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April 2, 2020
I met Will when he was working at Toledo Technologies (I think in the mid-90's) so we knew each other about 25 years!  One of my favorite Will stories..........he had an opportunity to meet Lee Iacocca when Iacocca was running Ford.  This was in the very early days of cell phones.  Will had a phone that took up an entire brief case and he brought it to the meeting.  Will decided that, to impress Iacocca, he would have someone call him during the meeting.  When the phone rang, Will looked at Iacocca and apologized, saying "this is a really important call, do you mind if I take it?"  Iacocca nodded.  When Will was done talking, Iacocca said "You staged that, didn't you?"  Will said "Yes, Sir"  Iacocca said "You hot dog!"  The meeting continued and it went well!

Will and I became good friends and he was always looking to help, whether it be in business or otherwise.  Will was an out-of-the-box thinker.  He had an amazingly diverse set of interests and an incredible depth of knowledge in many areas.  He was brilliant.  He was a problem solver.  He respected conventional wisdom but didn't limit himself to that.  He had a great sense of humor.  He was genuine. Most of all, he was a compassionate person, and was always looking to help someone.  Rob, Kelly, Luke -- you have great genes.

I'll miss Will very much.

July 4th 2019

March 31, 2020
It’s hard to be having to write this after spending an amazing last summer with an amazing family. To experience an earth quake multiple after shocks and to just be enjoying each other’s company cracking jokes about making the CNN news Wow! on July 4th it was pretty big deal lol. As we sat around enjoying our drinks laughing and just being real was something I will never forget as well as my teenage son. Photos are worth a thousand words, but memories will last a lifetime.  I’m a long time friend of Julie since middle school the daughter in law. When I met Rob his son for the first time I told Julie he was the one. After meeting the whole family as a bridesmaid in the wedding I knew this was an extended family I inherited for life. My son and myself were accepted and treated with so much respect and comfort. I felt right at home. We were offered to have dinner at their place and right away it felt like home. It hurts my heart to have to know we won’t get to have another summer as before, but it doesn’t end here. Look forward to watching Luke grown into a young man. Fourth of July will forever be a memory in my mind and heart ❤️. 
March 31, 2020
I don’t really remember meeting Will.  He was just sort of a growing presence in my Perrysburg world and then we gradually became friends.  Good friends I like to think. I can only hope I was a good friend to him. For most certainly he was a good friend to me.  

When I think of Will I think of him having many qualities.  He was smart – sometimes almost absurdly so. He was always finding and enjoying the best of any situation.  He persevered against all manner of daunting odds. He was close lipped – he never would talk in much detail of his work life.  He was stoic, always embarking on the next grueling circumnavigation of the globe with a grin. He was interested in what you had to say.  He was willing to leave the past behind and focus on the brightest of futures. He cherished Rob and Kelly, and at least among his many friends, he made sure you knew it.  And he was completely invested in his new wife and family - I don’t want to contemplate the loss Anjian and Luke must endure.  

But most of all I think of Will as relentlessly, unfailingly and happily generous.  

I remember clearly the time in April of 2009 when my Iowa-based brother and nephew were visiting.  He treated us to a wonderful day, at perhaps his favorite place in the world, Rockwell Spring Trout Club.  Will didn’t join us that day but made sure we enjoyed a day of superb fishing, food and drink – on his tab of course as our money wouldn’t spend there.  When we returned home, we stopped at “his kitchen”, the Tea Tree Asian Bistro, to say hello and express our gratitude. We enjoyed drinks and stories, food and laughter and then Will prevailed in picking up the tab again! My, and my brother’s, objections were strenuous and heartfelt, though ultimately useless.  He was simply determined to give us a great day and would not be denied! It was his gift to us. To me.  

It was a day to always remember with joy.  That joy is both tempered and somehow enhanced by the sad, and oh-so-early, subsequent passing of both my brother and now my friend Dr. Will.  I miss them both intensely.

I remember cleaning out Will’s locker at Rockwell, years ago when he thought he might not return. That is an exercise that gives one insight into a man. It was packed with treasures, some meaningful and some trivial but treasures none the less.  And that does, in a way, define Will. He sought and found joy and value in many things: large or small, expensive or not, memorable or not, some even busted-up or not.  That is an enduring and an endearing lessen he helped me learn.  

Rest well my friend.  
Jack Sculfort

March 29, 2020
I feel very blessed to have known such a loving man with a beautiful heart and gentle smile.  I am grateful to have celebrated Rob and my sister Julie's wedding and Thanksgiving with him.  I know hes with Jesus and at peace.

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