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A mentor

February 28
I have mixed emotions writing about a man who was my boss, mentor and a shaper of my professional life. I first met Dr. Swanson while working as a Surgical Technologist at Burbank Community Hospital. As time went by, I became a Private Scrub for a Neurosurgeon whose office was in the same building as Dr. Swanson’s. Much later, my employer retired and Doctorand Del offered me a position with them. The professional environment, learning opportunities coupled with his mentoring, ability and desire to teach , are some of the best memories I have of him. He imparted his knowledge every step of the way and treated his patients with respect and love. His teaching forged the rest of my professional life as an educator. And for that I am forever grateful. He was a leader in the community and I trust he has been given a similar position in eternity. RIP, boss… mentor… friend

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