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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Rev. Dorrance Manning, 88, born on June 25, 1928 and passed away on June 24, 2017. We will remember him forever.

to all who attended the Mermorial Service which was held, Friday, June 30 at the Linn Ave Pentecostal Holiness Church  in Oklahoma City.

THANK YOU to others who watched the live stream.

Rev. Bob Ely and Rev. Terry Tramel who officiated the service.

Internment will be at Arlington Memory Gardens, date to be determined.

Watch Photo Montage from Service - Click Here

Watch the Memorial Service for Dorrance - Click Here

Program - Click Here

Manning Family Videos 1990's

June 25
June 25
I was in Wagoner, OK this past week-end for a class reunion. Afterward, we drive by the old PH Church and parsonage. My mind was flooded with memories, including the night Evangelist Dorrance Manning unexpectedly raised the garage door and walked in to challenge this backslidden preacher’s kid to a game of ping pong. I am sure you can guess how that ended. I had been winning against everyone in town. He changed my win/loss record without mercy. More than that, he loved me and influenced me to follow Christ. Through the years he remained a key spiritual father to me. I would later be blessed to minister with Daniel and Darrell. Thank God for Daddy Dorrance. And, many thanks to Dorrance’s faithful service in Christ’s Kingdom. I would have taken more wrong life decisions had it not been for his example and wisdom.
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Mother always tried to make Daddies birthday meal very special. We children really enjoyed that. I took Daddy out for dinner but can't remember a meal that I prepared. Oh well, he enjoyed going out to eat also.  I miss him this year a lot more.
January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019
Im so thankful I got to meet him and Shirley, bith my parents attended church as he was the rev there and they really talked highly of his services. I just found out he passed about a month ago. I bet heaven is beautiful as I'm sure they now all have front row seats to God!
January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018
If I could only be half the person you were
I would be something 
Just being in your presence 
All doubt, I could deter
For your words were so encouraging
I learned so much from you
Not just your sweet loving kindness
And the truth, but what you
Passed onto my mother, your daughter
The gift of faith is so strong in her
And the legacy of love and devotion
You bestowed upon your sons and daughters 
And the following generations
Is undeniable proof that God is waiting on us
To teach us how to bear fruit
I never felt judgment
Just inspiration, and reassurance
That if my trust was in the Lord
Seeking his ways, with assurance
And if the words from my mouth
Were not filled with words of fear
He will give me the desires of my heart
If it is in his will 
We are sad to see you go because
You were a perfect blessing on this earth
But happy for you still
Because you drove
Yourself like a bucking bull
Straight up into heaven
Where you are healed
July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
Letter from Dorrance to Evelyn having received several of her letters; details how he would like to be saved; talks about his current job.

Kyusku Island, Japan
1731st Eng. Util Det.
Feb 1st, Saturday

Dearest Evelyn,

   Two letters in three days. You talk about a fellow walking on air, well you should see this fellow. Some of my buddies don't know what to think of me for being so happy over a letter. Your mail is coming through O.K. now because the one you addressed to this outfit made it in 8 days. The one you wrote November 30th took almost two months.

  The letter you wrote me telling me of seeing mother has not yet reached me. I still want to ask for your forgiveness for not trusting you as I should.

   Well, I'll have to finish this tonight. There is lots I have to say and just don't know how to say it.

  Here it is night and I've practically given up trying to say what I didn't know how to say. But, I will say this. I really would like to be a Christian. A good one I mean. I would want to stick it like you do and I believe I would if I ever get far enough to resist temptation. To tell you the truth tho, if I ever got saved again, I'm determined to stick with it. Pray for me that I can live up to that.

   There is something that I wish you would help me decide. You see, I haven't determined which college I should go to after I get out. It's all paid for so I don't have to worry about the money part. Mignon and Dean want me to go to drigan (Dona: the letters are there but it doesn't make sense) and finish school. I'd kinda like to go back to A&M and finish another year but after hearing Bro. Covin at Campmeetting, I really want to go to where you're going.

   We about had a big strike over here. It would have affected this outfit greatly especially where gas and labor is concerned. The labor is picked up by G.I. trucks but we wouldn't have had any laborers if the strike had come off. Also, instead of the customary 1500 gallons of gas a day we use, we were to be limited to 1000 gallons of a gas per month. The reason the strike was called off was because of a speech Gen. MacAuthur made.

   That was really rough your not getting to take that vacation (Dona's Note: Evelyn was at Southwestern and probably could not go anywhere over break). Could you have went home? I know what it means to go home after not being there for a while.

   I don't know if I ever made it clear to you what happened since I first wrote you from the Ripple Dipple. When I wrote you from there, I had a temporary job as bakers assistant. It was a good job, near Tokyo, and more in the civilized part of Japan. Now we are about 6 or 7 hundred miles from Tokyo.

   Thanks a lot for your faith and likability in Mother and Daddy.  I think they are wonderful too. You're a wonderful person yourself.
                Yours Sincerely,
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Letter from Dorrance to Evelyn while he was in the service before they went to Southwestern College and dated there.

                                    73rd Engineers
                                    AA June 1, 1947

Dearest Evelyn,

   I dreamed of you again the other night so here I am writing you again. Seems like every time I dream of you, it is a reminder that you're praying for me every day and that that is better than a letter every day. Your letters encourage me though so if you ever do get time to write, please do.

   Time is passing swiftly and I'm glad. I hope to start to school second semester of next year. 

   Evelyn - It's about time for lights out so I'll tell you hello and send this with the letter that was sent back. I really hope you get this one.

   I do so want to hear from you, yet it seems like ever thing keeps your letters from reaching me. I know your writing though maybe not very often.

   I'll write you again real soon. Goodbye for now.

                              Yours Sincerely
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
A Moving Decision Dad helped on November 2015:

On Leslie, my husband’s death, I was set free of many things. One was the responsibility of taking care of my husband’s mother: that care passed to Leslie’s sister. It also meant I was “free” to be pestered by neighbor’s daughters looking for drugs at all hours. Not a good situation. Knowing that ultimately, I was moving from Muskogee, OK anyway the only choice was where to move. I could: (1). Go live by my father and step-mother, Shirley in OKC, OK or (2). Go live by my grandchildren in Tarpan Springs, FL. Each had their pros and cons. 

Although I was still in shock from Leslie’s death, I began praying about where I should go but received no resolution or peace. One day, my sister who was helping me and I met my folks and other’s at our half-way drive point (halfway between OKC and Muskogee, OK) for a meal. I got to sit by my dad this time and was tickled pink to get the “chosen spot”. Dad sat and talked to me for a little while, then he asked me if I had made any decision on where I was going to live. I told him how I was “feeling” about each place but that God had not directed me to either yet. Uncharacteristic of him because he never gave advice unless asked, my Dad then said, ”Dona, your grandchildren are growing up. You only get a few years with them before they will not listen to you anymore. If you are going to go be with them, now is the time.” While he was speaking, I felt God’s peace descend on me and the Holy Spirit was on me, filling me with power. I knew what decision that God wanted me to make. I knew that my Dad would accept whatever decision that I made so I did not worry about disappointing him about not moving to be with him in OKC. God did not usually speak to me through my Dad to determine ways to go but this time He did. Others were not so cool with my decision but I knew God had spoken and pushed on. Praise His Name Forever!!!!

It has been One year six months since my move to be near my grandchildren in FL and now my Dad is gone to heaven. Satan has whispered in my ear that I could have spent that time in OKC with my Dad but I know that I would have missed the peace that I have here in FL. I am a bunch better physically and mentally than I was before moving and I enjoy living here. I am so glad God had me move here! I am so glad that it was my Dad that God worked through to send me that message of where to go because now I just tune Satan out! I just relax in God’s peace living where He has planned.
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Letter from Dorrance to Evelyn before they were a couple:

San Antonio, Texas
August 24, 1946
Saturday Afternoon

Dearest Evelyn,
I guess you've been wondering what happened to that ole kid called Dorrance. Well, I'll tell you. He is now in Uncle Sam's Army down at Fort San Houston, Texas. Yes, he's been in since the 22. I guess it's sudden and I guess I should have given more thought to college but I didn't so here am I.

I surely do wish you could have gone to campmeeting with us because it sure was a swell one. Then to, maybe, if you would have been there, I would have had a better chance to get saved. One thing I think that will keep me from going to the bad while I'm in here is the knowledge that you and mother are praying for me in every prayer.

If things of according to rumor, I'll get to take basic training in Amarillo. Here is hoping.

I don't know whether you've answered my previous letter or not but I surely hope that you answer immediately because I'll only be here 7 days.

Sincerely yours,
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
I wrote this to Dad sometime 20 years ago for either Father's Day or His Birthday:

I wanted to let you know I dare,
and so this poem I declare
is just for you Dad!

When I was small you were scary,
You provided discipline and sanctuary.
I looked up to you Dad!

When I was taller, you were wise,
You handle problems as they arise.
I looked to you Dad!

When I was older, you were my shield,
My example, I wouldn't yield.
I followed you Dad!

Now, I am old and I'm unrolling,
Your love, knowledge, kindness I'm extolling.
I love you Dad!!!!!
July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017
(Email from Rev. Del Hunnicutt to Darryl.)

Your father, as you knew, served on the East Oklahoma Conference Board while I was Superintendent. He and I had many great times together during those years.

The only bad thing I can remember in or relationship, was that I couldn't beat him in ping pong.

It was my privilege to be with him at the Ada church, Conference Board Meetings, as well as other times when he was holding revivals. His ministry in message and song was such a tremendous blessing to everyone. He has left a great heritage.
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
My Dad Dorrance Manning, Copyright June 24, 2017 by Dona Manning Mason

Can I tell you about my dad, brother Dorrance Manning?

Was my dad the Manning brother that was going to be a movie star, but decided that GOD’s things meant more that earthly treasures? Yes, that was my dad. Well, You made the right choice. Many people would not have come to Jesus; others would not have gotten deeper into Him; and our family probably wouldn’t be serving God today much less love Him like we all do.

You were was not just a preacher, but a music minister also 
You knew the Bible, forward and back. When you prepared a sermon, you prepared for an event

I remember you preaching of how you tormented a lion in a zoo having us all on the edge of our chairs and almost losing us when you roared for the final time.  It was an event, we all remembered being at that service hearing that sermon years later

You always liked to lighten our path with a joke that we had never heard before. I’m laughing Dad for you cause somewhere in Heaven I have no doubt you are telling a joke somewhere!!!!

I know up in heaven you are talking to all our loved ones and probably playing all the musical instruments.

But most of all, you are probably Circling the heavens going 90 miles and hour and bucking like a bucking horse (at least all your grandchildren think of you that way)

Then you will be Meeting with all the other tons of saints that you invited into glory

Here we gather all of us and We are here to say we were proud that you were our Dad!!! Yes for all the brothers and sisters, step brothers, step sisters, grandchildren, and great grandchildren you leave.
We loved you! You were a great man! You were a great father!
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017
I hardly know where to begin in rendering tribute to this wonderful man of God and Father in the Faith. Dorrance walked into my life at a ping pong table. His challenges improved my skills at that game, though not enough to ever win against him. One night, after several games, he gave me a tough-love talk that was highly influential in turning my heart toward Christ. I look forward to seeing him in heaven as we all worship our Lord. I pray that all the family experience Jesus' love and the Spirit's comfort through their grief.
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017
Dorrance was one of my favorite cousins. His Dad and my Dad were brothers. My husband, Bob Ely, and I both got saved while he was pastoring the Norman First PH Church. He was a wonderful male role model for me. I fondly remember singing with him and Evelyn the old gospel song, "I'd Like to Talk it Over With Him". There were times that I sang with him and Woodrow Stevens. About every 2-3 months, I rode with Dorrance and Evelyn to the Stringtown Prison near Atoka, Ok on a Sunday afternoon and our trio sang to the inmates incarcerated there. I credit Dorrance with my older brother living a Christian life and ultimately going to heaven. He took the time to encourage him and help him as a new Christian. I dearly love Dorrance and Shirley and his entire family. What a glad reunion day when we all get together and talk it over with our Savior.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
What joy and honor to know Dorrance and call him friend. My connections and memories of Dorrance goes all the way back to me birth. Dorrance's dad TV Manning and my Dad (the late Paul W. Oxley Sr.) were the best and closes of friends going back to the Kansas Conference of the IPHC. Time nor space will allow me to embellish all the precious memories of those years. I'll share one - Dorrance and I were asked to be ministry team for the Appalachian Conference Campmeeting in Dublin VA. It was such a joy! I led the Praise and Worship and the Choir, and Dorrance did the Preaching and Teaching. Both of us were welcomed, honored and celebrated! For me it was such a blessing to deepen our friendship! I thank God for the life - living and legacy of Dorrance Manning! So I don't say goodbye - I just say see you in the morning my brother Dorrance!
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
Dorrance was a great evangelist, pastor, mentor, and friend to many. When I was a very young pastor many years ago, Bro. Dorrance was a great encouragement and inspiration. Heaven is sweeter today but he will be missed!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(Facebook post from Gayle Manning Carter)

Darryl, I'm so sorry about your dad. I can just imagine the reception he got the second he went home. Love you and will keep you all in my prayers.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(Facebook post by Doritta Manning, Dorrance's Niece.)

My love and thoughts are with you and all the Family. Loved your Uncle Dorrance so much he was an amazing man. A true spirt in Christ and lived his life showing so many Gods love. Love always
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(Facebook post by John Thomas, Dorrance's nephew.)

He always had a way of explaining scripture from the Bible in a way that I could understand. He loved to tell stories, and he could really tell them well. He always had a good joke to share. He really loved his family and his extended family. I remember one time I was in town and stopped by the church to see him. He was busy in his office preparing for his Sunday sermon but he stopped what he was doing to visit with me and made me feel so loved and welcomed. He is a man that I looked up to and respected very much.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(From Facebook by Melva Lemmon - Wife of David, Evelyn's brother.)

What Loving and Beautiful memories our family has of Dorrance.. His ministry has Blessed and touched many lives. His example and Christian heritage will forever live in the lives of others..
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(Posted on Facebook by Larry Wheatly who played BB with us years ago. Dad was in his seventies at the time but still played effectively.)

Darryl, I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. I'm sure he is in Heaven shooting jump shots! May God grant you peace during this difficult time.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
(From Grandaughter - Nesta Trevino copied from Facebook)
My grandfather, Dorrance Manning, went to heaven last Saturday. The next day would have been his 89th birthday but instead he is celebrating in heaven! A sad day for us, but what a great day for him!!!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Dorrance and I were 2 of the 7 siblings that lived to adulthood--he was 7 years older. He started high school when we lived in Grand Quiviera, NM. He had to ride a bus at 0 dark thirty to school and home at dark. We moved to Boise City, OK where he finished and graduated. He was a relentless tease at home and school. His favorite teacher told him: "Dorrance, do you know I pray?" Him: "Really! What about?" Teacher: "Oh Lord, give me grace to endure Dorrance one more day!"

He was captain of the basketball team and they all agreed to get crew cuts. He read a comic while his best friend's little brother cut his hair. It was Sunday and he came into church with a skull cap on and sat on the back seat that night. Daddy made him come up and get his guitar and take his cap off. We laughed and laughed! Daddy gave him a buzz cut the next day to even it out. When his team saw it, they nicknamed him "baldy" and never got their haircuts.

He had the lead in his Junior and Senior plays. He hitched to California out of high school to become a cowboy movie star. He got a job at a hotel as bellhop. He found out he needed more education so returned to Okla A&M where he signed up for every music class available. Only he found out that wasn't allowed and he had to take more English, math and history. At the end of that year, he enlisted in the Army and went to Japan during the Occupation. When he returned, he went to
Southwestern College and married Evelyn Lemon. They were so good to me and helped me for several years. I have always been very proud of my big brother!!! I will miss him but we will have forever together!!!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
I traveled to Fox with Darryl, my roommate at Southwestern, to be in service with his family. It was my first time to meet Dorrance. I remember how much I enjoyed his preaching. Over the years, my respect for him has always been high, whether talking about ministry, or playing in a pick-up basketball game. His joy of life and devotion to the Lord, and love for his family [and his set shot] touched my life.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
A very special, fun, and loved brother-in-law. We will miss him a lot. He always had a funny story or joke, loved and excelled at sports and games. His family was special to him. Rest w/God, Dorrance.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Dorrance was a very bright light In this world. I believe his Competitive spirit in sports came naturally because he had the same competiveness when it came to helping those around him. He truly fought the good fight for us. He never gave up on anyone that I know and was always there for me & my family. We're better off for having him as a friend, dad & grandpa. We love you & miss your smiling face.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
I remember my dad always liking to ride me horsey on his leg until I got too large to fit. He would take my little hands and hold me secure while his leg was going as high as a kite (at least that is what he said it was doing).
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
I have so many special memories of Uncle Dorrance.  He taught me how to play Rook and let me play at the "Big" table.  Uncle Dorrance was such a great example and his love for God shined brightly.  I love you Uncle Dorrance and will miss you.
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
I always enjoyed the tennis "lessons" he gave me, playing basketball with the young man (twice my age) who always seemed to get the best of me. He always had that sly smile, always had time for a chat for an average Joe like me. Was such a joy just to share the same room with, but most of all, his mere presence just showed the love of God. You will be missed
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Dorrance Manning was/is a sweet soul, faithfully pastoring the same church for years. I don't ever remember seeing him in a bad mood, or upset or angry. He seemed to always have a smile and a kind word for anyone he met. He paid me a personal compliment at House of Joy Church in South Oklahoma City one day that I don't think I will forget in this lifetime. An honest example of the love of God in action. A brother that was truly easy to love. So long my Brother. Until we meet again.....

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Recent Tributes
June 25
June 25
I was in Wagoner, OK this past week-end for a class reunion. Afterward, we drive by the old PH Church and parsonage. My mind was flooded with memories, including the night Evangelist Dorrance Manning unexpectedly raised the garage door and walked in to challenge this backslidden preacher’s kid to a game of ping pong. I am sure you can guess how that ended. I had been winning against everyone in town. He changed my win/loss record without mercy. More than that, he loved me and influenced me to follow Christ. Through the years he remained a key spiritual father to me. I would later be blessed to minister with Daniel and Darrell. Thank God for Daddy Dorrance. And, many thanks to Dorrance’s faithful service in Christ’s Kingdom. I would have taken more wrong life decisions had it not been for his example and wisdom.
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Mother always tried to make Daddies birthday meal very special. We children really enjoyed that. I took Daddy out for dinner but can't remember a meal that I prepared. Oh well, he enjoyed going out to eat also.  I miss him this year a lot more.
January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019
Im so thankful I got to meet him and Shirley, bith my parents attended church as he was the rev there and they really talked highly of his services. I just found out he passed about a month ago. I bet heaven is beautiful as I'm sure they now all have front row seats to God!
Recent stories


June 24, 2019

Your family gathered together recently at the FR (family reunion) to carry on with tradition and it was good to see bits and pieces of you displayed in your family. We miss you Dorrance, but you didn’t leave us empty handed. The legacy of your life shines brightly in each of us in different ways, some received your competitive nature, some music, others have that tenderness. I always admired the way you valued people more than things. I strive to be more like that but I’ve got a long way to go yet. We love you and look forward to seeing you again.


December 21, 2018

We miss our loved ones during the holidays more because holidays are family time for most. Sure miss both mom and dad this year. Especially dad since his passing was recent whereas mom’s was 22 years ago. 

Dad and mom always got us a Christmas present and occasionally a two. One year Daniel and I got BB guns. I was probably 11 and Daniel was probably 10. Some neighbor boys had BB guns an we got into a shootout down by a drainage ditch that went through the neighborhood.

We weren’t shooting at targets. We were shooting at each other. It’s a wonder someone didn’t lose an eye. Don’t remember if the folks found out about it. Probably didn’t or we would have lost our guns for sure. 

Amazingly, we got out of our childhood and teen days alive. 

Tribute by Grandson, Brent Manning

December 5, 2017

The following tribute was written by grandson Brent Manning in a devotional he placed on St. Luke's United Methodist website December 3, 2017. Brent is employed at St. Luke's.

This year I witnessed an amazing thing, the passing of my grandfather.  This might seem like a rather strange statement, but as our family has learned to live our lives without him, I have had time to think about the amazing man he was.

During his final days, he was in the VA Hospital and we were able to stay with him around the clock.  There were times that he would tell us his stories of his adventures; trying to be a movie star, his WWII stories (which I had never heard before), some of his favorite jokes, singing songs he wrote, and most of all, his passion for his Savior.

You see when he was young, he became an evangelist and traveled the Southwest, preaching revival after revival.  At his height, he was booked for years in advance.  He later pastored a number of churches in Oklahoma.  While I was talking to him one day in the hospital about his ministry, I asked him how many people did he feel like he impacted.  He said that he had no idea, he didn’t keep track of it.

Well I would have to say he impacted a multitude of people.  While we sat in the hospital people would stream in to share a prayer, a memory they had of him, and what he meant to them.  When a friend would walk in, my grandpa’s face would light up and he was quick to offer a handshake or a hug.  

At his memorial service the room was so full that we had to set up overflow seating because so many people came to show their respects.  It was amazing to hear the various stories of what he meant to those who were there.  Each one having a special memory of what he meant to them, the special way he would go out of his way to be there for them.  

During the Advent season, it is easy to become distracted among the chaos.  My prayer is to become more like my grandpa, making an impact on those around me.  Being a better father, husband, friend, co-worker, and most of all, to become more passionate about my Savior, Jesus Christ.   

Brent Manning, Grandson

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