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October 20, 2019
October 20, 2019
Ever since you left and as days go by, the hardest thing to cope with, is accepting the truth that I shall never see you again in this life. Why? I don't think I will ever understand.

Questions left unanswered. Your voice is still, losing you is unbearable. Time and time again, I have tried to come to terms with it but there is none to convince me.

How l wish I came the Saturday you called me to come, before you passed away. But we agreed that Sunday was okay. Mummy, what actually happened? This is too much for me to bear. It is very unfair that you can no longer be here with us. How can you leave us so soon? If only I could have you back for just a little while, then we could sit and talk again, just like we used to do. There is something you must know; you are missed. We miss you a lot.

I can't even say Rest In Peace, my darling sister because I don't know where you are going to you break my heart .The fact that you are no longer here will always cause me pain, but you are forever in my heart until we meet again.

Your sister Annet Njoh
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
Dear mummy,
I don't even know what to write or say because I wasn't prepared for this. Mum I never imagined I will be writing a tribute to you this soon. Mum your death was the most shocking experience I have had. I couldn't believe we were all together on Saturday night, ate and chatted before going to bed and in the morning when we were all up to go to church, you were still asleep never to wake up again. Mum I am so sad and I heart is full of tears because this was my first holiday with you. It pains me soo much that you had to live me home alone even when my time of holiday was not over. But I am also grateful to God for giving me a chance to at least live and learn alot from you just within my short stay. I love you mum but God loves you most. RIP Mummy
                    From your daughter Tifuh Bernice
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
Dear mum
It doesn’t feel right to me , I wish I could tell you these words but not withstanding, the world deserves to know the jewel mother earth has called. You stood as a pillar to my business, you were an editor to my articles, my cook instructor , an aunt and a mum. You are a model to many and to me in particular. Mum your energy, selflessness and defense where like fuel to me. I lOVE YOU MUM. RIP

Your niece Therese FOMBAD
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
Ma sœur Edith! Tu es venue! Tu as combattu le bon combat. Tu as contribue a l’humanité a ta manière. Va repose en paix et que la terre de nos ancêtres te soit légère. Tu resteras a jamais dans nos cœurs. 

Famille Kamga en Afrique du Sud
October 14, 2019
October 14, 2019
A Special Tribute to my Beloved Aunt

How incredibly sad it is to learn that you are no more, Auntie.

Memories that were distant suddenly become vivid.
When I last visited Cameroon as a kid, our first stop for two days was at your home in Yaoundé. I remember how you affectionately took care of us and always prepared the most delicious breakfast, lunch and supper. How we had such a wonderful time interacting with Eddy, Effie and Bijoux. I remember particularly how we would, with competitive spirit, play PlayStation games.

I have very good memories of how my Dad always told all of us about you and just how dear you were to him.  I5 September 2019 will always be a day of lament. It will be a day that we will never forget in our family. It is the day that your golden heart stopped beating and your hard working hand went to rest.

I was about to go to church in Pretoria when my Dad, away then in Stellenbosch, called me and was in tears, asking for my mum who had already gone ahead to church for Bible Study . He then told me the tragic news. I went and broke the sad news to her and she immediately abandoned the service.

It was a dark Sunday: the tears flowed freely as we all cried and reminisced. How could this happen to our Aunt. We worried all day about how our Dad was coping. It was our longest Sunday.

Oh Auntie, how could this happen; at a time when we were daily praying that the situation at home improves for us to reunite. It is no consolation; but I am happy that I sent you the first fruits of my long years of studies and first month at work. It was my way of showing you the deep affection that I and am my siblings have for you and the wonderful times we spent with you.

At this sad moment, I pray that the God of all comfort, comfort Eddy, Effie Bijoux. May He see them through this terrible moment; give them the strength to get over this and become the successful people that she desperately wanted them to be.

Oh Auntie, rest in perfect peace in the bosom of the Almighty God. Say hello to my grandparents Pa and Ma Fombad and also Pa and Ma Chongwain . My other brothers and my sister are also sharing this deep pain and emptiness. May we be comforted by the scriptures, which in Revelation 21:4 says this:

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old things have passed away"

Rest in peace auntie, until that glorious day when we shall meet again and enjoy your wonderful kindness and cuisine forever.

Fombad Tosah Fombad (Nephew)
Werksmans Attorneys, Sandton
South Africa
October 12, 2019
October 12, 2019
Dear auntie Edith,

Infact death is actually a mystery.
Oh! Its a great loss for us in the family.
But God who give has taken.
We will do not need to ask questions.

We will miss that smile and the jokes you make,
When we are in a family gathering.

We love you but God loves you more !

Adieu auntie Edith till we meet again.

Jennifer Fombad
October 12, 2019
October 12, 2019
A tribute to my beloved aunt by Loic Fombad Simen Musaga

Dear grandma,
It was great shock to learn at school of your sudden departure on the morning of the 15 of September. I have not been able to focus in school since then. I have asked God several questions and realise I have no answers because God knows it all and knows our end from the beginning.

Although you were my mums’ dearest sister, I called you grandma because you were more than an aunt to me. You were like another grandmother to me, because you gave me the love, care and support that could only be compared to that given to me my late grandparent’s mama and papa Fombad. My mum told me your name Afor was also named after my great, great grandma.

Even though I existed only for a shorter part of your life, you have been there for all of mine. You were part of my earliest and fondest memories and always will be. Growing up I spent most of my school holidays with you together with my sisters Effie Bijoux and my brother Eddie .I was part of your life and home in Yaoundé and you welcomed me with open arms You were concerned about my education and encouraged me to be the best in order to make my mum proud.

You did not hesitate to scold and me and tell me the bitter truth in love. “Fat boy” you will call me when are you cutting down “Fat is not good for your health” You would say. Grand ma, the hardship of school has gotten me in to shape. I wish you were there to see me when I come home during this Christmas holidays.

A few months ago you did all you can to make sure Effie come to school to bid me bye on her way to Canada.

Grandma, you went too soon without waiting to see us live out your expectations for us and give back to you? My heart is heavy.

The only way we your children can all remember you is to keep up with your legacy and live up to your expectations.

Rest in peace grandma and say hello to the really grandmas Mama and papa Fombad.

Your grandchild (Nephew)
Loic Fombad Simen Musaga.
October 12, 2019
October 12, 2019
Très chère Grandma!

J’ai décidé de t’écrire une petite lettre pour te dire au revoir !
Je dis bien au revoir car j’espère qu’un jour on se reverra.
Mon père m’a promis de te l’amener cette lettre, là ou tu te reposeras, sur ton tombeau ... Grandma, tu vas me manquer considérablement ; me manqueront ton sourire, tes yeux doux et tant apaisants, ton visage serein et tes mots de réconforts.

Tu as été la personne plus pure et plus innocente que je connaisse.
J'espère que tu es en paix là en haut.
Tu seras dans mes pensées et dans mon cœur.
Tu fais partie de moi, de mon existence.
Merci, merci et merci encore d’avoir été la plus douce des Grandma !

Toute ta famille garde de toi un délicieux souvenir.
Beaux souvenirs du temps d'avant qui va alimenter notre avenir.

Ta mort Grandma, est juste un départ pour le paradis des belles personnes. Car la parole du Seigneur dit dans Apocalypse 21:4 "Il essuiera toute larme de leurs yeux, et la mort ne sera plus, et il n'y aura plus ni deuil, ni cri, ni douleur, car les premières choses ont disparu".

Repose en paix très chère Grandma!
ADIEU Grandma!

Ton neveu
Steve Aldric Tongo
October 11, 2019
October 11, 2019
My Dear & Loving Sister,

The news of your unprecedented passing unto glory shocked me to the bones, & rendered me speechless. l took it for a joke in bad taste, until l came to your house in Y'de & did not see u, but met a crowd of sorrowful looking people, that it dawned on me that it actually was no joke.

l cannot forget how during every phone call you will ask when l will come to stay with you for some time, & l kept procrastinating until, behold, you are there no more to receive me, just when l was contemplating to come.


The Holy Spirit joined, & the Three-In-One decided your time was up!

Who are we to question, why you,why now ?
ln everything we give thanks to God.
We only pray that God Almighty would forgive you all your sins, & receive you to join Jesus at His right hand, till we meet again to part no more.

We loved you very much, but God loved you most.

We also pray that God would grant us the fortitude to bear your loss.


October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019
My dearest Aunt.
Words cannot describe the sadness that washed over me upon hearing of your passing. Although it has been a while since I last saw you, I still remember the energetic and passionate lady who always left me in owe when I was younger! I remember how I always looked forward to visiting your home when I still lived in Yaounde, how you will always introduce me to strange and wonderful treats I had never had before... like cornflakes :) . We will have preferred for you to be with us a little longer, but I guess God had different plans. Please look favourably upon us from your vantage point above and guide our steps as we navigate this world without you.
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019

You broke our hearts to lose you!

You did not go alone,
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And thought we can not see you,
You are always at our side.

Our family chain is braking,
And nothing seems the same, but as God call you we know you are beside him all the time and your spirit is always around us.

Love you big sister!
We will forever miss you!

Rest In Perfect Peace until we meet to part no more.
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019
Avant tout, je voudrais vous remercier au nom de la famille d’être venu, parfois de loin saluer une dernière fois une connaissance, une collègue, une amie, une tante, une belle-sœur, une cousine, une maman, et ainsi nous accompagner dans cet au -revoir si douloureux. Il est difficile de résumer en quelque ligne une personne comme Edith, ma belle-sœur, ma sœur, ma complice, mon amie. Mais je dirais avant tout que tu étais l’amour à l’état brut, parfois sans concession, toujours sans limites. Tu avais un cœur en toutes choses.

Ceux qui nous connaissent savent que nous avions une relation particulière, fusionnelle, une complicité sans faille. Tu m’appelais, beau-père ou Maah, jamais par mon prénom. Je t’ai aimé sans te connaître, juste à travers la description de mon frère. Oui, il t‘a aimé, il a su me décrire par téléphone les qualités humaines que tu avais ! l’amour de sa vie. Tu étais encore étudiante à la FAC de Yaoundé. Je suis tombée sous le charme. Je t’ai rencontré, tu étais respectueuse, bienveillante, pétillante de vie, accueillante usant de beaucoup d’humour pour distraire tes hôtes. Tes qualités humaines et ton altruisme faisaient que ta compagnie était recherchée et appréciée.

Je me souviens de nos fous rires à rendre mon frère jaloux de cette complicité. J’ai attendu avec impatience votre mariage  en 1994, et la venue d’EDDY en 1995 sans oublier les filles bien sûr ! Ces évènements m’ont comblé de joie. Tu as été une épouse aimante et dévouée pour mon frère, sa famille. Ta rencontre avec lui  l’a transformé et vous ont comblés de bonheur avec 3 magnifiques enfants, sans oublié tous ceux que tu as rencontrés et élevés.  Tu as été une béquille sur laquelle il pouvait s’appuyer. Tu as su l’élever, l’aider à traverser plusieurs tempêtes.

Aussi, Tu savais cultiver l’amitié à Merveille. Etre ton amie c’était être dans ta famille, être ton frère ou ta sœur de cœur. A cet effet, je me souviens de nos multiples séjours chez tes parents à Bamenda. Leur accueille, cette maison si chaleureuse, qui a su accueillir tous  les enfants lorsqu’ils étaient en vacances au Cameroun. Le départ soudain de tes parents fut également un choc pour toi et aussi pour nous tous. Embrasse- les chaleureusement pour nous.

Aujourd’hui, tu vas manquer à toute la famille, les enfants, les beaux-fils, les belles-filles, les petit- enfants, tes frères et sœurs, tes belles-sœurs, et particulièrement à papa comme tu l’appelais affectueusement. Ils sont tous orphelins de toi et de ton amour pour eux.

Ta mort est un dernier enseignement que tu nous partages. Elle nous donne encore plus à penser à l’importance de vivre pleinement chaque instant comme tu savais le faire. Sans rancune, toujours avec le sourire, infatigable,  à chercher à faire plaisir, les étreintes chaleureuses, le moindre mot doux pour chacun de tes convives.

Après Mao, c’est toi ! C’est terrible pour nous. Nous sommes dévastés, perdus sans toi. Mais le seigneur sait pourquoi il a fait ce choix. Nous dévons l’accepter et te laisser partir !

Mais, en nous laissant sur le quai de la vie, tu nous a quittés afin de partir vers des contrées certainement plus reposants et paradisiaques.

Il nous faut faire notre deuil et te laisser partir en paix ; il nous faut accepter que la mort fasse partie du chemin de la vie, et nous devons la concevoir comme une étape de notre destinée personnelle.

Cependant ta mort, ne peut effacer tous nos beaux souvenirs et nos belles pensées pour toi.

Nous penserons à toi chaque jour, avec douceur et plein d’amour ; nos pensées affectueuses t’accompagneront sur ton nouveau chemin.

Le pays ou tu es arrivée depuis le 15 septembre, est certainement un pays sans douleur, sans stress, tu y a rencontré tes parents, Mao et tous ceux que tu as aimés et qui t‘ont précédés. Je pense qu’il y règne l’amour et la sérénité permanente. Repose donc en paix dans ce monde délicieux ou je sais que tu nous observes et nous écoutes avec affection. Alors, continue de prendre soin de nous comme tu savais le faire et particulièrement de papa, ton chéri, ton amour comme tu me disais !!.

Nos larmes et nos pleurs sont des mots d’amour envoyés au ciel afin de couvrir ton cœur de bonheur dans ta dernière demeure.

Merci pour tout ton amour Maah
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019
We called you, Edith,
Some called you mummy,
Others big sis,
And that was the recognition of the big sister title you wanted.

That night l saw you in my dream, your face was not very clear, it all showed we were in a funeral ground, processing to bury a loved one. ln that dream l was so busy in the organisation. Few hours after it was dawn and woke up wondering why l had such a dream who was actually gone or about to go.
Then the phone call came from your sister Loveline in Douala screaming your name. I found myself going through that dream again and again, wondering why you hide your face from me.

Edith, how l wish l could stop you from dying, how l wish l got up and no phone calls came?

We will forever miss you, no matter how hard we all cry, you are gone to prepare a place for us. You were so full of life, Vibrant and cheerful. you opened your doors to everyone. You celebrated birthdays and born houses for us, you emptied your food store to feed people. You were always ready to enter your kitchen ant any hour of the day or night to cook and feed people.

The past weeks have been the worst to me, but you know what they say, God only takes the best. Everything happens for a reason. You have left a big family, who will never stop talking about you, because you touched so many lives while here on earth.

Hmmmmmm big sis fare well and remember we love you and will continue to love you till we meet to part no more.

From Celestine Ngochia. (Family Friend).
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Rest in Love Edith: A Collective Tribute from Sister-Friends in the USA

It is hard to even fathom that we are writing this tribute for you Edith! Afor, you would even be surprised to see some of our names in this group. Yes, your friendship and love brought us together. We got to know you at different times in our lives and in different climes. We each had our own relationship with you and shared different memories – some in primary school ….others in secondary and high school, others at the University of Yaoundé and others on the long corridors of life as children, teenagers, young adults and grown women.
Our experiences with you may have been different and varied, but we now share something: the impact of your sudden death on us. The news came in suddenly like a potent bomb on that September 15, shattering that calm Sunday morning.
The tears have not stopped flowing especially as we agonize over what could have been done differently to prevent this early return to your maker. You were hardworking, diligent, strategic, purposeful, thoughtful, and generous. You were blessed with an uncanny knowledge of the world around us. No wonder your sudden departure hurts. You had made us to believe that you understood the contours of life and could overcome any challenges you encountered, but death found you Edith and you closed your eyes just like that!
What do we tell your children, Eddy, Effie and Ake? Everything still seems like a mirage. Your peculiar soft-spoken voice still rings in our ears, your enchanting smile still invades our quiet moments, and your boisterous laughter still echoes in our thoughts. Indeed, memories of your joie de vivre make acute the pain of your departure and the void increases with each passing day.

Yet, who are we to question the ancestors and the almighty God we serve?

All we have left are prayers for the sweet repose of your soul. Rest in love Edith! Rest in Peace Afor! Until we meet to part no more…

Your sister-friends,

Regine Neh Achu        Rose Lum Anye          Joyce Ashuntantang
Maryland, USA          Maryland, USA          Connecticut, USA

Adellys Mbah Binyame,  Victorine Ambe Dwamina Gladys Nchang Fru
Massachusettes, USA    Minnesota, USA          Maryland, USA

Geraldine Ngum Nchotu  Mary Niba,              Kristy Tchaptchet Pafe
Maryland, USA           Maryland, USA          Texas, USA

Helen Taiwani           Beatrice Toche           Olivia Bih Tumanjong
Maryland, USA          California, USA           Maryland, USA

October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
I'm still in Dubiety. Yes, it's a nightmare for me. I will not like to ask God why because I will never get and answer only him and him alone has the final say.

My icon, your ways were such an example i always want to follow. Aunty your zealous and hardworking ways always gave me the courage to have same ambitions. Despite the trial moments my wedding preparations boasted the bond as one family. You ask for my wedding to be done at your mansion and when I disagreed you insisted to be the chair lady and informed me of the task you were to take. Jesus! am I writing a tribute to my chairlady? What a wedding without you, the void in my heart is unbearable. You always call me with a soft voice and say "my baby what has grand MA done to you? please forgive me" ooh! Those lovely words are all gone in the physical but my memory will forever retain it. My to be husband was happy he will meet you on the wedding day after only talking to you on phone but the cold hands of death just snatched you within the twinkle of an eye.

I pray may your gentle soul continue to rest in peace.
Please do say hello to my dad and granny's for me.

Adieu! Aunty.

October 5, 2019
October 5, 2019
Aunty!! I tried to write something the last couple of days, but I lacked the words. Daddy Rudolf asked me why I didn't write yet, but I explained to him that I get emotional every time I try. Since your passing, I have been overwhelmed with a rush of so many feelings - sadness, fear, anger, terror, etc. Life is just too short!! Every time someone expresses their condolences to me, the wound opens up all over again.

Aunty, you and I had a special connection! You were a straight shooter - always told me like it is. We cracked jokes together and you never failed to "throw shade" at me when I made a promise to call and never fulfilled. "My mannequin" or "my baby" - that's how you always called me! I spoke to you three weeks prior to your passing and you were telling me about all the delicious meals you prepared for my father daddy Rudolf. You will say that to "make me langa" so that I should come visit too. Your last words to me were to always keep in touch and look out for Eddy, Effie and Bijou. They say hindsight is 20/20 and looking back, you were unknowingly getting things ready for your departure. Aunty, I heard you well and I will look out for them!

It still feels surreal that I am writing a tribute. All your wishes for me came to pass and just when I was going to update you about the state of things, you left me hanging, aunty! September has always been special because it is my birthday month, but things will never be the same again. Aunty, I pray for your soul; for your eternal rest in God's bosom. I pray for us all as a family; for strength, peace, closure and comfort. This is not goodbye, but see you later, aunty! I love you forever!

Your mannequin,


October 5, 2019
October 5, 2019
A tribute to my Beautiful Mother (My Northern Star)

Every prayer I ever made in my life; my first lines were God guide and watch over my Mum. Mum you were my Northern Star, the Star I will look up to in times of darkness and confusion to lead my way and guide me.

Words won’t describe how I feel right now Mum. You were my everything from when you gave birth to me to this day you remain my everything. I love you unconditionally and I will always love you unconditionally. You are the best thing that happened in my life and I thank God for blessing me with an amazing mother like you.

Waking up every morning and having to relive the memory of you not being around anymore is the hardest thing to face. I honestly get scared when I think of having to face life without you by my side to guide me. However, you were a woman of great strength and will want me to keep on fighting the good fight and keep on living in your footsteps and memory and that is what I will do. I thank God for your life and for giving you the wisdom and strengthen to raise me to the man I am today.

You always told me of how proud Effie, Ake and I made you be. Honestly there was no better feeling to me than knowing I made you proud. That is what I lived for, making you proud. Now more than ever, I will keep on making you proud. I will watch over my two baby sisters like you taught me to always do Mum.

We will never forget you My Mummy your soft spoken voice when we spoke over the phone, your beautiful smile that brighten our days, your advises that guided us in the hardest times and your forever present love towards us that always made us feel loved. We will continue to love and carry your legacy in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

Rest in Peace my Beautiful and Amazing Mother.

Your First Son Eddy or Tako (My Father) so you called me.

October 5, 2019
October 5, 2019
“Mummy, I wan ask you why you tek we Pa away? Weti you tink sey you don do fo dey family”?
“Mummy, dey way you an pa dey enjoy fo Addis I dey jelos, oh”!When will I come to see you people”? Afor, if I was dreaming about these words and loving accusations from you, it is no longer a dream now! We waited too long for time but the time ran faster than we could plan as humans. Your Pa could not carry all the food you prepared for me and the family as if we were starving in Ethiopia. It doesn’t matter what is available here, you showed your usual motherly love caring for all. No wonder the children always talk of Auntie Edith did this and that and “spoiled” us! You touched them as you touched us all. Time seemed to have been in our hands. What an error to think that way!
My candle was burning in the wind and I did not realize how fast it was going to be blown out. I let the law of nature play out on me that the older will go first and Sunday 15th September was too late a wake- up call! God’s ways are not our ways. If it were dependent on me, I would get a cane and whip you to get up and continue your job because it is not yet finished, or so I believe, but the Lord your Protector, Redeemer and Saviour says it is time to come home. Who am I to question Him? Time on earth is never too long where there is love and so my dearest sister-in-law who also saw me as a mother, it was too short our time together.
Many have said so many things about you, but I want you to know your soft spoken words continue to echo in my mind like a sweet melody that no fire can burn out or water can quench. You burned out yourself to give love to others and in particular those you love and care for. You will be greatly missed physically but not spiritually.
Rest in Peace my darling until we meet to part no more.
Grace Fombad
October 5, 2019
October 5, 2019
Goodbye, Too Soon
Edith you are not only a friend but a sister to me. You were such a nice solf-spoken lady with a ready smile for everyone. We were always together until I and my family left for the United States of America and we had many experiences together. But each time that I visited Cameroon you and the husband will invite me for lunch or dinner. Last year when you guys invited me for lunch, I remember us eating on the table and discussing our past how we struggle through University together. We also discuss about our children and how we are growing old. I never for one moment thought that it was my last lunch with you. Edith your passing away so sodden has taught me that we cannot know what God’s plan is for us. What we can do is to live our lives as best as we can with purpose, love and with joy.
Although you are gone, but the memory of the times we spend together as friend and sisters will remain with me and my family. May your soul rest in eternal peace
October 4, 2019
October 4, 2019
Awang it's very hard for me to bear this shock!
We discussed and you never mentioned anything like ill health!
The following week when I heard was unbelievable,
Your departure from this earth!
My sister and the same time my in-law,
I will forever miss you most!
May the Almighty receive you in his bossom!

In-law FOMBAD Margaret from Douala
October 3, 2019
October 3, 2019
Hmmm I cannot believe this Edith. I can remember seeing you the Thursday
and Friday before your death.God made me to see you .we were in the same ministry..Each time I see your colleagues I cannot imagine you are no more.look how hardworking you were, in your home and in your office. Your appointment a few months ago proves this .Only God knows why you have gone at this moment when our family and the Education family needed you most. Greet ma and pa fombad and also my father Pa chongwain who also took you like his special daughter.We do not argue with God.Rest in perfect peace
October 3, 2019
October 3, 2019
Tribute to Mum/Aunty
The news of your sudden demise left an empty hole in my heart. I am still in denial and shock! Mum, I remember my first day at school in Azire, you held my hand and walked me to school. The fond memories of your multiple trips to Bamenda, were always filled with excitement. When I furthered my studies in Yaoundé, you mentored and instilled confidence in me.
  Mum, you instructed us to write every book of the Bible, placed in every room to aid with our daily devotion.This practice, instilled in me faith and appreciation for humanity.
 You were very disciplined, always offered advice and never held your tongue when I drifted. You have touched and nurtured countless lives, your legacy is forever enshrined in our memories.
Despite the storm, God is constant.  His love never fails.  His hope endures for eternity. Mum, May your gentle soul Rest In Peace. Adieu!

Psalms 23 4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
William Fombad.
October 2, 2019
October 2, 2019

Tribute to Edith Afor

When the bomb shell news fell on the morning of September 15, I begged God that it was a mistaken identity, but I was wrong. My sister was gone indeed! I could hardly believe that we were together three weeks before in Yaoundé and you reminded me of the delicious food our parents used to cook for us. Your calls were an alarm to remind me breakfast, lunch and dinner were ready. You reminded me of our youthful days that I would not have wanted to see ended but I had to return to the family in Addis Ababa,
Sister, you did not tell me bye-bye but made me believe we were separated for a short time by distance!! You did not tell me you were sick. In your sleep you shut the doors on me and the whole family. I guess you were not even aware of this moment and so my questions of “why” will never be answered by anyone of us. All I know is that our parents have welcomed you home in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
Afor, the gap you have created will be difficult to fill as no one can ever take your place. Your home was a welcoming place for all family members and friends. Your laughter and great banquets that filled the air and fed everybody have come to an abrupt end. A replica of our parents whose pots were never empty or washed for the night and the mid-night visitor had something to eat. We will all miss your warmth!
Sister, you are gone and never to return to us. Like David, we will come to meet you and our joy will be complete singing songs of praises to our great King, Jesus Christ, the master of ceremony. Rest in peace, baby sister and carry our greetings to big Papa and Mama of Nyen, Mami and Papa of Azire; and all the other Family members who have gone before you for us.
Adieu Dear Sister.

October 1, 2019
October 1, 2019

A tribute to my sister-in love: Mrs Edith Afor Fombad épse Tsobgny

My dear sister in- love, whom I fondly called Aunty Edith. You were a sister to me. You welcomed me to your family with open arms. All you showed and gave me as a newly wedded bride was love. Partly because of the special place your brother had in your heart you will do everything to ensure that he was happy, and partly because  that was who you were a loving and caring person at heart.

Notwithstanding, that by the time when I came to your family you were still single, you wished nothing but the best for me in my home. You happily gave me the space to run my home. You will push me out of the house to make friends with other married women and you also went further to make connections for me to network with other married women. You gave me words of wisdom on how to run my home which are still useful today. You were there for me when I had my first child and played the role of a sister and mum. I still remember that very first pepper soup for a nursing mother that you prepared for me!!  You stood by us as a family and defended our course at all times. I remember whenever we visited Cameron you will go all out to ensure that we are comfortable and you will not miss an opportunity to organize surprise parties for us and with your love for cooking you will cook outstanding dishes for us

Aunty Edith, as human beings we had our family moments, but  that did not take away the love we had for each other. I still cannot believe I am living in a world where you do not exist somewhere. While you lie in peaceful sleep
the numerous fond memories we have of you will keep us for ever

We can only draw our strength form the following scriptures: Psalm116:15: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants. Philippians 1:21-23: For me, living is Christ and dying is gain. Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me; and I don’t know which one I should choose. I am pressured by both. I have the desire to depart and be with Christ—which is far better.

May your soul rest in prefect peace
The following poem seems appropriate as we reflect on your departure
The Final Flight
Author anonymous

Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free,
I’m following the path God laid for me.
I took his hand when I heard his call,
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
To cook laugh, to love, to work, to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I’ve found that peace at the end of the day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, yes, these things too I will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My Life’s been full, I savoured much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, He set me free.

Prof Madeleine Fombad
University of South Africa Pretoria
September 30, 2019
September 30, 2019
             A Tribute to my beloved sister : Afor
         What a crushing blow on 15 September 2019!

There are simply no words that can convey and express my shock and devastation when I was told on that fateful and unforgettable Sunday morning of 15 September 2019 that my dearest beloved sister Afor Edith, whom I fondly called Afor, was no more.

Afor; the separation is so sudden, the shock so profound that I feel so empty and irreparably scarred by your sudden departure.
Just like the parable of the “thief in the night,” (Matthew 24:32-44), the angel of death visited you at a time when one least expected it.
Afor, those who know us know that you had a very special place in my heart like no other person. You were not just a younger, sister and a friend but also a confidante. It is not an accident that I and I alone in the family have persisted in calling you Afor

Growing up as siblings, we played, laughed and had many wonderful times
I remember just over 20 years ago, when I was about to leave Cameroon to take up what I thought was a temporal appointment at the University of Botswana. You strongly advised me against leaving my young family behind. It turned out to be an excellent piece of advice that could only have come from a caring person.

I accompanied you to Nyen -Mbengwi  as your confidant  when your husband came to ask for your hand in marriage and formally introduced him to the family.

For many years, we stood by each other; supported and encouraged each other. This was again evidenced by the support we gave you when your mother-in-law passed away last year.
Distance, time, and life’s trials and temptations may have diminished the intensity of the love, affection and special bond that tied us to each other, but it was always there.
I was hoping that we will have time to talk about the intricacies of this life but it was not to be.

Afor, you blessed us all with your friendship, love, affection and attention. You unselfishly gave us all your very best, but some took it all and for too long for granted.
Afor, we will forever remember and cherish all those happy moments
My dearest Afor; An angel came and took you by the hand, and said your place was ready in heaven, far above.
The thought that we are beginning a new phase of life in our earthly journey without you makes it difficult for us to hold back our tears.
If God says the time has come for you to sleep, who are we to question His wisdom?
As He declares in Isaiah 55; 8-9, His ways are not our ways and His thought are not our thoughts.
Furthermore we are consoled by the amazing testimony in Philippians 1.21 that, “to live is Christ, to die is gain.”

You’ve earned your sleep; you've work very hard;
Go and rest my beloved Afor
Greetings to Papa and Mammi, and all the others
And though you’ve walked through Heaven’s gate,
we’re never far apart,
for every time I think of you
you’re right here, deep within my heart
Go in perfect peace and may God keep you until we meet again in eternity
Your love will endure in our hearts and we will eternally keep this

The words of this poem are particularly apt at this sad moment:

Poem of Life

By an Unknown Author

Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what’s to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay…
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey’s quicker,
For some the journey’s slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We’ll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the Lord.

Afor, rest in perfect peace: Amen.

Professor Charles Manga Fombad,
Institute for International and Comparative law in Africa
Faculty of Law
University of Pretoria,
South Africa
30 September 2019.

September 30, 2019
September 30, 2019
O death, where is your sting? By faith you've made a victorious entry into eternal life. My big and strong sis! As strong as a baobab tree, yes very strong both in thought and action.You have fallen and gone to a place of no return.

Mathew 25:13 says we should keep watch for we know not the day nor the time. How could we have imagined that your time was at hand? After speaking with you several times on Friday, I was looking forward to giving you a ring again on Sunday morning so that you could bid Bryan farewell as planned. Instead you got back to me first... this is shocking news. Chai Sis! This is too much to bear. O Lord teach us how short life is, so that we may become wise and behave as you desire.

You've been a mentor from my childhood to adulthood. I've tried to place my steps only on your footprints. You placed such value in education, that I can still remember how you used to take me along to school before I was even old enough to study. Back home you would carry me on a bicycle and I'd end up each day with bruised knees, and you would say "Asia, get up, you have to be strong!"

As an adult, with each step took you made sure that I followed. I went with you almost everywhere as you taught me how to be strong, even to the extent that you bid me to accompany you to the labour room for the delivery of your child! God! I vividly remember how hard it was to part with you when the time came for me to return to Bamenda. And now you have gone much farther, to a place where I cannot follow. Life is but a dream, we are toiling in vain, fading away like roses. Just a glance and all is gone.

My questions are many and unanswered but one thing is sure, you were ready when the bridegroom came. Greet Papa, Mami, Obi, Ni John and Ma Flo. You will always be remembered for what you've done. Till we meet, Sis, Adieu!
September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019
A tribute to my beloved Sister

Its two weeks today  that I woke up to the devastating news on the awful morning of 15 September that you have gone to eternal sleep.It is so hard to understand it. It’s still like a bad dream.

Thinking about you now takes me down memory lane several decades ago when we were growing up as children spending countless hours together. Together we played games, hung out together, shared our secrets and worst fears and stayed up late into the night chatting. We shared a bedroom for many years and even though at times it caused disagreements, we had lots of fun and memories of which still lingers in my mind as if it was yesterday. We laughed during the good times and cried during the bad ones.

You enjoyed cooking and loved to entertain. Each time I visited you in Yaoundé, there was always so much to eat; and so much to talk about. Each time I called, we would spend hours talking about everything under the sun.

There was nothing that I would not do for you and nothing that you would not do for me. Although  like most siblings’ we had our moments,  with our own set of friends and our own set of goals for our lives, that still didn't change the fact that we were sisters with inseparable bond

When I spoke to you on Thursday before the dreadful Sunday, you were up and about and busy at work ,and I never could have imagined that the end was near and that I will not speak or see you again ? You left too soon and only God knows why and how it happened. I honestly lack words! My heart bleeds!

I will keep and cherish until eternity, the memories of the wonderful and happy times we had. I will always grieve and remember you, it is only by holding dear all of those precious memories of how we lived and the glorious times we had that I will be able to cope with your sudden departure

May God forgive me for questioning His decision but the pain is so deep and unbearable. My little consolation comes from Job 1:21 “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

Heavenly Father may you give us the courage to accept and bear this Journey of no return without much pain!
Greetings to our mum and dad
May your soul rest in perfect peace until we meet to part no more.

The following poem dedicated to you reflects the depth of my sorrow at losing a beloved sister. Gone, but you will never be forgotten.
Lose You
By Adriana
Never thought I’d lose you,
But here I am,
Standing alone,
Without you by my side,
We’re sisters for life,
We promised,
But now you’re gone,
I don’t know what to do,
Without you,
I’m going crazy,
I’m trying to hold on,
To keep strong,
But it just doesn’t feel right,
I’m waiting here,
My arms wide open,
Tears running down my face,
Ready for your return,
Even if it takes forever,
My sister…

Your dearest sister,
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