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June 11
June 11
To a family that has suffered more loss than most in such a short time. Prayers for strength and understanding hearts from me and mine to you and yours. I know Elexis wouldn't want you to be sad for long ...may her memories guide you back to happy times very soon....
June 11
June 11
Elexis...I'm always late, so I'm sure you wouldn't expect anything any different today. I just heard the horrible more pain, no more fear, only freedom, and beautiful things just like you. You were a rare species. You had a way with words, an optimistic and positive energy, and beautiful inside and out. The world lost alot the day you had to leave. Prayers for your family and babies as I know you loved them all very much. You probably haven't let go of bubba's neck yet! Love ya chic! Save me a high and free angel.... I'll see you when I get there...
April 19
April 19
There are no words to fill the emptiness of you being gone!!! I miss you everyday and I love you. I am extremely blessed to have you as a friend (sister)... You will never be forgotten! Thank you for being my friend. It's been an honor having you as a friend...
Elexas Piety
April 19
April 19
This is a letter Elexas wrote and asked me to hold onto...

If could have a conversation with the girl I used to be, I would take the time to talk to her for hours, because I know she never had that. I would speak to her much kinder than she speaks to herself, tell her all the things she tells herself aren’t true, that her fears are real and valid, but don’t define her. I would tell her to take more chances, step out of that comfort zone, because one day it will become a prison. I would let her know that she matters, she has a place in this world, that her dreams are worth chasing, and it’s okay to put herself first. I would tell her she can’t save everyone but she can save herself, that it’s not too late, it’s never too late. I would make sure she knows not to confuse her fears with her intuition, that most of her fears are rooted in stepping out of her comfort zone and that’s what holds her back from so much. I would tell her when she comes to that one path she’s scared to take, take it, take it with both hands, your whole heart, just take it. Take all the chances, do all the things that scare you, and if you ever think you’re losing your voice, raise it, if you ever feel like you’re losing yourself, don’t stop until you find her again. I would tell her, if you ever find yourself at a crossroads of staying or leaving, pick the one that scares you the most right now, and don’t look back. To the girl I used to be: you are worth all of your dreams, but no one else can chase those for you. You deserve the life you think about; don’t ever settle for less. All the time you spend existing, doesn’t come back to you. Go Live. You are not meant to be caged. You are wild, beautiful, and free to do whatever you want. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t just write the story you want, live it, babe, become it. You are going to make it out of there one day, be patient with yourself, give yourself a little grace. We make it in the end. We make it.
Karen Piety
April 16
April 16
Her blonde hair shines in the sun others like her there is none her smile is bright as gold oh the story she is told she left us all way too soon she left a sad and Blue but her memories we will view as happy times she is due let go let peace and calm be with you and never forget what she means to you
By Tysan Fowler

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