'm scared to death."   I guess I could relate to that when I was in the programs as a child!

I am very content with what I have.  I'm thankful for good health, and the ability to take care of myself and my husband.  I'm thankful for America, our home and the beautiful state we live in and my family..  I have so much--why would I want any more? I'm thankful for my church life.  I'm thankful for answered prayers.  God spared Delbert when he had cancer in 1980.  God healed him completely.
I pray for peace from war but only God can give peace. 

God has given to us a beautiful home to share with others when we can.  My prayer is that we do unto others as we would want to be treated ourselves. 

I have enjoyed attending churches and learning about the Bible.  That has been my greatest enjoyment.  But I did like sports at times.  I grew up with everyone rooting for the Cubs so I just joined in.  Football doesn't make any sense to me--just people jumping into each other and falling down.  I usually holler "run"and it's always the other team I'm cheering for!"  

    -from Mom's Life Story            

Mom's Marriage to Dad

May 9, 2015

"When I was 19, I knew I wanted to marry Delbert.  When we married, we were both young and scared.  But I felt safe with him.  We didn't have a honeymoon--not even a cake.  We ate supper and went home to our three-room apartment.  Delbert didn't like carrots, but I didn't know that.  The first meal I cooked was buttered carrots as the vegetable.  I cooked them several times and finally Delbert said--"you know, honey. I don't like carrots."  When I asked him why he didn't tell me earlier, he said I thought you didn't know how to make anything else!  Thanks a lot!

Even before we were married, I wanted a boy (Robert Lee) and he wanted a girl (Jane Ellen).  We got our Bobby and loved him dearly.  We didn't want a large family as we saw the way our folks had to work to take care of all of us. When Bobby was nine months old, we bought our first home in Bridgman for $1825. We lived there for twelve years until we built our home in Baroda in 1956."

      - from Mom's Life Story  


Mom's Childhood

May 9, 2015

"I was raised on a farm in Michigan.  My mom and dad raised the five of us and two grandchildren, Duke and Donnie.  I didn't have a favorite room, but I saw the kitchen most of the time!  I was eight years old when my mother became blind.  My memory of her was listening on the party lines on the telephone so we always knew what was going on in our small town.  My dad was a farmer and a carpenter.  Later he worked for Clark Equipment of Buchanan until he retired.

We liked to go on family picnics. Mom always made fried chicken. Sometimes we would get a huge navel orange and a bag of chocolate drops.  We swam in the creek and gravel pit near Three Oaks. We also had a pond and when it froze over, we would skate on it and slide the hills around the pond. 

I earned money picking tomatoes and different fruits around our farmhouse.  As I grew up, I learned some important lessons in life:  to be honest, to be an encourager, to help wherever I could, to pray, to do the best I could and leave the rest to God.  I learned to accept Jesus as my Saviour and to walk with Him. My grandpa and grandma Martin gave me my first Bible on my high school graduation when I was 17 years old.     

My favorite pet was BUDDY, our dog.  We could dress him up and he didn't mind at all.  We even put a pipe in his mouth and a cat on him and he just sat there. I remember as a bunch of teenagers, we tipped over an old outside toilet for a Halloween trick.  It happened a man was in it!  We sure did run when he hollered at us.  We had to go back and put it up again after Mom and Dad found out what we all had done!   

I remember one time it snowed really hard and all of us made a cave in the snow.  The teacher rang the bell and no one came.  We all hid in the snow bank cave.  She had to go get a neighbor to make us get out.  We all laughed as we could see her underwear when she tried to look in the cave!

I took over the household duties for Mom at eight, and I continued to do them even after I was married until Mom died at 79.  I took care of Dad for ten years until he was 93 at home.  I never regretted it.

I wish I could have learned to play the piano.  We were poor, so my folks could never afford to give me lessons. I never had many toys.  I had a doll given to me by my cousin and I couldn't believe it was mine.  I loved to cut paper dolls out of the old Sears catalogues.  We often went down to the creek to bathe with soap and wash rags.  One time the cows came in to join us, and we thought it was a lot of fun. 

I wanted to become a nurse.  I was prepared to go to college but my folks didn't have the money so I got a job in the A&P store.  I was going to work and save a year, but I met Delbert and my whole thinking was changed!   I worked at the A&P store for 32 years. "

           -from Mom's Life Story              

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