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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Elizabeth Agbim, 82, born on November 19, 1934 and passed away on March 29, 2017. We will remember her forever.

March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
May your beautiful soul continue to rest in peace Ma. Your sweet memory lives on
March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021
May your beautiful soul continue to rest with God Almighty. Amen
March 27, 2020
March 27, 2020
I never even got to know my grandmother..
November 19, 2019
November 19, 2019
May you enjoy your day with God and all the Angels in heaven. Amen
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
We share in your grief as you mourn the passing of your mum and grandmother. She has lived a wonderful life, raised wonderful children and grandchildren. She loved God and humanity. Cared so much for her family and the needy. As you mourn her exit from this world, be assured that the heavens have gained a sweet angel. Hold on tight to the legacy she left with you. We will keep you all in our prayer. May her soul rest peacefully with the Lord. Amen.
Prince and Mrs Ndy Oparaoji. Maryland USA.
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
The life and challenges of motherhood is cherishable. Mama, I spoke to you a day before you died and you assured me that everything was fine, little did I know, that you had made up your mind to leave us. I will always miss you.Ugo -1, you did not leave gold and silver for us, but you left a legacy to behold. You taught us the love of God.You always placed other people before yourself.You always believed that it was more glorifying to give than to receive. This was the reason, why you never saw it as a burden to care and provide for everyone, your husband , siblings, children, grandchildren and extended relatives. Ugo-1 ,your life on mother Earth was a blessing to us; your memory a treasure to behold; you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measures.
UgoI , I know that you are resting in the peaceful arms of the Lord and we will all take your memory, wherever we go. Your daughter, Clara Ify Ozueh
April 24, 2017
It was late in the night of March 29th that loud crying shots, sighs and sobs, from Uju, your daughter, alerted everyone in the house o your transition to eternity. Before then, we became aware of your hospitalization when Uju joined you on your treatment trip to India and we had been praying fervently for your early recovery. The sad news of your death, like the deaths of many relatives and friends since 2015, when we last saw and talked to you, only reminds us, mortals, that there is a time for everything-time for birth and time for death.

  "The world", as Shakespeare pointed out, "is like a stage", into which human beings merely make entries; play their parts and exit from it. It was in the process of playing your part in this world of ours, that we initially get to know each other. Our first acquaintances was in "sub stage" of prayer meetings-meetings in "Ada Jesus Prayer Group"; meetings in the Association of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; and meetings in group-trips to Awhum Monastry of Blessed Iwene Tansi Memorial. Another "sub stage" of your performance, with which we associated, was in the area of fashion design. You were talented in the designing and production of fashionable women dresses.

  Lady Elizabeth, you came into the world; and played outstanding roles that touched the lives of numerous people. In particular, your prayerful disposition will be greatly missed. Our consolation rests in our strong belief that you are now resting eternally in the bossom of the Lord and that your children, particularly Uju, follow your footsteps of a deeply prayerful life style.

  May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace Ichie and Lolo C.V.O Okpalla

  For the family.
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
May your blessed soul rest in peace. I remember your cheerful self very well from years back. We take solace in the fact that u are in a better place after a life well spent. God will give u all the fortitude to bear the loss. Please accept our sincerest condolences.
April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
I was so saddened by the news of your death, this is an irreplaceable loss. You had such a kind heart, patience, perseverance, wisdom and above all prayerful, characteristics worthy of emulation. A mother whose generosity knows no bounds, whose sense of purpose and faith in God are unprecedented. You taught me many things in life and most importantly how to pray the rosary fervently. My conviction and consolation is that you're peacefully in a better place.
Adieu Ugo!!
April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
It is very difficult and undesirable for me to sit down and write a tribute to you, I'm still in great grief and dismay as I will not see you again. Granny I can still remember the last time I spoke to you on phone the day before you left us, asking you how you were, little did I know that it would be the last time I would speak to you. Granny you took me as your daughter you were like a mother to me. I really miss your absence,you lived a life worth emulating, an honest, exemplary Christian life in all ramifications,you were a woman of peace, hard work, sincere selflessness. May your gentle soul, through the special mercy of God, rest in the bosom of our Lord. Amen.                 
Adieu granny!
Adieu Ugo!
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
On hearing the passing away of you(Granny), It was really like an arrow shut to my very face.. I was dumbfounded for some minutes... I couldn't cope up with the shock... Because what baffles me most is I did speak with you on phone on 28th night around 8pm, all you told me was that you will be seen by the doctors in the morning.. I did ask if you are able to move around by yourself... ,You replied yes with all confidence, I was really happy and told you I will call in the morning to know how it all went.. Little did I know it's gonna be my last conversation with you... I did cry on hearing the bad news., I consoled myself later on.. What I really know is you left more like a saint... A philanthropist, stands for the truth, you did dedicate most of your time praising God... Always watching father mbaka's worship songs, Adoration video clips..., A God sent indeed, your really a disciplinarian... Funny at times... We really can't question God because he knows the best, but to me I really loved your company and was all thinking am going to make you much happy someday... It's really bitter that you were taken at this very moment, but he who brought you, has taken you.. We should all console ourselves, because a heroine left our midst.. May your gentle soul rest in the bossom of the lord..                  
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
I'm still in great grief and shock , it was just like a dream, I know death is inevitable but I least expected it now. You were more than a mother to me, you cautioned me when I did wrong things, gave me the best advice I needed, in order to survive in life and most importantly taught me how to pray. You were really caring to the core and love nothing but peace. You cultured me in a way that I'll never forget. Grandma your demise has created a large vacuum which no one can fill. Though as I mourn, I still take solace in the Lord that you're already resting in peace in the bosom of our heavenly Father.
Adieu grandma
Adieu Ugo
Till we meet to part no more.
                         EZEAMII PATRA CHISOM
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
This beautiful strong woman,an epitome of beauty,was not only my grandmother but my best friend and my mother. By my mother,I mean,for sixteen years which is how long I've lived,I spent it under her roof,so yes,she's my mother. It's so painful and hard to believe that you've gone but what keeps me going is that I know you're going to a much better place where you will be happier because you left your footprints on the sands of time. I'll miss those times in Nigeria when ull scold me for coming home late,want me to stop wearing heels because it will affect me when I get old,lol,wake me up by 5am in the morning,call all your grandkids for night prayers,look at the stars and even share chicken,lol, you did right by us. You were a mother to all hu came to you for help,we'll forever keep you in our hearts. I guess this is where I draw the curtains because,there's a lot more to say about you but if I start I wont finish. I love you so much,May your soul rest in perfect peace.Amen.
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
What is that, that troubles your mind, what is that, that distance you from your God, that makes you cry and weep? Bring them to Christ. Mom i love you . You are more than a mother to me , words can not describe our relationship . A mother to many orphans, widows, beggars on the street , priests, Azi-Nne , Ugo one, Nne Oma, Lizzy, Noble Lady, mother to all a mother to my 5 kids , I can not imagine how I could have trained my kids with out your help , you gave them all it takes to be God fearing and also the importance of education , even those who are brought to help you in the house u made sure they went to private schools . Ezi Nne . Chai ! I know you left so that my burden on earth will be less , to make sure that all my prayers reaches Christ fast knowing that now you are in his bosom .Jesus I thank you for my mom ,Jesus I love you for making her part of my life . Mom you thought me how to do cooperate work of mercy , seek for it even , always seeking for people to help most of all making sure that the church looks beautiful . The ulta well decorated  With nice floral arrangement . ( Uju ejem uka tata alike-rum flower di na ulta , akpagom that lady na atubata flower from Dubi ka odebelum the the best vase and flowers) A lot are weeping for her death but Christ said weep no more praise me for her transition . Mather and Mary's faith, and the death of Lazarus moved Jesus. This is to show us that Christ is Man and a friend. He was moved by love and on acting, acted as God. Jesus is love, ever willing to act, evermore willing to show his might. But often times we exhibit but little faith. He knows the best for us all . Stop crying, stop weeping, stop complaining. Christ is love and he is God and good at all times . Your daughter, Uju Okpagu
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
The life and challenges of motherhood is cherishable. Mama, I spoke to you a day before you died and you assured me that everything was fine, little did I know, that you had made up your mind to leave us. I will always miss you. Ugo -1, you left a legacy to behold. You taught us the love of God.You always placed other people before yourself.You always believed that it was more glorifying to give than to receive. This was the reason, why you never saw it as a burden to care and provide for everyone, your husband , siblings, children, grandchildren and extended relatives. Ugo-1, your life on mother Earth was a blessing to us; your memory a treasure to behold; you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measures.
Ugo-1, I know that you are resting in the peaceful arms of the Lord and we will all take your memory, wherever we go. Your daughter, Clara Ozueh
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
"Mom death have separated you from me on this earth, but you still remain my mother. You sowed prayer seed for me. You thought me how to pray, how to share wealth with the needy. Thank you for teaching me how to give to the poor rather than being selfish. I will continue to pray to you, while you pray for me. Love you ❤️ ❤️ "
Dr. Emenike Agbim
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
Mom, day and night may pass and fade,but memories of you will always you were so special to us from birth till the day you departed. May God continue to keep you safe,bless you and rest in perfect peace .Amen.
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
On the morning of March 29 th at 1.09am, my mom called me crying..she could barely speak, she just kept crying and calling my name...I knew in my hearts of hearts that the worst had happened! My dad took the phone from her and said grandma is dead! I was left in shock, i dreaded seeing this day.

I spoke with you the day before you passed, you said "Brittany, how are you, how is my Nonso(twice), how is Okwy. I said we are all well, how are you? You said you were fine. I asked, grandma do you need anything, you said no. I told you to take care, and I'll call you tomorrow" not knowing that was the last time we would speak. I'll forever keep that calm and subtle voice in my heart.

I lived with my grandma in Enugu Nigeria for 9 years. I always tell people that the best thing my parents did for I and my siblings was sending us to Nigeria to learn the culture. Not just that, but sending us to my grandma to mold us! I wouldn't be half the woman I am today if not for her, I wouldn't have been principled and disciplined if not for her. I owe everything I am today to her. My grandmother lived a good life, she lived a prayful life, she lived a blessed's so unfortunate she left us to soon..but it's OK because I no she is resting in peace, and she is where God wants her to be...

The painful truth is that no man would live each day like it's your last, love freely, give freely, stay humble despite all you've achieved, be at peace at all times, pray often, at the end of the day, we are all dust, and to dust we shall return.

With tears in my eyes, RIP to the greatest woman I've known. Ugodiya, Ugo one! We love, and we'll miss you dearly!
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
The news of the demise of my aunt Mrs Elizabeth Igweego Agbim came to me with a shock.She was a very hard working disciplinarian who inculcated a high level of discipline and love of God to her children and others around her.Only God knows why she is called home at this time.
My prayer is that God will give the family the fortitude to bear her loss and that her soul may be accepted in the bosom of the Lord.
Dr.Reginald Ogelue Anyichie
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
Grandma what can I say ? You were the absolute best . I try not to think about you not being on this earth anymore because it truly brings tears to my eyes whenever I think about you . But now I know you are in our hearts . I was so privileged to know you . I thank God that YOU were my grandmother because you were the very best . I will never forget all the memories we had. Like how we would sit outside eating orange or any fruit you bought, look at the stars and sing praises to God. I still remember that song you thought me "akwa Jesus kweru na enu obeh" it's actually one of my favorite songs. How you called me "Lady C!" , never missed my or my siblings school events in Nigeria . You were always there to support. I remember I told God that if anything was to happen to you I wanted to see you one more time and he granted me that request . I know you are with him now. My hero. You have left this world but grandma you will forever live in my heart and in the hearts of those you have impacted greatly . Ugo 1. I love you so much ❤Till next time

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Recent Tributes
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
May your beautiful soul continue to rest in peace Ma. Your sweet memory lives on
March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021
May your beautiful soul continue to rest with God Almighty. Amen
Recent stories
April 2, 2017

my beautiful mother in-law

You are the mother that welcomed me into the family when I got married to your first son. Thank you for all the things you have done for us. Thank you for rasing your son to be a wonderful husband and father to his children. Though you are no longer on earth, but your eyes watches over us your children. Mom I love you forever.

Love you forever grandma.

April 1, 2017

On the morning of March 29 th at 1.09am, my mom called me crying..she could barely speak, she just kept crying and calling my name...I knew in my hearts of hearts that the worst had happened! My dad took the phone from her and said grandma is dead! I was left in shock, i dreaded seeing this day.

I spoke with you the day before you passed, you said "Brittany, how are you, how is my Nonso(twice), how is Okwy. I said we are all well, how are you? You said you were fine. I asked, grandma do you need anything, you said no. I told you to take care, and I'll call you tomorrow" not knowing that was the last time we would speak. I'll forever keep that calm and subtle voice in my heart.

I lived with my grandma in Enugu Nigeria for 9 years. I always tell people that the best thing my parents did for I and my siblings was sending us to Nigeria to learn the culture. Not just that, but sending us to my grandma to mold us! I wouldn't be half the woman I am today if not for her, I wouldn't have been principled and disciplined if not for her. I owe everything I am today to her. My grandmother lived a good life, she lived a prayful life, she lived a blessed's so unfortunate she left us to soon..but it's OK because I no she is resting in peace, and she is where God wants her to be...

The painful truth is that no man would live each day like it's your last, love freely, give freely, stay humble despite all you've achieved, be at peace at all times, pray often, at the end of the day, we are all dust, and to dust we shall return.

With tears in my eyes, RIP to the greatest woman I've known. Ugodiya, Ugo one! We love, and we'll miss you dearly!

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