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November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Its about a year now you departed this complex world. Though i never met you, but my daughter, Lola never stopped talking glowingly about you. Your death took a lot of energy from her and she often struggles to come to terms with your death. In this way we are all affected by your demise. I pray that your parents have the strength to bear this unbearable loss. I am sure that you have found a comfortable place with the Lord in Heaven. My family joins the rest of the world to say Rest in Perfect Peace.
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Just came to say happy birthday beautiful... I will never forget you, your smile and the way you always find the right things to say to make me smile. You are forever in my heart. LOVE you always and continue to rest in peace. Love Niks ❤❤
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
May the Good lord continue to comfort your family..HBD angel...R.I.P
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Happy Birthday Darling. You are forever in my heart.
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Happy birthday Doyin. You will always remain with me and everyone else who was lucky to have known you. Xx
September 25, 2016
September 25, 2016
I feel your presence when I am down, when I am confused, when I am sad. I hear your voice.. telling me to 'Stop feeing sorry for myself'.. encouraging me. Even though you are not here (physically) - Your light still shines so bright! My beautiful guardian Angel! ❤️
August 22, 2016
August 22, 2016
It has taken me 8 months to finally write something, you were the first person to speak to me at Uni, my first friend, I was always in awe of how you knew EVERYONE! Our 5 hour blackberry conversations:- Weddings, Marriage, Careers, ACS (lol) you had such big dreams and glad you got to see some of them come true! Such a big character with a pure heart, you always randomly spring to my mind and I thought it was time to write something. I know you are resting in heaven with the angels.
It was such a honour knowing you

Love Fiona
July 18, 2016
July 18, 2016
Constantly reminded of you by the most random of things. Thank you for all the memories. I love you sissy x
June 17, 2016
June 17, 2016
No day passes that you're not in my thoughts. Never to be forgotten.
May 30, 2016
May 30, 2016
Rip to a True Beauty-Both Inward and Outward-Though I don't know you personally but with all what I have seen and Read here its like have known you for a Long Time and it Kinda Hurt but who am I to decipher the Great Mind of God;all I can just say is that:Sleep Well and be Strong till we meet to part no more @the Gate of Heaven but till den Goodbye...
I pray that God Continually gives the Family and Friends the Solace they dearly need to bear this Great loss of theirs(Amen)
April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016
It has taken me a long while to write this but after talking about you yesterday, I had to visit this page for the umpteenth time.

Doyin, you will be sorely missed. Till today I cannot figure out how we became friends but what I know is that you made it easy because you insisted on being friends by force :)

From Queen Mary to Lagos, we were on a similar journey. I made my escape from Lagos but you wanted to finish the journey strong despite how stressful Lag is!

You are one of a kind and I am happy that your legacy will live on in the people you touched with your indescribable love and friendship.

Till we meet again.

Sun Re

April 19, 2016
April 19, 2016
Something crazy funny happened yesterday evening. I rushed on to whatsapp to tell you all about.. Forgetting momentarily.
Miss you everyday my sweet girl ❤️
March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016
My darling Doyin,

You know I'm no good with processing my emotions and articulating how I feel so I'm sure you understand why this has taken me so long to write.

I still remember when I first met you, we were waiting for Rola and Jen to bring Dami in for her surprise Birthday dinner and got to talking. You had on this yellow blazer, red lipstick and to be honest I don't know what it was but we just clicked. Little did I know, you'd become one of the best friends God blessed me with.

Doyin - you stood up for me when I couldn't even stand up for myself, you celebrated me when that's the last thing I wanted to do and you supported me when noone else was there to do so and in all honesty I'm just so sorry this is the way I have to say how much I love and appreciate you, but know there's no way I could be the person I am today without you being in my life.

I often still hear that crazy laugh you have, see pictures on IG and want to @ you, or just think back to all our insane conversations and plans and it only makes me grateful to have been able to call you my babe *insert yellow heart*.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you my love, but I know you're in the best place where the sun constantly shines on your face, where all the roses you love grow and you are in perfect peace. So save me a seat next to you, when we see again we will have too much to discuss lol.

I love you now and forever

Chloé Xxx

ps. Ocho Cincooooo (whatever that means :') )
March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
Gone too soon my Adebimpe.
So I had a dream about my darling bimpe sunday night, I was so happy to see her and told her all that happened in her absence, she was so happy and we laughed hard together.

Finally I have got closure that my darling friend and sister is gone, and in a better place.
Rest on Adebimpe
March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016
DSF, Just too precious. You remain in our thoughts.
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Fagbenro. My name is Staci and I'd like to express my condolences for the loss of your beautiful daughter, Doyin. I didn't know Doyin personally, but when I saw her young, beautiful smile I just had to stop to share some comforting words with you. You see, a few months ago, we lost our young niece, Faiza, who was around Doyin's age. She passed mysteriously in her sleep. We're still wrapping our heads around it, but I'd like to share with you some comforting thoughts that are helping us get through this trying time. The first comes from the Bible at John 5:28, 29(a) where it reads, "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life..." The second is from Revelation 21:4 where God makes this promise, "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." Mr. and Mrs. Fagbenro, I hope these scriptures will bring you comfort as they did for our family. Doyin is in God's memory now and nothing is beyond His power. Be assured that you will be able to see your beautiful daughter again, hold her in your arms, and be with her forever.
February 14, 2016
February 14, 2016
White roses were your fave flowers and today is Valentine's Day. I remember when we would invite everyone round both on campus and in our flat round and cook jollof and chicken of course cuz we were hosts with the most lol or gather up all the FGNPs ( fine gels no pimples lol) for a round at cokobar. Today I'm just letting you know that I am thinking of you as always and our memories are still so fresh in my mind. LOve you and miss you N'Doye (fave igbo name lol) xxx
February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016
Dear Doyin,

I still can't believe you're gone. We hadn't spoken in a very long time, but I often thought of you and often wondered what you were up to. You brought so much life to our 6th form common room, with your energy and crazy sense of humour (which we bonded over). I will always cherish the silliness we got up to when school got stressful and your visits to the boarding house. You always inspired me, and it kills me that I will never be able to tell you in person. I loved your "no nonsense" approach to life, your positivity and your tenacity. I will never understand why God took you so early, but you achieved in 25 years what many take a lifetime to.

Rest in peace Doyin.


Emef x
February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016
Still in our hearts and missing you everyday.
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
I don't know you but I realized you were a good person and you will be missed. My condolences also goes to her family. God give you strength to move on. Amen
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
I light up a candle for you cos u were a shinning light to all around you. Thou i never met u while alive but reading your tribute stories from friends, loved ones and all shows u were really an angel on earth.
Precious in the sight of thy Lord is the death of His saints.....REST IN PEACE, DOYIN SARAH FAGBENRO, #DSF #SLEEPPEACEFULLYINTHYLORD #AMEN.
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
Doyin it took me so long to leave a note just because I sincerely do not believe that you are gone . Everyday I try to convince myself that it is just a dream but it dawn on me yesterday that you are truly gone .
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
"My deepest sympathy goes to the family of doyin . So sorry for your loss but god assures us in the bible of the resurrection hope john(5:28,29)“Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Reading ur story on d Internet left me with a question "will I be missed like dis when I leave dis earth"? Even in death u are still touching lives, and to think I just had a dream of a young lady who died dat I don't even know and I was crying, only for me to wake up and found dis article staring at me. What a wonderful life u lived! God Almighty give ur family and friends d fortitude to bear dis huge loss. Rest in God's bosom Doyin #tears
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
Doyin I pray you are in eternal peace. I knew your mum from Bedford. I can't imagine what she is going through just now but I pray that she finds peace with your loving memories. Xxx
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
"Doyen Doyen", "The life of the party", "The Organizer", "The Socialite"as I so often called you. You were definitely born for greatness and 'boy' has that been the case over these past couple of years. I met you back in 2011 and was instantly touched and motivated by your warmth, ambition and unwavering kindness. It felt like I practically lived with you and the other girls, and was made to feel like we were family. You never made me feel uncomfortable when I visited, or gave me any reason to view you in a negative light. We would talk for hours about our future plans whilst I stared at your awards and other outstanding achievements. Unlike most, it was never ever just wash, you were the genuine article. Though you might not be here now, I and everyone else shall continue to live on in your stead. We shall achieve more and beyond as a testament to your impact on our lives and the inspiration you were to many. We love you Doyin and look forward to seeing you when we all come home. My heart goes out to your family through this particularly troubling time. I can only begin to imagine what they are dealing with. God grant them the strength to cope in your absence. Good bye for now and God bless.
January 30, 2016
January 30, 2016
I don't know you but I know and feel the pain your family and loved ones feel, lost my sister on 13th Dec. 2015, few weeks later I saw and read your story on Facebook. To the fagbenros, Doyin is in a better place, I pray the holy spirit comforts us all. My sister's name is Yetunde Caroline Kuju, she's also on memorial. We miss her so much.
January 30, 2016
January 30, 2016
dnt really knw much about you but your death brought sadness to my heart,am really gona miss you doyin RIP LOVE!
January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
My thoughts are with you all at such a sad time in your life's. Rest in peace first angel.xx
Sam Cox
January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
Met you a few months back and I am heart broken to learn of this. God knows best and we surely love you here but I know you are somewhere better. May your soul rest in peace. So sad to say rest in peace when I remember you.
January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
What can I say.....? This is so touching... I don’t even know u, but I feel as though I do. My heart is heavy. I certainly can’t imagine the pain in the hearts of many who knew you, friends, family and loved ones. I am certain of one thing; Doyin is in a better place.

God loves her... May her beautiful soul rest in the bosom of our Lord..

To Doyin’s family. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. You all will continue to be in my prayers. May God comfort you during this time, May he never leave nor forsake you In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
this is really touching... i dont know you but i saw your picture on a friends page of instagram and i felt really grieved. God knows best!!! May ur soul rest in perfect peace Doyin....
January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016
Doyin, when I was traveling on 29th December 2015 was the last day I heard your voice on phone and promised to call you back when I get to Ibadan, but the festive atmosphere in IB made me forget to return your call. It's very sad that I will not see my friend, client, tenant and sister anymore. Anytime I walk by your window, I remember the day you and your friend Folashade presented gifts to my kids on Xmas day. Doyin was such a Nice and easy going fellow. I will miss her so much Adeiu.
January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016
Dearest doyin
May your gentle soul rest in peace Amen.May God continue to be with your family in Jesus name Amen
January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016
I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful family. I have no words...All my love
January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016
May you rest in peace, love and hugs to your amazing mum Dupe who I worked with and all your family and friends
January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
Dear Doyin,

I didn't know you well but I remember meeting you and hanging out with you in the hotel before st itunu's wedding and as soon as Moyin introduced us you were so welcoming. I also remember you giving me career advice about law and even though we'd just met you were so keen to help me and that is a testament to the incredibly kind and selfless person you were. You encouraged me to work hard and your ambition was so inspiring. It's honestly so sad to see you go, I pray you rest in peace and that God brings peace to your family. Rest in peace beautiful xxxx
January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
In years, I have not cried like I did when I heard about your passing. This was because we were so sure(by faith) you will pull through but then, who are we to ask God why? He is Sovereign! We therefore console ourselves with the assurance that you're resting in his bosom. The beautiful moment we had during my bachelorette party organized by your family will forever linger. You were beautiful inside and out, always smiling. It was never a dull moment with you. Rest on Doyin! No goodbyes!
January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
Dear Doyin
I have resisted writing this tribute since I heard the news of your passing hoping I would wake up from a bad dream.
Even though I did not know you so well I had the privilege to meet your entire family when you relocated to Rome and joined the church where we were also worshipping. We have been friends with your parents ever since. I remember your enthusiasm as a teenager helping in the VBS my children attended. Over the years when your Dad was working in Rome he was a regular member of our Christian Life Group and became like family to us. Through him I knew all about your progress in school, your achievements and your plans for the future. However it was only when I met you, after several years, in March 2015, during a brief visit to Bedford, that I realized what a wonderful young lady you had become. I was amazed by your maturity and the determination you had in facing challenges in life. I know you showed your fighting spirit to the end. After reading the tributes people have written I thank God you were able to touch so many lives in such a short time. Your passing is certainly a huge loss for your family, friends and society at large but what a gain for heaven! ' Well done, good and faithful servant!' are the words echoing from Your Master. He will surely put you in charge of many things and fulfill your dreams hundredfold.
My prayers are with your loved ones who will miss you immensely. May God give them the strength to bear this great sorrow.
Rest in peace beautiful Doyin.
January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
I don't know this lovely,beautiful lady physically. I shed tears when I saw this article on the internet.
May God Almighty stay and comfort your family.
Evil will never come near your family again.
RIP Doyin.
January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
DOY! Never in a million years did I think I'd be writing a tribute for you. I have held off coming to this site for so long because I feel like I am going to wake up from this bad dream real soon and you'll be here again. It hurts to think that the last bit of contact we had was a message of you apologising for not making time to hang out. It embodied who you were to a T. You cherished the people you loved, the friendships you formed and always wanted to give the many friends you had a little bit of your time. You really had a massive heart.
I remember I would always tease you for knowing too many people when what I really should have been saying was many people knew and wanted to know you. The number of views this page has sums it all up. Always jovial, very hard working and very ambitious. In the 6 or so years I knew you, you definitely left your mark in my life. Thank you for all the good memories. Thank you for being a good friend even when I wasn't. I pray God comforts your family at this time and they find solace in the fact that you impacted the people you came in contact with definitely for the better. Till we meet again, Rest well Darling. Lots of Love..
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Although I don't know you have touched my life just reading about. Indeed even in death you are making impact on many. Rest in peace my dear.
O Nigeria you have lost another hope for the future.
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Aunty Dodo,
Aunty Didi,
Aunty Doyin-Sarah,
Aunty Doyin,

I remember those Christmas' when you came to my house and then slept over. You will be sorely missed and our Christmas' will never be the same without your bubbly, vibrant personality.
You were like a sister to me
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Rest in perfect peace Doyin. May God comfort your parents and siblings. This is very sad indeed!
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Doyin dear we will all mis you so dearly.we have sober a lot and I wish tears could just wake u up speedily...I pray God will comfort your siblings,mum and dad and such will never occur again in jesus name
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
I lay a flower because it best represented our relationship, I'm genuinely at a loss for words and I really can't believe it. Although we haven't spoken in a while it wasn't sitting well with me not leaving a message. You were a beautiful soul.

My condolences to your family and I hope you rest in peace x
January 23, 2016
January 23, 2016
I never knew but reading your tributes leaves me with the impression that you truly died too soon and a lot of people will miss u.You must have truly been a light.RIP
January 23, 2016
January 23, 2016
Reading through DSF's profile in my kitchen just now, I broke into uncontrollable tears. I am a parent and I just imagine what Doyin's parents emotional state will be . May God grant the family the fortitude to bear the pain through. It shall be well! Rest on DSF
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