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Share a special moment from ELDER KOLAWOLE's life.

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Goodnight Pa Kolawole

June 23, 2022
We give glory to God for the life of Baba.

He was a very quiet and season child of God.  In his old age, he never missed Sunday School every Sunday.  He fully participated in the questions and answers session of the class.

He is also the host of one of our House Fellowship Class.  He served God till the end.  

We appreciate God for a life well spent in the Lord.

Till we meet again on the resurrection morning 


Pst. Rotimi Alade Thomas

June 23, 2022
I will Always Miss u my baba  we live together for many years  we eat together  as Time   u encourage me to get married when you is time for me to a move .  Infact I don't know what to  write now  but  know I that  u has fight a good of fight of Faith . How wish  I could hold your breath cos of knowledge there is still more things I want to learn from you  but I will build on the little one have gotten for u  I miss you baba   u are the best  uncle have ever know .  The importance is that u saw Jesus before u death . Daddy  sleep on  still we on the resurrection morning  I  love you but  Jesus Christ love you more 

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