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A Birthday at the Beach

April 28
Yesterday would have been my Dad's 75th birthday. Just imagining him as a grandpa is weird, but I know he would've loved spending time with Willow, especially on a day like yesterday.

Dan, Willow and I all celebrated his birthday - and the good weather - with a trip to the beach. The sun was shining. No clouds in the sky. And it was warm enough that someone even got in the water. We walked along the beach in Nahant and laughed and remembered our wedding week that we spent there. Willow loved it. She was smiling the entire time. My Dad would've loved it, too. No fishing involved, but being anywhere there was sand always made him happy. We ended up back home with Texas Roadhouse takeout and a Coors Light, both of which have become a tradition on days like this.

Even though it's been a little more than seven years since my Dad passed away, we still get reminders that he's here with us. Yesterday, thinking about him at the beach, we reminded Willow that he's watching over her every night - his picture sits above her crib. And last week on a work trip to Detroit for the NFL Draft, I met someone who played on the defensive line for him while he coached at Stevenson. His impact extended so far.

He's definitely somewhere still watching over us, somewhere with his feet in the sand and a beer in his hand. Happy birthday, Dad! Love you!

Willow Hope

January 29
What an amazing five (and change) months it's been with Willow Hope. Just last night, Dan and I were imaging what my Dad would've been like with her. (He would've been great!) Throughout the last five months, he's constantly been on my mind and I know he's watching down over us and her - literally. We still have a poster board that members of his old Dickinson teams put together in tribute to him. It's hanging directly over Willow's crib. I can only hope to be as good a father to her as he was to me.

We've already done a few things to help Willow know him, and remember him. The most memorable was over Thanksgiving break. The entire family, and both babies, all went to Delaware to stay at my Mom's place in Bethany Beach. On that trip, we finally got the chance to sprinkle some of my Dad's ashes along the beach - something we've been wanting to do for a long time. It was in Lewes, at the beach he used to frequent. He'd go there to chat up the locals, to assess the waves. But mostly, he'd go there to fish. Willow was there and even if she might not remember it, I will, and we have the pictures to show her someday. We left my Dad a bottle of Coors Light to keep him warm.

The past two nights, Dan and I have drank Coors Lights, eaten Texas Roadhouse, and written on this site, done all the small things that have become tradition every year on the dates of his passing and his birthday. It never gets old. Someday soon, we'll be able to do the same things and include Willow in them, and I can't wait.

New Beginnings

June 19, 2023
What an amazing year it's been. Job promotions. Weddings. Honeymoons to Aruba, and then to Italy. Babies on the way. Perhaps a home we'll call our own. I missed Father's Day here by 24 hours, but it wasn't because of a lack of things to share.

At our wedding last August, there were certainly moments where I wished my Dad had been there, like when I saw his sign tied to the empty seat in the front row or when the music started and we needed someone on the dance floor to get the night going. He would've had so much fun. But I feel his presence even more now because we have a baby on the way.

My Dad did so much for us when we were growing up. He worked so hard, splitting time between family and his job, the type of job that required him to be always on, all the time. I understood that even at a young age. And yet, he always found time to make us chocolate chip pancakes or take us to church or sit down to watch a game with us or drop us off at friend's houses. In the best of times, he spoiled us, played jokes on us, made us laugh and smile. Later on, living with him in Baltimore, my Dad and I became best friends, too.

Now as Dan and I get closer to the birth of our baby girl this August, I wish even more that my Dad could be around to meet her and share this moment with us. I know he is watching down over us, and I can't wait to share stories of him with our daughter as she grows up. He taught me so many lessons. I just hope I can live up to them all. Happy Father's Day, Dad!

A Football Life

April 30, 2023
Well, I missed my Dad's birthday. This past week would've been his 74th birthday, and I've made it a point to always come to this site and share a story on one of three dates every year - the day of his passing, his birthday and Father's Day. Unfortunately, I missed it this year, even if I had a (somewhat) good reason.

Growing up, I never knew if my Dad was disappointed I wasn't playing football. Everyone else was. I can't say how many times I've gotten the question from people I've worked with, people I've gone to school with. Wait, your Dad coached college football for more than three decades and you didn't play? They'd stare at me with this incredulous look, just utter confusion. My explanation was always that playing football meant I couldn't be playing basketball, and if I was planning to play basketball every month of every year, well, that just didn't leave much time for anything else. Looking back, I'll always say I wish I'd given football a real try. I was around the game enough. I knew the sport, could speak on the game in a way that only the son of a football coach could. Who knows what might've happened had I tried? Even though my Dad always supported me, some small part of me thinks he secretly wished I'd played. That was his game and it could've been mine, too.

Over the years, not much changed. Even in my career, my basketball connection took me to different cities, different jobs, different industries. But in early 2022, I got the news that I'd be helping lead a unique team tasked with launching football for New Balance. That team spent the better part of a year leading up to that launch, and on April 27, we were in Kansas City for the NFL Draft, hosting an event on the ground and releasing our very first apparel collection alongside Chase Young, a star defensive end for the Washington Commanders. It was an amazing feeling, an accomplishment that still hasn't hit home yet. How much work went into it. How much frustration. How many hours. How many phone calls. I only wished I could've shared it with the one man I know would've appreciated it. My Dad. 

I'm convinced this all happened for a reason, how my career has seemingly come full circle, taking me back to the place it all started. And even if he isn't here anymore with me, he's still here, somewhere, and we finally have something in football that we can share together. Love you, Dad! Hope the birthday was filled with Coors Light and some time by the beach!

A Wedding

January 28, 2023
It has been six years now since my Dad passed away. I've missed him for each of those, but this one was especially unique. He would've loved it. This past August, Dan and I got married on the beach - one of my Dad's favorite places. We had the drinks flowing, the DJ was playing, and the dance floor was jumping all night long. We had family together that we hadn't seen in years and at the end of the night, we all went down to the rocks and had a nightcap. We couldn't have asked for much more from our wedding. It was just about perfect. The only way it could've been better was if my Dad was there to celebrate it with us. His friends and my Mom - they always used to joke that you couldn't start the party until Sweens arrived. He was a real socializer, someone who knew how to have fun. He was famous for hosting parties at the condo complex he lived in down in Lewes, Delaware, and while I was living with him in Owings Mills after I finished up school, it seemed like every week, we'd be hosting somebody for something, even if we had to use odds and ends for chairs. (That living room took a beating.) Even long before that, some of my favorite memories as a kid back in Carlisle were house parties at the Gilroys, most of which my Dad kept going late into the night with his closest friends. He could bond and have a good time with just about anyone. The day of our wedding, Dan surprised me with a seat saved for him. There were a few times - about the only moments all day where I wasn't being pulled in one direction or another - when I had the chance to stop and take it all in. Seeing that seat, that empty seat, I knew he was there with us, watching, in spirit. No one sat in that seat all day long, but I'm convinced it was never empty. To this day, even six years later, I still have moments where I'll stop and imagine Dad watching me from across the room. We'll give each other a nod, smile, and each raise our glass. At our wedding, I never had to do that. I knew he was there with us. I just wish he could've met Dan. They would've loved each other. I love you and miss you, Dad! Here's to keeping you with us through all the memories to come!

A Good Sign

April 27, 2022
Today would have been Dad's 73rd birthday! That feels weird to even think about. I guess we're all getting old. Tonight, we had a long Zoom call with Kaitlin and the rest of the fam to celebrate her birthday (and yours) and we shared a few laughs over memories of you. Dan and I brought home our traditional dinner for you - Texas Roadhouse with the rolls and a Coors Light. You can't get much better than that! I wish you were here but I know you're watching over all of us. I know that because today I got some good news at work and it reminded me of you. I've worked in marketing for almost 5 years now up in Boston and have touched basically every sport there is: tennis, soccer, running, basketball, baseball. Everything. The one sport I haven't? Football. (American football.) Getting told this opportunity could be coming my way, to have that happen on your birthday, when I hadn't the slightest sense that it could be happening, there's no way that was not a sign. No matter what happens with it, or where it goes, I'll always know that. Love you and miss you! Hope you are enjoying the beach!

Football Saturdays

January 28, 2022
Today marks five years since my Dad passed away and while it feels like so long ago – the pandemic has destroyed any reliable sense of time – there are still so many moments that sit so fresh in my mind. And tonight during our annual trip to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, my Mom surprised Dan, Callie and I with dozens of old photos. Dad with his family. Dad partying. Dad at his wedding. And Dad with his teams. Oh, there were so many football photos. All my life, Dad was a coach and everywhere he went, I followed. I spent so many afternoons, weekend mornings, and late nights with my Dad at his office. I loved it. Every year, every team, every season, I’d find time to quiz him about everything that was going on. Who was growing into a stud. Which players my Dad was most excited for. Who was struggling with injuries or grades or their weight. When I was in elementary school, I used to keep stats, recreate my Dad’s players on Sega, help my Dad turn his projector slides into computer files. For a few years in Frostburg, I was even a ball boy, a job I was never all that good at. It was a fall tradition, attending every one of my Dad’s Saturday home games. However, once I entered high school, that started to change. I wanted weekends to myself and my Dad got a job at Mount Ida in the Boston area, about 45 minutes from where we lived. It wasn’t easy. That’s why I’m so happy I got the chance to attend a bunch of his games at Stevenson in Baltimore. I was older. I could tailgate. Saturdays nights after wins were all the more memorable. I appreciated things more – now that I was no longer a 16-year-old looking for any excuse to bail on the fam. I’d give just about anything to have a few of those Saturdays back again. Tomorrow, Saturday, we’re about to get hit with a monster snowstorm up here in Boston. I can’t help but think it would’ve made for some perfect college football weather. Love you and miss you, Dad!

Late Night Parties

April 27, 2021
Today would've been my Dad's 72nd birthday. Crazy to think how fast time is going, especially during a pandemic that never seems to end. Not being able to have too many get-togethers with family and friends makes me really cherish the times we do get together - like this past weekend when Kaitlin was in town and we were all together - but also miss the times we used to have with the Gilroys and Haupts back in Carlisle and in all the years after that when we would come back and visit. Mary, Hubert and Mike sent over a couple of funny photos from some New Year's Eve parties they had. Even though I wasn't there - I think this was after I left Baltimore and moved to Hoboken - I still laugh thinking about it. My Dad and the Gilroys and Haupts had not all been together for a while and they turned up that night. They stayed up late into the night and had a little too much to drink. There's a photo of my Dad around somewhere that we'll have to track down for a good laugh. Thinking back on it, wherever I was at in New York, they were probably up later than me! That house in Carlisle was and will always be so full of memories of all of us together. We were like all one big family, even if we weren't. Miss you, Dad, and love you! Happy birthday! Dan and I are having our tradition of Texas Roadhouse and some Coors Lights to toast you. Hope you are doing the same!

Family Friends

January 28, 2021
We had a special day celebrating my Dad's life today. Had a Zoom call with the family. Ordered Texas Roadhouse and feasted on some rolls. And had some Coors Lights. I also found a great picture that I didn't realize I had from a trip back to Carlisle to see some family friends. This was from high school if I remember right. I think we made a trip down so that my Dad could bike the MD canal. The Gilroys and Haupts have been close family friends for as long as I can remember - since I was a little kid. We had so many great times celebrating and partying together - birthday parties, long weekend reunions, NYE parties, football games. I have lots of vivid memories of all of those times over the years, and especially when my Dad and I both lived in Baltimore. We were so close to Carlisle that we got the chance to go back and visit all the time. Every visit to Carlisle was a party, an event, and being in this pandemic makes me miss those times all the more, my Dad with some of his best friends in Hubert and Mike, me with some of my best friends in Chris and Zach. Miss you, Dad, and love you and I know that everyone is missing you these days and missing those late-night parties. Love you!


January 28, 2021
As a return to this website (4 years since Ed's passing), I feel so grateful and guilty at the same time. I am grateful for 4 more years and the memories that I still have to write this. Yet, feel sadness for all the moments that Sweens would have absolutely cherished with Kaitlin, Sean, and Callie. Life is so short and I am grateful for Sweens and my marriage, and the love that our children have for their Dad.  They never forget this day, and how he was taken from them too early.  Their love for one another and now, with their significant others is also a demonstration of his love.  If you read this today or any day, take a moment to remember.. Sween's love for the beach, football, beer, friends, and family (not always necessarily in that order!), and smile.  God bless you, Sweens.

Dinner Nights

June 21, 2020
My Dad always loved a good meal. Whether it was cooking at home - Saturday morning pancakes or crab cakes or panini sandwiches - he was a guy who just loved making food for everyone else. I think he made my lunch every day through high school - it was weird once I was going away to college and not having that anymore.

I definitely had my favorites over the years. I had so many that I even forgot about some - Danielle just found out that linguine and clam sauce was my favorite food for most of my childhood. That was one of my Dad's favorites, too.

But, once in a while, we did go out for food. He had some favorites spots over the years - Coyote Cafe in Buffalo when we would visit my Grandpa is one that I remember vividly, although it was probably more the kids' favorite than anything else. But my Dad was always most comfortable I think in a sports bar, and when we lived together in Owings Mills, we went to plenty of those. Hightops. Greene Turtle. Texas Roadhouse. He made friends really easily and often knew everyone's stories after just a few visits. Typical Saturday afternoon when he wasn't working: we'd head to a sports bar somewhere for a couple of light beers and some food. I miss those days.

Love you, Dad, and Happy Father's Day! We'll be celebrating your life tonight - Callie, Danielle, Andrew and I at Texas Roadhouse right up the street in Everett. It's become a sort of tradition for us ever since we moved back to Boston - the Coors Light and the rolls remind me of you. Love you and miss you!

Birthday Parties

April 27, 2020
Today is my Dad's 71st birthday - and my sister's 36th. Dad and I had a lot of great memories together on all of the birthday parties that he threw growing up, but it was actually one of the ones we shared together on my birthday when we both lived in Baltimore that I remember best. I think it was my first one that I had living with him in Baltimore and since I didn't know many people in the area at the time, my Dad invited all of his football coaches over to celebrate. We got 3 or 4 coolers of Coors Light and he cooked like 8 different servings of appetizers for everyone. Seafood. Meats. Snacks. He was getting so angry because the oven wasn't working right and cooking all the way through, and whenever someone would say something he would lose his mind. It was pretty funny. Later in the night, we were all sitting together in the living room and he actually sat on an antique table and snapped the glass underneath him. Pretty funny - that was a good call for us to close up the party and call it a night. It might've been my birthday but it showed how my Dad always went out of his way to celebrate everyone else around him. Love you Dad and miss you! Happy birthday!


January 28, 2020
Hey Dad,

It's been 3 years since you passed away and this year was especially weird because Kobe Bryant also just passed away in a tragic helicopter accident. Obviously, I loved Kobe growing up, all the way until he retired just a few years ago, and it made me think about how many basketball games we watched together. All of the Christmas games. All of the Friday night games after basketball, always getting a foot-long sub and a full pizza. All of the times you used to ask me if I thought Kobe was better than Jordan. I remember when the Lakers lost to the Spurs as they were trying to win their 4th straight championship and you were there while I was crying. I remember when I moved in with you in Baltimore and was writing about the games every night and we'd watch them together in the living room, literally 7-8 pm at night until midnight, every night, eating dinner in front of the TV.

We all still miss you. To celebrate your life, Dan and I went to Texas Roadhouse the other night and also got some Coors Light. (I'm drinking another one now while I write this.) She asked if that was a place we always went to and I told her, no. We'd really only been there a few times together, but I just remember when you first moved to Delaware, there was one right next to your apartment complex and you were so excited to take me there when I first came to visit. The rolls! You said. You gotta get the rolls! Those are still the best rolls I've ever had.

Wish you were here to share these Coors Lights with us. We love and miss you and we think about you all the time! Hopefully you guys made room for Kobe up there! I know you're still watching over us!

Love, Sean

The Party Host

April 28, 2019

Hey Dad,

Been thinking about you a lot this weekend on what would've been your 70th birthday. Miss you so much. Kaitlin shared a saved voicemail she has from you from what must've been one of your first weekends in retirement down in Lewes, Delaware. You had helped host a get-together party for people in the complex and had to bring out your patented pina coladas. Always a fun time! They weren't always good (Sometimes they had a little too much alcohol in them haha) but they were always a great talking point. We still talk about the alcoholic smoothies you made us all one time that Kaitlin and Chris were in town.

Missing you. Love you and know you're still watching over all of us.

Love, Sean

Dad's Birthday Gift

April 28, 2018

Hi all,

Once again I wanted to thank everyone for their support and generosity through the GoFundMe account that we started last year. I know my Dad would have told all of you not to worry about it (hah) but I think he would be happy knowing all of this is going to support the football program at Dickinson, a place he loved and enjoyed great success at.

It's amazing to know that along with the help of all of his friends and family, we'll be donating close to $6,000 to Dickinson on what would have been his 69th birthday.

Please stay in touch and know my Dad is always watching down over us!



January 28, 2018

It's been one year since you passed away and I still think about you every day. Today to celebrate your life, Danielle and I made paninis for lunch like we always used to in Owings Mills. Then, we hung up a picture on my wall that some of your former Dickinson players made for us. Later, we're going to make salmon for dinner like we used to and probably go get a Coors Light at the Alehouse.

You only had the chance to come visit me in Hoboken a few times, but one of the most fun days was spending a Sunday with you at Alehouse watching football. We got pitchers of Coors Light and ordered food (pretty sure it was tacos) off the food truck that always came by. We were there pretty much all day because every other place was so packed!

Love you and miss you and I know you're watching over us now.

Happy birthday, Dad!

April 28, 2017

I wish you could've been here for this one. I know you would've enjoyed it as you always did. It would've been the big 6-8! Dad was infamous for his funny birthday and holiday gifts to us...they were never exactly what we would've liked but they were so funny that in the end, we always understood what he was doing: a good gift is something you might enjoy for a year or two, but a great gift, his gifts, were ones you'll remember for the rest of your life.

My Dad never put together big birthday or Christmas lists so we'd always end up struggling to try to find him something to get. He'd only want the simple things. Almost every year on his birthday, I always remember getting him gift cards to places on the Internet so he could buy old CDs that weren't in stock anymore or VHS movies. And every year, a few months later, I'd come visit and he'd still have the gift cards there, waiting for us to come so we could go online and get him something since he hated ordering anything on the computer. I'll miss that part of his birthdays, and not being able to do that with him anymore.

Happy birthday, Dad. Even though you aren't here to celebrate with us, we went out in Hoboken and had a fun time that I know you would've loved if you were here!

Freddie Lopez

April 27, 2017

Sween's dry creative sense of  humor lives on in fond memory. One of my favorite memories is when Eddie took on the persona he created to entertain friends, typically at a happy hour, when he was kicking back. Freddie Lopez was the fun loving mayor of Barcelona which was where Sweens  imagination would share hilarious stories about how he ran his Spanish City. Never coming out of character, he would darn a Sombrero and entertain everyone with a "Saturday Night. Live comedic brilliance " . Whether it was a tale about the economy of his city or a Mexican hat dance  he just wanted to keep everyone happy with his respectful whimsical charm, it was consistently hysterical! 

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

February 20, 2017

My Dad was famous for his chocolate chip pancakes among myself and my friends. Growing up, he'd make them almost every weekend and we'd often get mounds of them for breakfast. Even after he passed away, I still have friends telling me that one of the first things they remember about my Dad were these pancakes.

The last time I got to spend some quality time with Dad was during Thanksgiving this year, and on the last morning that I was there, he brought out the chocolate chip and pancake mix. The first plate I got had 6 of them. I started eating and didn't pay any attention and soon enough, Dad had whipped up another plate of 6 for me. I had to laugh because when I was a little kid, I would've eaten 20 of them without a complaint. But now I know I shouldn't be doing that at 30 years old. I had to tell him not to make me anymore, that although I loved them I shouldn't be eating that many chocolate chip pancakes! We laughed about it, and then ate them all!

The Pool Man

February 9, 2017

I am not the best story teller but nothing was as fun as the memory of Sweens being the "pool man".  We were living in Danvers, MA and we had a pool in our backyard.  The kids were taking movies of one another and of the dog around the pool when all of a sudden, the "poolman" appeared (aka Sweens)!  He was dressed in a cape and shorts. Yelling at the dog to get out of his way, he cannonballed into the pool!  And we got it all on video! What a clown Dad was. (Outrageously funny film to follow... as soon as we can find it!)

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