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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Douglas Heppner. We will remember him forever.
January 15
January 15
Three years ago our world was turned upside down. Doug and Elyce both suffered from the most severe case of covid. Doug did all he could to fight for his life, but God had plans for him. We miss you, Dougie, and we miss your amazing laugh.
January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023
Wishing Elyce strength and comfort as the two years of losing her beloved feel like two days and twenty years all morphed together. I pray Doug is in a joyous place watching over her, sending sweet messages of support.
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
A year has gone by. It seems like yesterday and it feels like forever all at the same time. Sometimes I swear I hear you laugh as if you are standing right behind me. We miss you, Dougie Bear. May you forever rest in peace. Xoxo
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
Still miss this giant of a man with such a HUGE heart and wonderful spirit.  We miss you Doug, keep an eye out for us from above and send us that wonderful laugh every once in a while....
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
Doug was always a man of gentleness and kindness who walked in the ways of the Lord. Now he rests forever on the Lord’s loving presence. What a good,good man. May he Rest in Peace
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
I keep hearing Doug’s laugh … and remembering how much it made Elyce smile.

Gone too soon
February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021
I’m so sad to hear of Doug’s passing. I used to see him at masses at Saint Justin Martyr church. He was so kind and his smile welcomed everyone. He seemed quiet but I think he had a playful sense of humor. Elyce and her family are in my prayers. Rest In Peace Doug.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Rest In Peace! I know Doug will still always be by Elyce’s side. Doug was a wonderful gentleman and a kind hearted man. Doug and Elyce shared an awesome love and sense of humor that always makes me laugh.
Love you Elyce, Pam
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I Met Doug through servicing his pool for the last several years. I looked forward to my weekly visit with him. We would talk politics, life, everything. He would always give me advice on how I should grow my business. Back when his dog was alive he would always joke that if she ever got out to run for my life as she barked and jumped on the slider to get at me! He was always so good to me and I will miss him and miss our weekly chats! Rest in peace Dougie!
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Doug was my cousin through marriage. I have known Doug for over 20 years,. Our families would often get together for holidays, birthdays and other special occasions. Doug ALWAYS greeted me with a smile and I can honestly say that in all the years that I have known Doug I have NEVER EVER heard him say a mean word about anyone.  That is a very special yet rare quality.  One of the things that I loved most about Doug is the way that he loved and cared for his wife Elyce. He was always by her side and available to help with anything needed. Elyce, Doug and I all share a great love for our animals and Doug would often share stories with me about their boy Dakota.
Doug fought this monster also know as Covid 19 with every single fiber of his being. I have no doubt that Doug is in Heaven watching over his loved ones. Doug... will be missed and our family will be there for Elyce as she tries to move forward with a broken heart.  Rest in peace.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Dougie Bear ... gosh, where to begin ... the first time that I really got to know Doug was in Big Bear at a cabin my parents rented for the weekend. We laughed, had snowball fights in the front yard, and laughed some more. Doug blended into our family right away. The devotion that he had for my sister was unmatched. Between driving her places, doing the shopping, taking care of her every need, he was her everything. As I sit here writing this, I still am in shock. I cannot believe that he is gone. I can still hear his booming laugh and remember his sacrastic wit. Doug always watched out for my parents. He took time out of his daily routine to meet my dad for Friday morning breakfasts and bringing weekly meals to my parents. He endured Elyce's door decorating ideas for all of the family birthdays. He was a family man through and through. My heart aches for my sister. Doug has been reunited with his treasured mom and will forever watch over all of us. Rest in Peace Dougie Bear.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
From Hank and Thelma Wesseln:
Doug you will be missed. Your kindness, your smile and yes your humor and of course how you liked to tease me. Hank and I are so grateful to have known you. REST IN PEACE.  
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
Buck and Judy hosted a 25th anniversary party for Fr Martin in Anaheim. The seating plan put myself and David sitting with Doug and Elyce. Our first time to ever meet. How lucky and honoured we were. Both such beautiful people that made the night a night of fun and laughter. First impressions last as they say. We remember Doug as a kind, happy, friendly and witty gentleman. There was lots of lighthearted banter and discussions about anything and everything. Doug was a pure joy to be around. 
May you rest in eternal peace Doug. 
Sinead & David (Ireland)
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
It was with great sadness that I heard of Doug’s death May He Rest In Peace . A lot of the very happy memories of years gone bye filled my mind. Memories of parish events of shared breakfasts in the little German restaurant on Ball road and of course the monthly Sunday parish breakfasts at the golf club.
Doug was the perfect gentleman, kind , considerate, fun, a great listener and a man of GREAT FAITH. And how could I forget that special smile of his that made his whole face just light up. A very very special man. I am sure that Doug is in the presence of the Lord that he was so faithful to in life.
My prayers now are for Elyce, Buck and Judy and Doug’s family and friends that the Lord will comfort and console you at this very sad time. I will miss him and May He Rest in his eternal home until we meet again.
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
I remember when my Uncle Doug and Aunt Elyce got married. I was so excited to wear the pretty blue flower girl dress, and even more excited to have a new Uncle. Uncle Doug always had a huge smile and greeted me with a giant warm hug. He was always happy and calm and I loved being in his presence. My favorite thing about Uncle Doug was his big booming laugh, it was infectious! I can hear it right now as I write this... Uncle Doug, your laugh will echo in my heart forever. I love you.
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
I met Doug when he married my beautiful friend Elyce and wow did he make her heart sing! The day of their wedding was truly magical, you know, the stuff that dreams are made of and it included a carriage ride! Seriously, it is a wedding I have not ever forgotten because it was so filled with love. David and I were honored to be part of this beautiful union!
Elyce-my prayer for you is that God will give you time to heal and grieve in your own time. I am sending you a big hug from the southwest! I love you!

John 16:22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
I will never forget the bright smile that was always on Uncle Dougs face, as he brought me my favorite Polly’s Pies chocolate chip cookies. The stories I heard from Auntie Elyce just brightened my day to see how happy she would be just speaking about her Dougy. I promise to watch over auntie Elyce and never forget that bright smile of yours and how happy you were. I Love you Uncle Doug. Adrian and I will definitely miss you. Save a spot for us up in heaven.
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
I remember Doug and Elyce’s dreamy wedding: a horse drawn carriage, surrounded by family, and a ‘knowing’ that they had found that special someone. Their courtship may have been quick and their wedding a fairytale, but their love grew strong and their partnership was real. I saw them as best friends. Their support of one another seemed to be the cornerstone of their solid marriage of 28 years. Their life long love for one another was a constant in their lives and in our family. 
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
I will always cherish the wonderful dinner I shared with Doug and Elyce at their 25th wedding anniversary party. His beautiful smile and infectious laugh made me feel right at home. As Elyce' s friend and co-worker, we have shared many workday lunches together.  I know what a kind and loving husband Doug was to Elyce because at every lunch, she always shared a heartfelt story about him. Thank you Doug for being such a light to the world and a loving gift to Elyce.
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
The loss of Doug definitely leaves a sense of emptiness in our hearts, as his kindness, sense of humor, and deep, hearty laughter filled our hearts. We met Doug through our church. He, Elyce, Buck, and Judy faithfully attended every week at 8 a.m. Mass. It was after Mass that we got to know Doug and see his character. He was always there to help. He would stop what he was doing to help anyone in need, whether it was going up and down steps, carrying things, holding the door, or whatever was needed. He was always attentive to those around him and would recognize those needs and provide assistance. We enjoyed seeing his bantering back and forth with Buck, and his passion for the Green Bay Packers, fantasy football, and golf. But we were most touched by Doug's loving attentiveness to Elyce and Judy. He was always there, ready to take care of them. Doug and Elyce had a true love story; their closeness was evident to all who saw them together, right up until the end.
There was an aura of kindness that surrounded Doug. We all saw it, we all felt it. And now we all feel the loss, but we also feel Doug's presence in the arms our Lord.
Ed and Irene Kramer
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
We used to call Dougie, "Huggie Bear" as he provided great hugs to all who he knew. We were infected by his smile and boisterous laugh.  He was quite a jokester and enjoyed teasing with Thema at breakfast. Always there to help with anything you needed and his kindness and generosity were ever present.  We will miss his presence as he was always there radiating his love.  He was a prankster in the kindest way and always in for a good time.  His heart was so full of love for all.  There will be a huge hole here on earth, but we just have to keep him close in our memories as he will always be with us now and laughing with us from heaven.  Dougie, pray for those of us you left behind and save a place for us at our table in heaven.  Love ya
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
Doug was one of the most affable people I have ever had the pleasure to know. There was much to love about him. I will never forget his sense of humor, his intellect, his good nature, and loyal disposition. I truly enjoyed being with him at our monthly breakfast at Dad Miller's. We could count on him to listen with interest to whatever was on our minds, yet keep our hearts joyful and light. I sure wish I had more friends like him. When it was time to break up the party, I always felt blessed to have been on the receiving of his fellowship. Claim your well deserved eternal reward Doug, and watch over us until we are reunited!
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Douglas Anton Heppner, passed away January 15, 2021 in Anaheim as a result of complications from Covid-19. He was 63 years old. Doug Heppner grew up in Redondo Beach and Villa Park before moving with his family to Kenosha, Wisconsin in 1970.

After graduating high school, he pursued his love of golf and trained to become a PGA professional. While golf remained his passion, he returned to California to join America West Airlines as a ticket agent and logistical support provider. He moved on to be a facility manager for a hospital corporation and a county facility coordinator.

He met his wife, Elyce Weinfurter, on December 16, 1991. It was love at first sight. They spent their first weekend getting acquainted, including endless hours on the phone. Three and a half weeks later, Doug proposed to Elyce. When Elyce called her parents to tell them of the engagement, her dad said, “Thanks for the birthday present!” They were married eight months later. They did almost everything together. He always said he married his best friend, his girl Leecee.

Doug was the kind of person who never met a stranger. He treated every person with respect and kindness. People were drawn to his infectious laugh and humorous wit. His positive demeanor drew many in his church to his side.  He made friends everywhere and touched everyone along his way. He loved music, mocha-chip ice cream and Rush Limbaugh.

He particularly loved his mother and father in-law, Buck and Judy Weinfurter, always doting on Judy, and in retirement, pursuing his love of golf and fantasy football with Buck. He selected a fantasy team which went undefeated.  He was looking forward to golfing with his nephew, Colby, who made his high school golf team this year.

He is survived by his beloved wife, Elyce, of 28 years, his feathered kid (Dakota), his beloved brothers and sisters, John Heppner, Bill Heppner, Lynne Paolini, Karen Werve and Jeanne Ensley, his many in-laws, nieces and nephews and cousins – all of whom were touched by his love and special presence. We love you, Doug, forever.

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January 15
January 15
Three years ago our world was turned upside down. Doug and Elyce both suffered from the most severe case of covid. Doug did all he could to fight for his life, but God had plans for him. We miss you, Dougie, and we miss your amazing laugh.
January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023
Wishing Elyce strength and comfort as the two years of losing her beloved feel like two days and twenty years all morphed together. I pray Doug is in a joyous place watching over her, sending sweet messages of support.
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
A year has gone by. It seems like yesterday and it feels like forever all at the same time. Sometimes I swear I hear you laugh as if you are standing right behind me. We miss you, Dougie Bear. May you forever rest in peace. Xoxo
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January 15, 2022
I am remembering how kind Doug was and for being so good to both Buck and I. I miss that soo much .......And hearing and watching Doug and Buck enjoy their talking sports and mainly Fantasy Football! I love you, Dougie and miss you and wonderful your laugh... I will never forget it!!! Judy (Mommy) Weinfurte

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