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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, dorothy kitch, 62, born on November 29, 1954 and passed away on January 18, 2017. We will remember her forever.                                                                                               dorothy was a much beloved wife to dougie & devoted mother to julie, nicola & alan, also a very proud nana to michael, kaysha, brodi,rio,kyro,shekoni,nathan,matthew & becki                                                         her family meant everything to her, she loved them all dearly, sadly she passed away three weeks after been told she had cancer which was a big shock to her children & family  who thought they had loads more time with her.                            dorothy did not die alone her three children & nine grandchildren were all present around her bedside when that alwful time came.                                                        R.I.P mam we will love & miss you always xxx       

May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
hi mam where do i start got so much to tell you,first of all niks birthday as arrived again & she as found so hard struggling through the day with it been her first without you not recieving a card with daughter on as been so heartbreaking for her just like it was for me back in march, we wish you were still ere mam sometimes it doesnt feel real not having you around nomore xx dad as been in hospitial had two nasty falls through blacking out & developed seizures through this, his now on medication had us all worried for a while we doing our best to try & look after him u going as hit him hard his lost without you we all are, yr the missing piece to our jigsaw that we know we will never get back but we will keep on looking until we find you again until then we will never stop loving or forget you our beautiful mam xxx
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
hi mam just wanted to pop by, we all still finding it hard without you we wish we could speak with you so many things to tell you, dont think i told you but michael got a promotion at work his now assistant manager & doing well, kaysha is still at college but she also has a little part time job as well now she's grown up alot considering what she's been through you would be so proud of both of them they miss you like mad we all do, as for me well u wouldnt believe it but ive only gone & got myself a tattoo as a tribute to you but i dont think i will be getting anymore haha you know i dont like needles, can you remember i used to send you to take the kids for theres i was that scared. anyway mam i will pop by again soon until then you just rest, i love you always xxx
April 26, 2017
April 26, 2017
its so hard without you mam, everyday is another day i have to try & get used to you not been here, sometimes i forget & find myself reaching for my phone to ring you what i would give to have one more conversation to be able to hear your voice again, i love you so much mam & miss you unreal amounts, my beautiful guardian angel xx
April 26, 2017
April 26, 2017
To the only Aunty I ever knew. YES my mam had other sisters. But you Aunty Dot were the only one that was there for us. No matter how much time had passed before we had seen each other. You were always there glad to see us. Never a bad thought or bone in your body. Hope you and mam are free from all pain and worries. Keep me a place warm beside you all.. Till we meet again Aunty Dot love always xx

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May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
hi mam where do i start got so much to tell you,first of all niks birthday as arrived again & she as found so hard struggling through the day with it been her first without you not recieving a card with daughter on as been so heartbreaking for her just like it was for me back in march, we wish you were still ere mam sometimes it doesnt feel real not having you around nomore xx dad as been in hospitial had two nasty falls through blacking out & developed seizures through this, his now on medication had us all worried for a while we doing our best to try & look after him u going as hit him hard his lost without you we all are, yr the missing piece to our jigsaw that we know we will never get back but we will keep on looking until we find you again until then we will never stop loving or forget you our beautiful mam xxx
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
hi mam just wanted to pop by, we all still finding it hard without you we wish we could speak with you so many things to tell you, dont think i told you but michael got a promotion at work his now assistant manager & doing well, kaysha is still at college but she also has a little part time job as well now she's grown up alot considering what she's been through you would be so proud of both of them they miss you like mad we all do, as for me well u wouldnt believe it but ive only gone & got myself a tattoo as a tribute to you but i dont think i will be getting anymore haha you know i dont like needles, can you remember i used to send you to take the kids for theres i was that scared. anyway mam i will pop by again soon until then you just rest, i love you always xxx
April 26, 2017
April 26, 2017
its so hard without you mam, everyday is another day i have to try & get used to you not been here, sometimes i forget & find myself reaching for my phone to ring you what i would give to have one more conversation to be able to hear your voice again, i love you so much mam & miss you unreal amounts, my beautiful guardian angel xx
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julies pregnancy

April 26, 2017

i was twenty when i fell pregnant having my son at twenty one & even though i was old enough i remember been terrified of telling my mam so i got my friend karen (whos now my sister-in-law) to tell her. i neednt have worried though she took everything in hand was with me right throughout from getting organised to everything i needed, making sure i was ok in myself getting plenty of rest to being there for the birth which i was absolutley petrified about but she calmed me down, and when my son did arrive she was besotted with him, she was the perfect nana just like she was the perfect mam. which is more than i could have said about myself at the start of motherhood not used to having my son at first, i once left him in his pushchair outside of a shop, how bad was that ? once again my mam took everything in hand calming me down when i was having izzy fits thinking i wouldnt see my son again, i can laugh about it now but believe me it wasnt funny at the time. there was also this other time when mam & i took michael for a walk stopping to have a look in the shop window none of us realised the pushchair was rolling out on to the road, we both thought the other had hold of it, now my son is older he never lets me live it down its amazing his turned out the way he as after having a bang to the head ha ha, my mam really was the best xx 

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