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Your Birthday

February 26, 2023
Yesterday was your day, Happy Heavenly Birthday! You would have been 76 years old if you were still here. Sylvia and I talk about how we're so glad that you are with our Lord. No more difficulties, no more suffering and dealing with everyday life.
So much has happened around here. So many loved ones & dear friends have also passed on, I wonder if you have seen them. The greatest news that has happened recently is that we will soon see our niece Autumn and we will get to hug her. We can't wait for that day! It will happen very soon. God has answered our prayers. I will also give her a Big hug for you.
We miss you and you're forever in our hearts, until we meet again. 
Love you

Happy Birthday part 2

February 27, 2021
I woke up this morning celebrated Eddie's birthday with coffee and a little cake with my beautiful dishes called eternal. Prayed and gave thanks unto God for taking care of him and for taking him home then went at 6:30 this morning to drop off Michael at work, then drove to the park once again thanking God for Eddie's provision and for his new home in eternity with Jesus.
I've been carrying a bag of snacks and some Gatorade and water in a bag in my car. Today I asked the lord please please in honor of Eddie may this be given to the right person. 
I drove by Savers on my way home, there was this crazy man running across the street and into the parking lot barely holding on to his shorts or whatever it was he was wearing his legs were exposed, he was running crazy. Then I saw him go around the gas station and back into the parking lot running. I prayed in the name of Jesus! And the blood of Jesus cover me! I approached him in my car and yelled out "do you want some snacks"? he turned around and said "yes! yes! yes!" came running to me and grabbed the bag. And yelled "thank you! thank you!" It caught me by surprise because usually the crazy ones don't say a word to you. Then he sat at the curb eating his snacks and I went around him again and said "do you want a blanket?" "yes! yes!" he said and grabbed the blanket and covered his legs and ate.
I cried and cried and cried. I've never seen someone so hungry. Not to mention filthy filthy filthy. His hands were so full of dirt like if they were mechanic hands dipped in oil. His face was filthy filthy filthy. 
All I could do was pray for him and bring him before the father for this young man's healing and deliverance and salvation.
The Holy Spirit had me pray for his laborers. They need the resources to help these people.
This was an Eddie's day for sure.

Happy Birthday

February 27, 2021
My Dearest Brother.....
Wednesday was your birthday. I woke up saying happy birthday to you. I then went into prayer thanking God for your new life in eternity. I miss you sooo much. I often think of you and shed tears. I have your camouflage folding chair in my patio. I set in it almost daily. I look at the hills all around me and talk to you. I know you don't hear me and your busy in heaven, but it makes me feel good. I spend lots of time praying sitting in your chair. 
I shared a story with my sister and she wanted me to share it here. It will be on the next story.

my angel

September 28, 2020
Eddie entered my life during a difficult time of me being homeless with 3 kids. He always talked about God and to never loss hope. Also trying to help me and kids with what he could. Just made us feel at  peace. He was like an angel during my hard times. Always thankful for him .

Brotherly Love

September 3, 2020
I once told Eddie that I ruined things for him when I came into this world. He was spoiled by our dad & always seemed to get what he wanted. We were both young when our dad passed away. Eddie was five years older than me. He did not like having me near when his friends came over. He always chased me away, of course I was so hurt. In growing up with him he did not miss an opportunity to give me a good scare. When I was very little he had to baby sit me. He crawled on the floor with my moms fur coat over him & growled like a bear. I was so frightened that I immediately jumped on the top part of the couch screaming so loud! He thought that was so funny. When I was about 11 or 12 years old, my mom asked him to drop me off to where ever I needed to be, of course he didn't want to take me. As he was driving he pretended that he was going to wreak into parked cars along the way to scare me. It was not a fun ride!  As an adult he finally admitted that he was not a nice brother. I forgave him! I will miss our talks about trying to find our sister Henrietta. I do know that he has now seen her in our forever home....HEAVEN. I will always have you close to my heart. I love you always.          Your favorite sister, Arlene

Memories of Eddie

August 27, 2020
Eddie and I grew up on the same street, Townsend St in Santa Ana, I lived in the middle of the block. Eddie lived at the end of the block and my husband Ernie was his next door neighbor. The interesting thing about our street was that almost all of the dad's were WWII veterans, so most of the kids were the same age except for those born before the war. We all went to the same schools had the same friends we were like a big family, whatever happened to one  was shared by all. After I got married and moved to my own house I remember going to my mom's house and in her living room she had this China cabinet it wasn't big but it was a nice size. I asked mom where did you get that China cabinet and she said Eddie Cruz made it , she said when I get a bigger one you can have it. The cabinet now sits in my bedroom where it hold my late husband Ernie 's USC Football !memorabilia collection. We grew up in a time when kids played safe outside of at the neighborhood park , we didn't have many problems that we couldn't work out ourselves. We were truy blessed by a wonderful loving God and parents who taught us respect and responsibility. I will always treasure the memories we shared with Eddie.

A walk in the mountains.

August 18, 2020
I have so many memories of Eddie my brother. I can't explain Eddie he had a different way of thinking,  believing and doing things. He was 15 yrs older then I am,  we did not grow up together. The stories I have are of adulthood. 
One winter day we were all taking a walk in the mountains (family). The roads were plowed, there was snow all along the side of the roads. Eddie always trying to be funny grabbed some snow from the side of the road called out my name and threw a snowball right at my face. The snowball was hard as ice. It was like a rock hit me. Sure enough my upper lip started to bleed. I now have a scar on top of my lip from Eddie.  I now have two scars on my face from Eddie. The other one is on my eyebrow. He was baby sitting me as a baby and left me on the couch, I rolled off the couch and hit the coffee table. I don't think he ever babysat me after that.

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