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His Life
April 11, 2014


1927年4月14日出生於中國廣西省桂平縣。 1944年考進國立僑民師範, 1945年抗日戰爭中, 毅然決定從軍救國。 抗戰勝利後重回學校繼續未完的學業, 於1948年畢業。同年到越南從事華僑教育工作。 1955年與劉惠良女士結成連理。 他們二人同心奮鬥,先後創辦了兩所小學--工商小學及明華小學, 共有學生一千六百多人。 除了致力教育下一代之外, 他又熱心社區活動。他歷任堤岸精武體育會會長、大同文化公司董事及越南廣西同鄉會會長。  1975年越南政變, 他蒙冤受屈, 被迫勞改長達13年半。當時有子女八人, 最小的還在妻子腹中。 被釋放後一年才到美國與家人團聚。 神的恩典帶領他到教會, 認識神的福音, 於1992年接受耶穌作為他個人的救主, 並受洗歸入祂的名下。

他喜愛閱讀、寫詩、旅遊及運動。 他為人慷慨, 熱心公益, 並富有幽默感, 深受後輩敬重。

黃繼雄弟兄的夫人、八名子女、十五名孫兒孫女和他的所有朋友, 學生都會永遠懷念他。


The Life Story of Duy Ke Huynh


Duy Ke Huynh was born in the city of Guiping in Guangxi Province, China, on April 14, 1927, the third oldest of six children. He was admitted to the National College for Teacher Education in 1944 but left to join the army of the Republic of China (Kuomintang Army) in 1945 during the Japanese occupation of China. He went back to college after the end of the war to continue his studies, and graduated in 1948.


Shortly after graduation, Duy went to Vietnam to start a career in educating overseas Chinese. He met and later married his wife, Thap Luu, in 1955. Together, they opened two schools, Chanh Dao Elementary School and Minh Hue Elementary School, with more than sixteen hundred students. He was well respected in the Chinese community and was appointed as one of the directors of the Jing Mo Athletic Club in Cholon, became the CEO of Tai Tung Cultural Co., and director of the Guanxian Club in Vietnam.


After the fall of Saigon to North Vietnam in 1975, Duy was falsely accused of being an anti-communist, and due to his previous links to the Kuomintang, he was sent to a concentration camp for thirteen and a half years. He was the loving father of eight children, with the youngest still in his wife's womb at the time of his imprisonment. He was finally released from the camp in 1988 and immigrated to the US a year later to be reunited with his family. God's grace led him to attend church in the US to learn about the gospels. He accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and was baptized in 1992.


Duy enjoyed reading, writing poetry, and traveling around the world. He was also an avid fan of basketball, having played for and coached several basketball teams. He was a very generous person, always willing to do work for his community and help those in need. He also had a great sense of humor and loved to tell funny jokes to anyone who would listen. Duy is survived by his wife, eight children, and fifteen grandchildren. He will be sorely missed by his family and friends.