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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Edna Mackey, 85 years old, born on March 15, 1931, and passed away on March 1, 2017. We will remember her forever.
June 2
June 2
Hi Momma, well I am still battling cancer again. this has been horrendous pain. things are not so good here and momma I don't think I can do this again, it's too much pain and everything. I can't handle this pain again. i hope I at least have a few more years before it comes back . i just want God to heal me, I am weak momma, I need you and I miss you so much!
May 12
May 12
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY IN HEAVEN MOMMA! I miss you so much! you were the greatest momma ever, you taught me everything I know . you had so much compassion for everyone. thank you for being my mom! what a day to be in heaven! i love you momma!
May 8
Mother's day is coming up and I am missing you so much. It's so hard on Mother's day without you being here! i miss you and love you so much! you were the best momma ever and I am so blessed you were my momma!
April 16
April 16
March 29
March 29
hi Momma, I guess you know I have cancer again. ughh but I do have Chloe with me for now and that makes my heart happy hat she is here, of course I cant go into detail here but I know that you know what's going on. we love you momma! I'll talk to you later today!
March 1
March 1
it's been 7 years today momma! i miss you so much, I wish you were here, there is so much I want to tell you. I love you momma and life has never gotten easier, it's worse. I just wish I coould hear your voice one more time.
January 3
January 3
hi momma. well it's 2024 now and wow. i miss you so much, so many people are joining you. i love you mom. doug fell and is in bad shape. please watch over him. please watch over us. Chloe is such a beautiful grown up young lady.. i miss you momma so much. momma evans is with you now give her hugs for me please. i love you momma
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
ohh momma how I need you! trust has been broken and my heart is shattered! I need you so much. God please let me see my momma!
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
hi momma, well it finally rained and i was out in it just like me and you used to do. i sure mss yu. my floor is supposed to be getting done but now its on hold and im so sad I dont think its ever gonna get done
August 9, 2023
August 9, 2023
hi momma, well i am cancer free! the surgery worked. i miss you momma. i had a thought of when you i made coffee today with cream. i started to cry cause i know how you loved cream in your coffee~! i really miss you momma! i love you so much
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
hI MOMMA, WELL I KNOW YOU KNOW MY CANCER SURGERY IS COMING UP, IM REALLY SCARED. I finally found out what you were looking at when you passed. Im sorry it took me so long but i sure broke down today. things are rough here momma. i miss you and i love you
March 1, 2023
March 1, 2023
well 6 years ago today you got your wings momma! I am so thankful you no longer suffer in pain. this world is a terrible place momma, I am so glad you do not have to live in it. i miss you so so so much momma,.. I need you too!..please watch over us momma. i love you
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
Hi momma, well I have heart issues going on now, seems to be serious so I will be seeig dr soon as i get bk home to pensacola. Momma I know its from that covris short jab!.. anyway the cancer is rough, the pain is terrible and i hate taking all these meds.. i wish you were here but yet im glad yu dont have to live in this world we live in now. uyou wouldnt believe how high things are and how much people are killing each other, and the suicide rate its awful! i miss you momma and I love you
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
HERE i AM AGAIN MOMMA. I just wish you were here..we need help and we can't get help at all. i seriously am not gonna fight this cancer, we cant get help and so im not gonna put my family in further debt. we will be in tyhe dak soon momma. I will be with you soon momma, this cancer will bring me home to you. I love you momma . see you soon!
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Happy new year in heaven momma! I miss you so much! Momma I saw the light iin my sleep 3 times the other night, was that you momma?? I love you momma. I wish you were here with me.
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
Merry Christmas momma! this is so hard every year! I miss you so much. I know you know I found my bio dad and my brother. hope to meet brother soon. i suppose you know I have Cancer again and it's not good this time. I miss you so much I wish yu were here with me to help me fight this. I may be joining you soon and although I miss you so much I don't think I'm ready to leave everyone here.I know it will be absolutely perfect in heaven and I will be with you again, it's just so hard momma. I love you so much and I miss you more than you can ever imagine. you are always in my heart and on my mind. I wish you could have stayed longer! What's t like up there momma?? I bet being with Jesus is the best ever .. I know you are no longer hurting momma. Merry Christmas in heaven momma! I love you.
October 8, 2022
October 8, 2022
Hi mom, so much going on and so much stress. i wish you were here. I need to talk to you .. i love you momma i miss you so much!
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
Hi momma, well tomorrow is the day, we are hoping God will bless us big tomorrow so we can get out of here.. Momma I guess you know I found my bio dad and I have a brother too and a couple more sisters. I sure wish I had known more momma. I miss you so very much and I love you beyond anything in this world. Momma Doug is really sick too. will you watch over him and make sure he is well. love you momma!
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
hi momma, sitting here missing you like crazy! i love you so much. e are trying to get out of here.. momma we need help out here to get our yard and house in order. mostly the outside from the hurricane last year.. its a mess. but no help here momma. not even churchs will help!
July 7, 2022
July 7, 2022
I MISSSSSSS YOU MOMMA SOOOOO MUCH!> everyone seems to be dying so fast. I know Junebug left us, and just so many momma.. i love you and miss you
June 4, 2022
June 4, 2022
Ohhhhhh momma I neeeeeed youuuuu .. I really need you. this is too hard anymore! I love you momma!
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
It's been 5 years today momma! It seems like yesterday at times, and other times it seems like forever. there has been so much happening in this world momma, so much hate, so much just awful things. I am so glad you are with Jesus and not having to live with this mess and in this awful place. I love you so much momma and I'll never be the same. I hope you are proud of us as we live this world without you! .. tell daddy I love him too and miss him so much.
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas Momma! I know you are celebrating Jesus birthday with Him! i miss you so so so much! this is one of the worst years ever! just wanna give up momma, I am tired! I love you so very much and Christmas without you is unbearable. i love you and miss you ..
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
HI MOMMA, I MISS YOU SO MUCH! IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN, i SURE WISH YOU WERE HERE. I wish God would call me home, SO i CAN SEE YOU AGAIN and be with you and Jesus! I am tired momma I just can't do this anymore. If you were here you would know exactly what to do, what to say, and give the biggest hug to make it all better. Momma when you left me, I died with you. things will never be the same again. So much has happened since you left, each year t gets worse... i miss you momma I love you MERRY CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN MOMMA.. IM SO LONELY AND SAD!
August 3, 2021
August 3, 2021
Hi momma, I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote here. I miss you so very much, you were my everything. I wish you were here , you would know what t do . we are having such a hard time, and no one to help us. oh momma so many people have left us the last 9 months. i would give anything to hear your voice one more time, to hold you one more time, to let you know how much I love you.. plz hug Jesus for me.. until we meet again momma I love you
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
HELLO MOMMA, i SURE ,ISS YOU SO VERY MUCH! WELL, IT'S YOUR FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR, i KNOW YOU ARE WITH JESUS, THE BEST PLACE TO BE AT THIS TIME! It has been a terrible year momma, I had heart attack in Oct. which I am sure you know and Tony is having health issues. we miss you so very much.It never gets easier without you momma. I so wish you were here but then again the world has turned into an evil place so I am glad you are safe in the arms of Jesus!. I wish I could talk to you I had so much to say momma, I hope I was a good daughter, I wish I would have done some things different, I feel like maybe I didn't spend enough time by your side, but yet I did. ohh momma I love you and miss you so much! until I see you again, always know how much you mean to me and how much I love you!
October 22, 2020
October 22, 2020
Hi momma, i know you are having a wonderful time with Jesus! I had a heart issue and had t have some stents put in. I sure do miss you so much and love you so very much. Things will never be the same without you here, part of me died when you went to heaven. you were the best woman in the world, my very best friend, my everything. please keep watching over us momma, we miss you.. I need you so much. I want to go to see sissy in Omaha, but money won't allow it right now. the heart issue was a wake up call, now there is so much I want to do cause never know when God will call me home. I love you momma so so so so so much and there are no words to say how much I miss you!
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020
Happy mothers day in heaven Momma I love you and miss you so much! wish you were here with us.
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020
Happy birthday in heaven momma. i know it was yesterday but as i'm sure you know up in heaven what's going on down here. people are scared cause they don't believe in God. i love you momma and miss you so much! I'm not scared momma cause I know God is gonna take care of us! He loves us! hope you had a great birthday with Jesus! miss you so much!
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Well momma, it was 3 years ago today that you went to heaven. i am still heartbroken and life hasnt been the same. i love you so much and im missing you badly. i hope you know how much you are loved and missed. you were my world and i feel so lost without you here. i know you are with Jesus and daddy but I miss you so much momma!
February 1, 2020
February 1, 2020
hello momma, today is one of them days where I just can't get myself together! I wish you were here or that I could be there with you. i need you so bad and I miss you so much. momma the world today is a horrible place, you would be so shocked at things these days. I know we had rough times so many of them momma but I tried and you tried, the selfishness in this world is awful, no one cars about no one and no one helps anyone. I love you momma and I am so happy you are safe with Jesus and daddy and all our family and friends. I can't wait to see you again momma! I am so lonely here! have a blessed day momma I love you and miss you so much!
December 28, 2019
December 28, 2019
hi momma, I know you had a great Christmas with Jesus! we spent it with Debbie and Chloe! we sure miss you momma!! we went to Florida for a few days! Junebug isn't doing well momma, he is in ICU. please ask God to heal him! also momma Uncle Carl has cancer but he is doing good with his treatment! I sure miss you so much momma, Christmas is the hardest but I am so thankful Debbie was able yo be here with us this year! ohhh momma we miss you more than anything! I love you!
November 25, 2019
November 25, 2019
well momma, it has been one tough year and I miss you more and more. it just doesn't get any easier. I know you ar e pain free and happy with Jesus Christ and I m so thankful for that,but it doesn't stop the hurt for me. It's the holidays and it is so hard without you. I know you used to love th cooking up a storm and I know Jesus loves your cooking. I know you are happy with Aunt Nevelyn now and seeing ad beig with Lucky. we all miss you so much.Chloe makes songs about you all the time. she misses her granny! Tony has been very sick momma and I a so worried about him, please ask Jesus to make him better! I love you momma, thank you for everything and for loving me , i miss you more than you could ever imagine! happy thanksgiving momma!
September 3, 2019
September 3, 2019
i miss you so much momma, i love you! i need you!
April 24, 2019
April 24, 2019
Hi momma, I sure need you! I know you know everything goig on, i have squamous cell/non small cell lung cancer. I am not scared momma, i Know God will heal me. I just am upset that Tony,Debbie,Chloe and Doug and Ronda and Barb all have to know and see this. Momma I know you will be right there in the operating room with me and God and all the doctors. momma I know God is healing me and that this surgery will be all I need, I just know it. I have gotten closer to God too and it is amazing. I sure wish I had your arms around me and could feel your touch. I dont even dream about you and that bothers me so much. I wish I could see you or hear you or something. I love you momma and tell daddy I love him and thank him for raising me as his own. I love you momma. I found one of my Aunts from my bio dads side. she is the sweetest person ever. I am gonna go meet her face to face someday soon. i love you momma i miss you and I need you.. tell Jesus thank you for answering my prayers and I knwo He will cotinue to make me better!
April 9, 2019
April 9, 2019
Hi momma, well I know you know that on Thursday the 4th my world was turned upside down. I have lung cancer. I wish you were here i need your strength, your compassion, your guidance, i need you!. Momma can you talk to Jesus and ask Him to make this disappear please. Momma i know God will heal me, I just dont want Chloe and sissy and Tony and Doug and Eva all having to go through this.Chloe is so broken and Doug he is silent he is hurting!.Momma ask Jesus to please remove this. I have so much faith and I was just thinking maybe you could ask him for me! I have so many people praying and this is so much on Tony, he works so hard and this is costing already! I don't want a lot of strain on him! anyway momma, I guess Aunt Nevelyn is there now and I know you are talking away! I hope to make her service tomorrow in Pensacola! i love you momma so much!
April 9, 2019
April 9, 2019
hi momma, I sure wish you were here. I just got back from seeing sissy, we had a great time.Momma im really scared about this biopsy and I wish you were here i need you strength and wisdom. Momma things are not so well right now. Edna love is pregnant and Tony says he is keeping all the dogs when she has babies. Momma I can't do it we already have 5 and I just can't do more. he would rather me leave then to sale or give away the pups. well now i feel so bad, I'm not worthy of his love, I guess. I should have known.I just am so very hurt that I don't mean as much as his dogs. i love the dogs don't get me wrong but I just can't do anymore pups, we do not have room and it's just not good momma. How could he feel this way about me, I thought he loved me more than anything maybe except his babies. i love you momma plz come back.
March 22, 2019
March 22, 2019
Hello momma, well your birthday has passed and I made it through, it wasn't easy.Momma I sure wish you were here I need you so bad. I guess you know about my diagnosis,I am so scared. I know if you were here you could help me calm down and you would calm my fears! mOMMA COULD YOU TALK TO JESUS AND ASK HIM TO HEAL ME, BLESS ME WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. i WILL NEVER EVER SMOKE AGAIN! Momma I have never been so scared, I know you are with me in spirit but ohh how i wish i could hold you and be in yur arms. Momma, I don't want to die , I have so much to do here, I want to spread the word of God to everyone, I want to help the homeless, I want to do so much. I want to watch Chloe grow up. so Momma if ya could ask Jesus to take away this mass and let me be well. I love you momma so much..give Jesus a hug for me. i miss you momma and i love you, you will forever be in my heart!
March 1, 2019
March 1, 2019
Hi Momma , well today is the day 2 years ago that you got your wings, i miss you so much momma! the pain is so deep and my life has changed. i need you so much, i need your strength and your smile. i need to feel your arms around me telling me everything will be ok. this is a day i wish never happened i know you are with Jesus and pain free and with daddy, but im selfish momma i need you so bad. my heart is forever shattered and in pieces, i can never repair it until im in heaven with you. you were my bestfrind, my rock, my everything. this is so hard momma.. i love you!
February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
Hi Momma, gosh i miss you so very bad. It's coming up 2 years since God gave you your wings.. I miss you and I need you momma. I just do not know how to deal with you being gone. I have tried so hard momma. i haven't seen sissy in almost 2 years either. I miss all of us. Things will never be the same again momma. Tony is the best and I am so thankful for him. He loves you and misses you too. I just wish I could have one more day with you and tell you everything i never got to say.I got you a elephant stuffed animal for valentines day, i hope you saw it. Chloe misses you so much too momma. she is growing so fast! ohhh momma I wish you was here!
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas in heaven momma! today was a hard day as I'm missing you so much. I have my mil and your sweet baby girl Chloe here! we love you so much and miss you so much.I sure wish you could come back for Christmas one more time, so i could tell you how very much I miss you and how much I love you. I need you so much momma.I know you are with Jesus and there is no better place to be, but it still doesn't stop my heart from hurting. I am still so lost without you. please tell daddy i love him and miss him too!. Momma thank you for raising me correctly, the world today is such a sad place. I wish sissy could have been here but im hoping to go see her next year some how. Momma i can't evemn put into words my emotions as the heart is broken and I dont know how to keep living without you,but I am gonna try. I have an amazing husbnd and you never have to worry about me. I just miss you momma more than you know.Merry Christmas momma. hugs and kisses .. i love you~!
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018
hello Momma, i gotta tell you these holidays are so hard for me. I miss you so much, my heart is still brroken.Momma Gwynn is with you now too please tell her to watch ovr Barbara, she is broken. Momma I wish i had some kind of sign from you, i don't even dream of you and that hurts me so bad. I need you so bad momma. i love you i hope you knew you were my world!
November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018
I miss you. I hope that you are with Dad I know that I loved you very much and you are truly missed by all. I hope that you get to meet my sweet baby Courtney in heaven love and miss all of you very much love always petite c wells
November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018
Hello Momma, im sitting here for the last 2 days just can't get a grip, I am missing you so much. It's holiday time again and I am just not in it this year! I need you so bad .I found my bio dad and his family momma, I also found your naame before you were adioted. Oh how I wish you were here. You were the MOST AMAZING WOMAN ON EARTH. i AM SO BLESSED YOU ARE MY Momma! I ned you so much, nothing is the same and it never will be! I love you momma, see you in Heaven!
October 12, 2018
October 12, 2018
HI MOMMA, IM SITTING HERE THINKING OF YOU AND MISSING YOU SO DARN MUCH. I found my bio dad's family and my Aunt Ann and cousin Rene have been so kind to me. We talk all the time and i got pictures of my dad and grandma and granpa and great grandma. I sure wish you were here momma, i have so many questions.I miss you, my life hasn't been the same and I still don't know how to make it without you. i love you momma and i miss you so much!
September 3, 2018
September 3, 2018
hi momma, i miss you so very much. i need you right now more than ever. things haven't been too good lately and my life feels so lost and empty. wish you could come back pain free for a day and talk to me. im all alone and i need you so much. my heart hurts so much.
July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018
Hi momma, it's been a bit., but that doesn't mean i don't love you and miss you more than you know. Chloe went to church with me today, she sees you all the times. she says you are next to her every where we go. she makes songs for you all the time.i hope you hear them.
I finally got approved for disability momma sure with you were here. nothing has been the same since you left, i just don't feel right. Tony loves me and takes good care of me for sure. he works so hard. i miss you so much im sorry i just can't stop crying. i love you momma i miss you i need you
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Happy Mother's day in heaven momma! i love you and miss you so much.. this has been a hard day for me, ny heart is so broken . we got you some yellow and red roses with a balloon i hiope you saw them and liked them. momma it's really hard to be living without you. i can't wait until it's time for me to come and be with Jesus and you. Momma I finally quit smoking! i did it! I know you would be so proud! oh momma i need you so bad.. Momma i wish I could see you in my dreams i wish i could talk to you!. I love you momma.i really really miss you. Thank you for loving me momma and for making me who I am today!. I am trying to be strong but it really is hard, i wish i had stayed in the room with you that night, i wish i would have said more,. i hope you know how very much I love you and miss you. I would have given my life to save you momma. Im glad you are with Jesus even though my heart is broken you are no longer in pain and im thankful for that. I know I'm selfish momma but i still need you so much! than you for being the best momma in the world!
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
hi momma, it's been a bit. i sure miss you. i sure wish you were here I really need to her your voice and feel your arms around me..momma i love you so much. i hope you know how much and that i did the best i could. i still wish i had stayed in the room with you that night, at least for a few more hours, my heart hurts so bad. momma i never wanted you to die alone and you were alone in the bedroom. God forgive me. momma you will always be my rock and Chloe misses you too. she cries a lot and she doesn't want me to talk about you poor baby just can't deal with it but she loves you.momma i wish i could see you in my dreams, i wish i could feel you next to me. momma it is so hard here without you, part of me died with you momma and nothing will ever be the same. Gosh momma this is really real;ly hard i need you so much! MOMMA I KNOW YOU ARE PAIN FEE AND NO MORE WORRIES, I JUST WISH YOU COULD COME BACK PAIN FREE AND LIVE TO 106 LIKE YOU SAID .mooma my heart is so broken, yhis is too much for me.
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June 2
June 2
Hi Momma, well I am still battling cancer again. this has been horrendous pain. things are not so good here and momma I don't think I can do this again, it's too much pain and everything. I can't handle this pain again. i hope I at least have a few more years before it comes back . i just want God to heal me, I am weak momma, I need you and I miss you so much!
May 12
May 12
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY IN HEAVEN MOMMA! I miss you so much! you were the greatest momma ever, you taught me everything I know . you had so much compassion for everyone. thank you for being my mom! what a day to be in heaven! i love you momma!
May 8
Mother's day is coming up and I am missing you so much. It's so hard on Mother's day without you being here! i miss you and love you so much! you were the best momma ever and I am so blessed you were my momma!
Recent stories
October 2, 2018

hello momma, well i finally did it momma! I found your bio mom and dad and something with your name finally!  and momma I believe i found my bio dad too! momma im so excited i found a record of you,. i remember you always told me  before you were found abandoned your nsme eas Edna Earl... close momma i found you!  ohhh I wish you were here. I miss you more than you could ever know!       the only thing is your a year older than what they have on your amended birth certificate, but momma i did it!   Edner Earl Buddy

 in the 1930 United States Federal Census

Name:Edner Earl BuddyBirth Year:abt 1930Gender:FemaleRace:WhiteBirthplace:AlabamaMarital Status:SingleRelation to Head of House:DaughterHome in 1930:Grant, Coffee, Alabama, USAMap of Home:View MapStreet address:Bell Mill and Bellwood Road.House Number:24Dwelling Number:41Family Number:39Attended School:NoFather's Birthplace:AlabamaMother's Birthplace:AlabamaHousehold Members:NameAgeAlbert Buddy22Lillie Merl Buddy17Edner Earl Buddy0

September 9, 2017

hi momma, well today i put your ashes in a new place, i hope yopu like it,it has  your favorite bible verse Psalms 23, its so beautiful just like you. i sure miss you so very really sick right now, sure wish you were here  so i could lay my head on your lap..Tony misses you too so muc, and Chloe she has a tough time too. thank you for coming to visit us. you are so beautiful when you fly up to the fence. momma the world has changed so much worse, there is so much hate now. Texas had a horrible hurricane, Florida is getting the worst one now and  i beliuev 4 states are on fire.. I know God is coming soon what a glorius day that will be. i get to see you  again.I will never let you go. I never knew losing you would hurt so much, it's like I can't breathe. mothing is the same anymore. my world went dark. i hope you forgive me for not being in the room with you when you passed, i jnew i should have stayed  and slept holding you,i didnt wwant you to die alone, eben though i was in another room, you were alone. im so sorry mommma...i know momma stop crying but i just can't momma. you were my world, the silence is deafening, God i miss you so much.Tony and i got our wedding pictures and i got a specail one for you since you never got to see me in the dress

August 8, 2017

MOMMA, this is sohard  trying on my gown without you by my side! i know you would be so happy and smiling so big.this is so hard momma so hard. please come back!

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