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January 16, 2017

Eric Dawson has been an integral part of our family, ever since he married our cousin, Betty.  Shortly thereafter, despite his busy schedule, he traveled to Port-au- Prince, Haiti to participate in my dad's fuineral (Eugene Ferdinand). Following that period of time, he developed a deep and enriching relationship with my mom, Marie Clara Ferdinand and she truly considered him as a son.  When she passed, he traveled from Virginia to St. Thomas to actively participate in her funeral services. Then several years later, when my brother-in-law died, he became a surrogate father to my nephews, Rodney and Eugene. A role he took very seriously until his passing.  He always remain in touch offering pearls of wisdom and continuous moral support.  My sister, Armelle and I will truly miss him for he was an "anchor" for our family. I know that his spirit continues to live in each one of us who was inspired by him and cherished him.  Rest in peace, our beloved faithful cousin, for you have indeed earn your rest, for a life so well lived!!!!!  Au Revoir and God bless you until we meet again.

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