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Happy to have visited you

May 11, 2020
All my visits to the USA, I haven't ever had time to visit you but got to see you severally in occasions around the USA.  Thankfully to God Almighty,  I visited you and aunty Feb 21, 2020. We ate together, drank together and you even made fun while drinking your Corona beer saying it would keep you away from the monstrous COVID-19!!! What a world!!!
You were a very gentle person never intruding in people's personal life but would advise so good if brought into an issue!!
You worried about your home in kimar that had been invaded and destroyed by the crisis.  You wished so much to visit home... God planned differently and wished you meet Him. Who are we to question? 
Go well and greetings to your brother my dad whom you loved so much!!!
RIP uncle

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