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Kids and friends

January 18, 2018

It was great to be around Ed with Peggy, Cynthia & Lisa.  He was always joking and laughing, and he was your buddy.
Joe Deeny 


January 18, 2018

Front row, left to right, Cynthia, Peggy and Ed just over her shoulder.  I probably should remember some of the others but it's been a long time.  I knew Cynthia at the University of Minnesota and I was a housemate with her, Peggy & Ed in the Yunghe section of Taipei.  There were great 24 hour dou jiang places there, get it warm with sugar or spices, with the pastry xiao bing and you tiao.  Great after a night out. 
We played bridge and needed the rule book, of course, Goren's book on bridge.  When two nice young men in white shirts and ties, Mormon missionaries, came knocking on the door to talk, they asked if we had a bible in the house.  Ed replied, "yes, we have Goren." 
Joe Deeny 


January 18, 2018

It was almost a shock to see this photo, after 40+ years!  I remember these folks, of course Ed, but also especially Catherine, and Dennis, is it?  Ed was such a good, friendly guy that people were attracted to him.  I always felt I was either laughing or about ready to.
Thank you Cynthia so much for sharing these photos.
Joe Deeny  


January 17, 2018

Think this was his first job in Berkeley after moving from Taiwan..

January 15, 2018

In the 70's Ed was teaching English to a Taiwanese actress and ended up as an extra on her movie, 800 Heroes, now considered a classic historical film. Family and friends were also recruited as seen here with Dennis P behind Ed. Lisa and I were watching on the side in our peasant costumes. 

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